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Approving the Policy Guidelines on the Establishment of Databanks on Small and Medium Enterprises Nationwide

NSCB Resolution No. 3
Series of 1996


WHEREAS, the establishment of databanks on small and medium enterprises with nationwide accessibility will enhance government’s policy formulation and support, as well as program implementation, monitoring and evaluation of the SME development activities;

WHEREAS, the Office of the President issued Memorandum Order No. 294 mandating the National Statistical Coordination Board (NSCB) to establish databanks on small and medium enterprises (SMEs) nationwide;

WHEREAS, the establishment and maintenance of databanks on SMEs require the cooperation and support of public and private entities;

WHEREAS, the NSCB is tasked to provide operational and policy direction in the establishment of SME databanks;

WHEREAS, in accordance with the above premises, the NSCB Technical Staff has recommended the policy guidelines that will govern the establishment of SME databanks;

NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED AS IT IS HEREBY RESOLVED, that the Board approve these guidelines for adoption by concerned agencies.

Approved this 5th day of February 1996.



In line with Malacañang Memorandum Order No. 294, mandating the National Statistical Coordination Board to establish Small and Medium Enterprises (SME) databanks nationwide, the following policy guidelines are hereby issued for the smooth implementation of the order and for the guidance of all concerned:

1. Establishment of Databanks

1.1 Databanks on SMEs shall be established nationwide in all NSO regional and provincial offices. The NSO regional offices shall administer regional SME databanks, with technical support provided by the NEDA regional offices, and the NSCB Regional Units (RUs) where they exist. Provincial databanks shall be administered by the NSO provincial offices under the direction of the regional offices.

1.2 Databanks for Regions 1 and 11 shall be operational not later than 31 December 1995.

1.3 Databanks for all other regions and provinces therein shall be operational by July 1997.

1.4 The Regional Statistical Coordination Committees (RSCCs) shall be consulted in the establishment of regional/provincial SME databanks.

2. Preparation of Action Plan/Program of Implementation

2.0 The NSO shall prepare an action plan for the establishment of regional and provincial SME databanks. Such plan shall include, among others, the data contents of said databanks, sources of information, and system of updating.

To ensure the relevance of the databanks to users in various fields, consultations may be made with concerned government agencies such as the Bureau of Internal Revenue (BIR)/DOF, Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC), Bureau of Small and Medium Business Development (BSMBD)/DTI, Bureau of Trade Regulation and Consumer Protection (BTRCP)/DTI, Bureau of Local Government Supervision (BLGS)/DILG, and the University of the Philippines Institute of Small Scale Industries (UPISSI). Non-government organizations concerned with small and medium enterprises may also be consulted.

3. Accessibility to Users

3.0 Regional/provincial SME Databanks shall be accessible to all users of the private and public sectors, including policy-making government bodies, local government units, academe and research institutions, trade associations, investors and non-government organizations. The NSO may charge data users a reasonable and just cost for access to the regional/provincial SME Databanks.

4. Publicity Campaign

4.0 The NEDA and NSO regional offices, as well as the NSCB RUs where they exist, shall provide sustained information dissemination on the availability and uses of the SME databanks. Assistance of local government entities such as the Philippine Information Agency (PIA), Department of Trade and Industry (DTI), etc., may be requested.

5. Reporting Requirements

5.0 The NSO, in consultation with NEDA regional offices, RSCCs and local SME organizations, shall regularly monitor, evaluate and ensure the responsiveness of SME databanks. Quarterly reports on the operation of databanks shall be submitted by the NSO to the NSCB one (1) month after the reference quarter. Semestral status reports shall be submitted by the NSCB to the Office of the President not later than three (3) months after the reference semester.