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Pulong Gubat - Barangays
There are 9 barangays as of 30 April 2024
Municipality 10 Digit Code Correspondence Code Income Class Population(2020 Census)
Borol 2nd 0301402002 031402002 U 8,360
Borol 1st 0301402003 031402003 U 10,780
Dalig 0301402004 031402004 R 2,081
Longos 0301402005 031402005 R 2,711
Panginay 0301402007 031402007 U 13,992
Pulong Gubat 0301402008 031402008 U 7,759
San Juan 0301402009 031402009 U 9,415
Santol 0301402010 031402010 U 17,050
Wawa 0301402011 031402011 U 4,870