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Creation of an Inter-Agency Committee on the National Health Accounts

NSCB Resolution No. 8
Series of 1995


WHEREAS, recent developments in the System of National Accounts (SNA) call for the implementation of the 1993 United Nations System of National Accounts (UNSNA);

WHEREAS, the United Nations Statistics Division and the Regional Commissions have underscored the importance of implementing the 1993 UNSNA;

WHEREAS, the Philippines has already started its 1993 SNA implementation program, the major activities of which will start only in 1996 and these will include the compilation of satellite accounts such as the coverage of national expenditure in various fields like the national expenditure on health;

WHEREAS, the national health accounts is a satellite account in the SNA that identifies all goods and services relating to the health care of the nation and determine the amount of money used to purchase these goods and services;

WHEREAS, the Department of Health supports the lodging of the National Health Accounts at the NSCB which is empowered to develop, prescribe and maintain appropriate frameworks for the improvement of statistical coordination;

WHEREAS, the NSCB shall institutionalize the compilation of the Philippine National Health Accounts starting in 1996;

WHEREAS, an Inter-Agency Committee on the National Health Accounts will be created as an interim arrangement to undertake the compilation of the Philippine National Health Accounts until its institutionalization at the NSCB;

NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED AS IT IS HEREBY RESOLVED, that the Board approve the recommendation of the NSCB-Technical Staff to create an Inter-Agency Committee on the National Health Accounts as an interim arrangement prior to the institutionalization of the national health accounts by the NSCB.

Approved this 29th day of September 1995.