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Approving the Methodology for the Generation of the Philippine Labor Index

NSCB Resolution No. 17
Series of 2006



WHEREAS, the promotion of full, decent and productive employment is part of the national strategy to reduce poverty;

WHEREAS, the Philippine Labor Index (PLI) is envisioned to serve as a guidepost for policy makers and labor administrators on the progress made towards attaining the goals of increasing employment opportunities, promoting decent work, and improving the productivity of people living in poverty;

WHEREAS, the Bureau of Labor and Employment Statistics (BLES) and the Institute for Labor Studies (ILS) have undertaken a project on the “Development of a Philippine Labor Index based on the Decent Work Framework” and have conducted series of consultations and workshops with stakeholders and data producers during the development of the PLI;

WHEREAS, the National Tripartite Advisory Committee (NTAC) on Decent Work, chaired by the Department of Labor and Employment (DOLE), has unanimously supported the generation of the PLI and its component indices as these can be used for gauging or validating the impact of the programs and projects identified in the National Plan of Action for Decent Work;

WHEREAS, the methodology for the generation of the PLI and its component indices was first evaluated by the Interagency Committee on Labor, Income and Productivity Statistics (IACLIPS) in its meeting held on 28 February 2005, and was reviewed and consequently endorsed by the Committee for approval on 09 June 2006;

NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED AS IT IS HEREBY RESOLVED, that the Board approve the methodology (Annex BR-17-2006-01) for the generation of the PLI and its component indices (Annex BR-17-2006-02);


  1. The Board enjoin the data source agencies (Annex BR-17-2006-02) to provide the data requirements of the PLI and other supporting data that will sharpen the analysis of the decent work status of the country;
  2. The DOLE undertake the following activities as part of the PSS-wide policy of institutionalizing new statistical indicators:
    1. Implementation of the PLI Action Plan (Annex BR-17-2006-03) in compliance with the government’s commitment to achieve the goals enunciated in the Philippine Decent Work Action Agenda for the Asian Decade of Decent Work (2006-2015) as declared by the International Labour Organization;
    2. Conduct of regional advocacy activities on the PLI to elicit its wider acceptance as a tool for measuring progress in decent work, to be undertaken jointly by BLES and ILS;
    3. Annual release of the PLI statistics, including its metadata in the BLES publications and web site, with the date of release to be announced/ posted in the DOLE web site;
    4. Annual release of the Decent Work Status Report containing the assessment of the country’s progress in decent work using the PLI indicators and other indicators of decent work, to be spearheaded by the ILS;  and
    5. Conduct of periodic review of the statistical indicators comprising the PLI for their continuing relevance and sensitivity to the labor market situation and its methodology, including the benchmarks set for each component indicator.

Approved this 22nd day of November 2006, in Pasig City.


Attested by:


Secretary General

Attachment Size
PDF Annex BR-17-2006-01 103.36 KB
PDF Annex BR-17-2006-02 96.23 KB
PDF Annex BR-17-2006-03 61.56 KB