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Approving the Retention of The Existing Compositions of Some Technical Committees, Inter-Agency Committees and Task Forces

NSCB Resolution No. 2
Series of 2006


WHEREAS, the National Statistical Coordination Board (NSCB) was created thru Executive Order No. 121 as the highest policy-making and coordinating body on statistical matters in the Philippine Statistical System;

WHEREAS, to help fulfill its mandate of policy-making and coordination, the NSCB Executive Board creates Technical Committees (TCs), Inter-Agency Committees (IACs) and Task Forces (TFs) to serve as mechanisms for coordination and perform, among others, the following functions:

  1. To serve as fora for the exchange of views and expertise to resolve technical issues and problems of statistical data users and producers;
  2. To recommend to the Board measures for improving the manner and form of reporting the statistics, including the techniques and methodologies employed in the production; and
  3. To recommend to the Board an efficient workable scheme for the allocation of agency responsibilities in the production of statistics.

WHEREAS, membership to IACs and TFs depends on agency sectoral concerns, while that of TCs requires individual expertise;

WHEREAS, to ensure: (1) enhanced effectiveness and efficiency of the TC/IAC/TF particularly in the performance of the functions for which they were created; (2) the needed expertise in the resolution of problems/issues at hand; (3) constant interaction and coordination among the member agencies and individual members; and (4) continuance of TC/IAC/TF-initiated activities, there is a need to reconstitute the membership of some of the TCs/IACs/TFs and to retain the existing compositions of the following TCs/IACs/TFs;

Technical Committee on Poverty Statistics
(Annex BR-02-2006-01)
Technical Committee on Price Statistics
(Annex BR-02-2006-02
Technical Committee on the Seasonal Adjustment of Philippine Time Series
(Annex BR-02-2006-03)
Technical Committee on Statistical Standards and Classifications
(Annex BR-02-2006-04)
Technical Committee on Survey Design
(Annex BR-02-2006-05)
Inter-Agency Committee on Agriculture, Fishery and Forestry Statistics
(Annex BR-02-2006-06)
Inter-Agency Committee on Education Statistics
(Annex BR-02-2006-07)
Inter-Agency Committee on Foreign Direct Investment Statistics
(Annex BR-02-2006-08)
Inter-Agency Committee on Gender Statistics
(Annex BR-02-2006-09)
Inter-Agency Committee on Health and Nutrition Statistics
(Annex BR-02-2006-10)
Inter-Agency Committee on Science and Technology Statistics
(Annex BR-02-2006-11)
Inter-Agency Committee on Tourism Statistics
(Annex BR-02-2006-12)
Task Force on the Measurement of Electronic Commerce
(Annex BR-02-2006-13)

NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED AS IT IS HEREBY RESOLVED, that the Board approve the retention of the existing compositions of the foregoing TCs/IAC/TFs for CY 2006.

Approved this 8th day of February 2006, in Pasig City.


Attested by:

Secretary General