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Classes under Group 466

Class Description Class Code
Wholesale of solid, liquid and gaseous fuels and related products

Wholesale of metals and metal ores

Wholesale of construction materials, hardware, plumbing and heating equipment and supplies

This class includes :

Wholesale of wood in the rough

Wholesale of products of primary processing of wood

Wholesale of paint and varnish

Wholesale of construction materials: sand and gravel

Wholesale of wallpaper and floor coverings

Wholesale of flat glass

Wholesale of hardware and locks

Wholesale of fittings and fixtures

Wholesale of hot water heaters

Wholesale of sanitary equipment: baths, washbasins, toilets and other sanitary porcelain

Wholesale of sanitary installation equipment: tubes, pipes, fittings, taps, T-pieces, connections, rubber pipes, etc.

Wholesale of tools such as hammers, saws, screwdrivers and other hand tools

Wholesale of waste and scrap and other products, n.e.c.

This class includes :

Wholesale of industrial chemicals :

aniline, printing ink, essential oils, industrial gases, chemical glues, coloring matter, synthetic resin, methanol, paraffin, scents and flavorings, soda, industrial salt, acids and sulfurs, starch derivative, etc.

Wholesale of fertilizers and agro-chemical products

Wholesale of plastic materials in primary forms

Wholesale of rubber

Wholesale of textile fibers, etc.

Wholesale of paper in bulk

Wholesale of precious stones

Wholesale of metal and non-metal waste and scrap and materials for recycling, including collecting, sorting, separating, stripping of used goods such as cars in order to obtain reusable parts, packing and repacking, storage and delivery, but without a real transformation process. Additionally, the purchased and sold waste has a remaining value.

This class also includes:

Dismantling of automobiles, computers, televisions and other equipment to obtain and re-sell usable parts.

This class excludes :

Collection of household and industrial waste, see 381;

Treatment of waste, not for further use in an industrial manufacturing process, but with the aim of disposal, see 382;

Processing of waste and scrap and other articles into secondary raw material when a real transformation process is required (the resulting secondary raw material is fit for direct use in an industrial manufacturing process, but is not a final product), see 3830;

Dismantling of automobiles, computers, televisions and other equipment for materials recovery, see 3830;

Shredding of cars by means of a mechanical process, see 3830;

Ship-breaking, see 3830;

Retail sale of second-hand goods, see 4774.