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Classes under Group 649

Class Description Class Code
Financial leasing

Other credit granting

This class includes :

Financial service activities primarily concerned with making loans by institutions not involved in monetary intermediation, where the granting of credit can take a variety of forms, such as loans, mortgages, credit cards etc., providing the following types of services :

granting of consumer credit

international trade financing

provision of long-term finance to industry by industrial banks

money lending outside the banking system

credit granting for house purchase by specialized non-depository institutions

This class excludes :

Credit granting for house purchased by specialized institutions that also take deposits, see 6419;

Operational leasing, see division 77, according to type of goods leased;

Grant-giving activities by membership organization, see 9499.

Pawnshop operations

Other financial service activities, except insurance and pension funding activities, n.e.c.

This class includes :

Other financial intermediation primarily concerned with distributing funds other than by making loans:

factoring activities

writing of swaps, options and other hedging arrangements

activities of viatical settlement companies

This class excludes :

Financial leasing, see 6491;

Security dealing on behalf of others, see 6612;

Trade, leasing and renting of real estate property, see division 68;

Bill collection without debt buying up, see 8291;

Grant-giving activities by membership organization, see 9499.