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Provision of Financial Assistance to Statistical Development Projects for CY 1992

NSCB Resolution No. 4
Series of 1992


WHEREAS, the National Statistical Coordination Board (NSCB) continues to provide technical and financial assistance to agencies in the implementation of statistical development projects per NSCB Resolution No. 1 (s. 1988);

WHEREAS, the NSCB budget for CY 1992 includes an amount of P2,950,000 (net of P50,000 reserve pursuant to AO 265) to cover grants-in-aid for the implementation of statistical development projects;

WHEREAS, under NSCB Resolution No. 2 dated 9 January 1992, P2,305,450 has been allocated for eighteen (18) projects;

WHEREAS, three (3) additional non-training project proposals received and screened by the Technical Staff have met the criteria and prioritization scheme approved by the NSCB Executive Board;

WHEREAS, the request for reconsideration of the Statistical Research and Training Center (SRTC) on the amounts allotted for three (3) training projects has been taken into account;

NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED AS IT IS HEREBY RESOLVED, that the Board approve the granting of financial assistance to the following six (6) additional statistical development projects:

Project Title Proponent Amount
A. Non-Training    
1. Establishment of Local Level Nutrition Surveillance System in the Philippines NNC P 134,114
2. Technical and Secretariat Services to the Regional Statistical Coordination Committees (RSCC) Operations RSCC P 50,000
3. Ensuring Comparability of the 1991 Trade Statistics Based on the Harmonized System of the Philippines and 1989 PSCC with the Series Based on the 1977 PSCC NSO P 50,000
Sub-Total, Non-Training Projects P 234,114
B. Training    
1. Statistical Appreciation Seminar Various Government Agencies P 132,486
2. Training for Trainors NSO, UP Stat Center , BAS, BLES, NSCB, SRTC P 204,600
3. Introduction to Statistics for Development Planning RDC XI P 73,350
Sub-Total, Training Projects P 410,436
Total, New Projects P 644,550

Approved thru a referendum this 17th day of March 1992.