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Classes under Group 465

Class Description Class Code
Wholesale of computers, computer peripheral equipment and software

Wholesale of electronic and telecommunications equipment and parts

This class includes :

Wholesale of electronic valves and tubes

Wholesale of semi-conductor devices

Wholesale micro-chips and integrated circuits

Wholesale of printed circuits

Wholesale of blank audio and video tapes and diskettes, magnetic and optical disks (CDs, DVDs)

Wholesale of telephone and communications equipment

This class excludes :

Wholesale of recorded audio and video tapes, CDs, DVDs, see 4649;

Wholesale of consumer electronics, see 4649;

Wholesale of computers and computer peripheral equipment, see 4651.

Wholesale of agricultural machinery, equipment and supplies

Wholesale of other machinery and equipment

This class includes :

Wholesale of office machinery and equipment, except computers and computer peripheral equipment

Wholesale of office furniture

Wholesale of transport equipment except motor vehicles, motorcycles and bicycles

Wholesale of production-line robots

Wholesale of wires and switches and other installation equipment for industrial use

Wholesale of other electrical materials such as electrical motors, transformers

Wholesale of machine tools of any type and for any material

Wholesale of other machinery, n.e.c. for use in industry, trade and navigation and other services

This class also includes :

Wholesale of computer-controlled machine tools

Wholesale of computer-controlled machinery for the textile industry and of computer-controlled sewing and knitting machines