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Creating the Task Force on Fixed Capital Formation

NSCB Resolution No. 9
Series of 1996


WHEREAS, changing needs have spurred new practices and developments in the economy;

WHEREAS, these developments have defined new dimensions in accounting for gross fixed capital formation in construction and durable equipment;

WHEREAS, data limitations on these new developments could contribute to the undercoverage of these sectors in the system of national accounts;

WHEREAS, there is a need to review whether present data sources reflect and capture information useful in coming up with total investments in construction and durable equipment;

WHEREAS, convening a task force composed of representatives from the different concerned agencies has proved to be an effective strategy in responding to the questions and issues at hand;

NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED AS IT IS HEREBY RESOLVED, that the Executive Board approve the creation of a Task Force on Fixed Capital Formation to address the issues on the coverage of fixed capital formation due to new developments/practices.

Approved this 12th day of August 1996.