The Philippine Standard Commodity Classification (PSCC) is a detailed classification of all traded commodities being used for statistical purposes. The existing PSCC is patterned from the ASEAN Harmonized Tariff Nomenclature (AHTN) that is based on the Harmonized Commodity Description and Coding System (HS) issued by the World Customs Organization (WCO).
The PSCC serves as a standard statistical nomenclature for economic analysis, investment purposes as well as for planning and policy formulation; and serves as a standard scheme on commodity groupings or classes necessary for maintaining continuity of existing series on trade statistics and for international comparability of the country’s trade statistics.
The 2022 PSCC provides a summary of commodity classification in each level as follow:
First level (Chapter) – Chapters are represented by first two digits
Second level (Heading) – Headings are represented by the first four digits
Third level (HS Subheading) – HS subheadings are represented by the first six digits
Fourth level (AHTN subheading) – AHTN subheadings are represented by the first eight digits
Fifth level (PSCC) – The 3-digit codes added to the eight-digit AHTN codes refer to the PSCC commodities that are not in one-to-one correspondence with the AHTN.
The 2022 PSCC was prepared by the Philippine Statistics Authority (PSA) technical staff and reviewed by the Technical Committee on Statistical Standards and Classifications (TCSSC) through its Technical Working Group on Commodity Classification (TWGComC).
The 2022 PSCC was approved by the PSA Board through Resolution No. 13 Series of 2022 “Approving and Adopting the 2022 Philippine Standard Commodity Classification”. It is envisioned that the adoption and use of the PSCC by concerned agencies will greatly enhance the coordination and integration of efforts towards improving the quality of trade statistics in the Philippine Statistical System (PSS). All government offices, agencies and instrumentalities are enjoined to adopt and use the PSCC.