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Adoption and Implementation of the Government Statistics Accessibility Program (G-SAP)

NSCB Resolution No. 10
Series of 1997


WHEREAS, the Philippine Statistical System, consisting of the major statistical agencies and all other government agencies engaged in statistical work, produces numerous kinds of statistical data as part of their primary or staff functions making the government bureaucracy a rich source of statistical information;

WHEREAS, statistical information is a strategic resource in the formulation of the appropriate policies, plans or decisions particularly in economic development and social reform in the country;

WHEREAS, information brings forth knowledge and power and therefore must be widely disseminated to empower the people and make our country competitive;

WHEREAS, the National Action Agenda for Productivity (NAAP) as approved by the President under EO 395 has mandated the establishment of one-stop shops and provision of fast access to government information and services and that the NSCB was designated as one of the lead agencies;

WHEREAS, the NSCB has developed through a project from 1993 to 1996, a National Statistical Information Center (NSIC) in various regions of the country as a one-stop mechanism of providing statistical information and services to the public;

WHEREAS, resource constraints/limitations of the NSCB and the statistical agencies have impeded a faster and larger scale of information dissemination to data users;

WHEREAS, the NSCB Technical Staff drafted an integrated Program of the PSS for making government statistical information and services more accessible to the data users; and

WHEREAS, the NSCB Technical Staff has conducted consultative meetings on the Program with data producers and users in the private and public sectors;

NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED AS IT IS HEREBY RESOLVED, that the Board approve the following: (1) Government Statistics Accessibility Program (G-SAP) for adoption by all government agencies engaged in the provision of statistical information and services; and (2) draft Executive Order on the G-SAP for submission to the Office of the President (attachments supplied).

BE IT RESOLVED FURTHER, that further consultations shall be made by the NSCB Technical Staff with the DBM on the appropriate guidelines for the establishment of the G-SAP Funding Mechanism/Statistical Development Fund as proposed under Par. 2.3 of the Program.

Approved this 29th day of October 1997.