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The second component in the Compendium focuses on environmental resources and the benefits they provide to humanity. These resources include minerals, energy, land and soil, water, and biological resources.

Mineral Resources

As of 2019, copper has the largest amount among all metallic resources and reserves in the country, with over 8.52 billion metric tons (MT) and 2.01 billion MT in resources and reserves, respectively. The largest copper resource is found in the SOCCSKSARGEN while the largest copper reserve is in the MIMAROPA region (Table 2.1.1). Meanwhile, limestone is the most abundant among all non-metallic resources and reserves, with over 58.66 billion MT and 2.31 billion MT in resources and reserves, respectively. The largest limestone resource is found in Region VIII while the largest limestone reserve is in Region VII (Table 2.1.2).

Among metallic mineral products, nickel mixed sulfides posted the highest increase during the ten-year period, from 33,539 dry metric tons (DMT) to 88,813.8 DMT or 164.81 percent increase. On the other hand, gold production decreased by almost half from 40,846.8 kilograms in 2010 to 20,646.4 kilograms in 2019. For non-metallic mineral products, production of silica increased more than threefold from 247,876.8 metric tons in 2010 to 1,004,115.6 metric tons in 2019. On the contrary, production of limestone for cement manufacturing declined from 18.93 million metric tons to 16.97 million metric tons during the same period (Table 2.2).

Energy Resources

Total primary energy supply increased by 46.42 percent from 41,046.4 thousand tons of oil equivalent (kTOE) in 2010 to 60,068.2 kTOE in 2019. The largest share in the total primary energy supply, with an average of 48.20 percent, comes from non-renewable energy resources, namely: coal, oil, natural gas, and condensate. This is followed by renewable energy resources such as hydro, geothermal, solar, wind, and biomass. The smallest share is from secondary energy products including kerosene, diesel, and liquefied petroleum gas, among others. (Table 2.5 and Figure 1).

Meanwhile, total final energy consumption increased by 44.71 percent during the same period, from 25,092.2 kTOE to 36,312.0 kTOE. The top three consumers of energy in the country are the transport, residential and industry sectors, in that order. (Table 2.5 and Figure 2)

Figure 1&2


Biological Resources

Roundwood production is disaggregated into the production of log and fuelwood. Log production is further disaggregated into specific products—sawlog/veneer log, pulpwood, and poles and piles. Fuelwood, on the other hand, has upland and charcoal production.

Log production increased in 2019 compared to its level in 2010. It reached its peak in 2013 with almost 1.2 million m3 in production. Fuelwood production, on the other hand, declined in 2019 compared to its level in 2010. It had hit its lowest in 2017 with 266 thousand m3 in production. (Table 2.7.1 and Figure 3)

Figure 3


The number of export permits for species listed in the Convention on International Trade of Endangered Species (CITES) declined in 2019 compared to its level in 2010. The highest number of export permits were issued in 2012, which was followed by a large decrease in 2013 and registered its lowest in 2014. Issuance of CITES export permits again picked up in 2015. (Table 2.16.1 and Figure 4)

On the other hand, the number of CITES import permits issued increased in 2019 compared to its level in 2010. Similar to exports, import permits declined in 2013, saw its lowest value in 2014 and increased in 2015. (Table 2.16.2 and Figure 5)

Figure 4&5


The Compendium of Philippine Environment Statistics follows the United Nations Framework for the Development of Environment Statistics (FDES) 2013. Among the 124 statistics identified in the FDES, a total of 52 statistics were compiled for Component 2 for this edition of the Compendium.



National Statistician and Civil Registrar General

Attachment Size
PDF Press Release 274.32 KB
PDF Technical Notes 202.45 KB
Excel spreadsheet Table 2.1.1 Metallic Minerals Resource 89.3 KB
Excel spreadsheet Reserve Inventory of the Philippines 92.03 KB
Excel spreadsheet as of 2019 11.83 KB
Excel spreadsheet Table 2.1.2 Non-Metallic Minerals Resource 159.66 KB
Excel spreadsheet Reserve Inventory of the Philippines 206.45 KB
Excel spreadsheet as of 2019 73.08 KB
Excel spreadsheet Table 2.2 Mineral Production By Mineral 569.28 KB
Excel spreadsheet 2010 to 2019 9.81 KB
Excel spreadsheet Table 2.3 Physical Asset Accounts for Mineral Resources 9.37 KB
Excel spreadsheet 2013 to 2018 10.35 KB
Excel spreadsheet Table 2.4 Physical Asset Accounts for Energy Resources 10.78 KB
Excel spreadsheet 2010 to 2017 11.49 KB
Excel spreadsheet Table 2.5 Energy Balance Tables 10.73 KB
Excel spreadsheet 2010 to 2019 198.24 KB
Excel spreadsheet Table 2.6 Area Under Irrigation 180.45 KB
Excel spreadsheet 2010-2019 53.71 KB
Excel spreadsheet Table 2.7.1 Roundwood Forest Production By Product 26.43 KB
Excel spreadsheet 2010 to 2019 27.08 KB
Excel spreadsheet Table 2.7.2 Production of Processed Wood By Product 44.74 KB
Excel spreadsheet 2010 - 2019 27.14 KB
Excel spreadsheet Table 2.7.3 Production of Non - Timber Forest Products By Product 29.41 KB
Excel spreadsheet 2010 - 2019 78.16 KB
Excel spreadsheet Table 2.8.1 Imports of Log and Processed Forest Products by Product 94.24 KB
Excel spreadsheet 2010 to 2019 24.91 KB
Excel spreadsheet Table 2.8.2 Exports of Log and Processed Forest Products by Product 31.51 KB
Excel spreadsheet 2010 to 2019 33.18 KB
Excel spreadsheet Table 2.8.3 Exports of Non - Timber Forest Products by Product 47.63 KB
Excel spreadsheet 2010 - 2019 334.04 KB
Excel spreadsheet Table 2.9.1 Commercial Fisheries Volume of Production by Species and by Geolocation 87.73 KB
Excel spreadsheet 2010 - 2019 409.88 KB
Excel spreadsheet Table 2.9.2 Inland Municipal Fisheries Volume of Production by Species and by Geolocation 13.68 KB
Excel spreadsheet 2010 - 2019 13.13 KB
Excel spreadsheet Table 2.10.1 Aquaculture Brackishwater Fish Pond Volume of Production by Species and Geolocation 95.08 KB
Excel spreadsheet 2010 to 2019 105.98 KB
Excel spreadsheet Table 2.10.2 Aquaculture Brackishwater Fish Pen Volume of Production by Species and by Geolocation 77.32 KB
Excel spreadsheet 2010 to 2019 41.38 KB
Excel spreadsheet Table 2.10.3 Aquaculture Brackishwater Fish Cage Volume of Production by Species and by Geolocation 18.58 KB
Excel spreadsheet 2010 - 2019 150.75 KB
Excel spreadsheet Table 2.10.4 Aquaculture Freshwater Fish Pond Volume of Production by Species and Geolocation 9.27 KB
Excel spreadsheet 2010 - 2019 10.08 KB
Excel spreadsheet Table 2.10.5 Aquaculture Freshwater Fish Pen Volume of Production by Species and Geolocation 45.01 KB
Excel spreadsheet 2010 - 2019 492.22 KB
Excel spreadsheet Table 2.10.6 Aquaculture Freshwater Fish Cage Volume of Production by Species and Geolocation 11.29 KB
Excel spreadsheet 2010 - 2019 64.93 KB

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