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Classes under Group 900

Class Description Class Code
Creative, arts and entertainment activities

This class includes the operation of facilities and provision of services to meet the cultural and entertainment interests of their customers. This includes the production and promotion of, and participation in, live performances, events or exhibits intended for public viewing; the provision of artistic, creative or technical skills for the production of artistic production of artistic products and live performances.

This class includes :

Production of live theatrical presentations, concerts and opera or dance productions and other stage productions :

activities of groups, circuses or companies, orchestras or bands

activities of individual artists such as authors, actors, directors, musicians, lecturers or speakers, stage-set designers and builders, etc.

Operation of concert and theatre halls and other arts facilities

Activities of sculptors, painters, cartoonists, engravers, etchers, etc.

Activities of individual writers, for all subjects including fictional writing, technical writing, etc.

Activities of independent journalists

Restoring of works of art such as paintings, etc.

This class also includes activities of producers or entrepreneurs of arts live events, with or without facilities.

This class excludes :

Restoring of stained glass windows, see 2310;

Manufacture of statues, other than artistic originals, see 2397;

Restoring of organs and other historical musical instruments, see 3319;

Restoring of historical sites and buildings, see 4100;

Motion picture and video production, see 5911, 5912;

Operation of cinemas, see 5914;

Activities of personal theatrical or artistic agents or agencies, see 7490;

Casting activities, see 7810;

Activities of ticket agencies, see 7990;

Operation of museums of all kinds, see 9102;

Sports and amusement and recreation activities, see division 93;

Restoring of furniture (except museum type of restoration), see 9524.