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Classes under Group 161

Class Description Class Code
Sawmilling and planing of wood

This class includes :

Sawing, planing and machining of wood

Slicing, peeling or chipping logs

Manufacture of wooden railway sleepers

Manufacture of unassembled wood flooring including parquet flooring

Impregnation or chemical treatment of wood with preservatives or other materials, manufacture of wood wool, wood flour, chips, particles, when done as a primary activity

Operation of sawmills and planing mill, whether or not mobile, in the forest or elsewhere

Sawing rough lumber or timber from logs and bolts or resawing cants and flitches into lumber

Planing combined with sawing or separately, producing surfaced lumber and timber and standard workings or patterns of lumber

This class excludes :

Logging and production of wood in the rough, see 0220;

Manufacture of veneer sheets thin enough for use in plywood boards and panels, see 1621;

Manufacture shingles and shakes, beadings and moldings, see 1622.