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Approving the Disaggregation of all Statistical Series to be Consistent with the Regional Groupings

NSCB Resolution No. 12
Series of 1996


WHEREAS, it is the policy of the Philippine Statistical System to encourage the production and dissemination of statistical data down to the LGU level;

WHEREAS, it is also the policy of the Philippine Statistical System that the NSCB shall designate the statistics with subnational disaggregation to be collected by the national agencies or by the local government or jointly by the national and local governments, and that technical assistance shall be provided to the LGUs in their statistical activities as provided for in Executive Order No. 135;

WHEREAS, while the Philippine Statistical System is working towards the provision of provincial disaggregations of statistical information, limited government resources do not allow the full implementation of this policy and thus most data are up to the regional level only;

WHEREAS, the creation of new regions further facilitates development efforts, and thus statistical data support should also be consistent with current regional groupings;

WHEREAS, current data disaggregations are at different stages of development, and thus not all series can immediately shift to the new regional groupings;

NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED AS IT IS HEREBY RESOLVED, that all statistical series shall be disaggregated to be consistent with the new regional groupings and other regions that may be created in the future. As an interim measure, the series shall maintain parallel disaggregation with the old regional classifications to maintain comparability with longitudinal data series until such time that provincial disaggregations can be made available for official statistics.

Approved this 12th day of August 1996.