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Satisfaction Rating improved further to 77.6 Percent

In September 2010, about 77.6 percent of NSO clients in Metro Manila were satisfied with the civil registry services provided by NSO. The increase is about 5.5 percentage points higher than the 72.1 percent satisfaction rate registered in June 2010 survey round. Satisfaction ratings in December 2009 and March 2010 were registered at 76.6 percent and 69.4 percent, respectively. Satisfaction rating refers to the percentage of clients surveyed during the period who were either satisfied or very satisfied with NSO's civil registry services.

The net satisfaction rating in September 2010 increased to +73.9 percent or an increment of about 6.4 percentage points from +67.5 percent net satisfaction rating registered in June 2010. Net satisfaction rating refers to the difference between the proportion of satisfied and dissatisfied clients.

There were 861,536 transactions served all over the country in September 2010. From this figure, about 40 percent or 344,357 transactions were processed and released in Metro Manila service areas covered by the survey. The areas covered by the survey include the NSO Civil Registration Service Areas in East Avenue, Quezon City (Application, Releasing, Endorsement, Party Waiting, and Travel Agency areas) and the five (5) other Metro Manila Outlets (Makati, Caloocan, Muntinlupa, Pasig, and Pasay Census Serbilis Centers).

Table 1. Net Satisfaction Rating and Volume of Transactions: December 2007 to September 2010

  CSS Survey Round      Net Satisfaction Rating      Total Volume (NCR)   
Dec 2007 +67.7 218,216
Mar 2008 +49.5 331,730
Jun 2008 +64.9 366,478
Sep 2008 +49.0 433,267
Dec 2008 +61.5 200,515
Mar 2009 +52.8 401,232
Jun 2009 +63.1 363,721
Sep 2009 +65.8 303,828
Dec 2009 +73.2 231,193
Mar 2010 +65.2 417,678
Jun 2010 +67.5 398,602
Sep 2010 +73.9 344,357

The performance of other Metro Manila Outlets was relatively better as more of its clients (86.5%) were either satisfied or very satisfied with the civil registry services than the NSO Civil Registration Service Areas in East Avenue, Quezon City where only 73.2 percent of its clients reported as being satisfied or very satisfied


 The number of clients who reported to have been served within 30 minutes inched up by 5 percentage points to 36 percent in September 2010 from 31 percent in June 2010.

Seven (7) of the service areas covered by the survey experienced increases in the proportion of clients who reported to have been served within 30 minutes during the December 2010 CSS round, the other three (3), Caloocan Census Serbilis Outlet, Travel Agency and Releasing area experienced decreases from its previous month's proportion.

The three highest increases were observed at the Party Waiting area (29 percentage points), Endorsement area (24 percentage points), and Pasig Census Serbilis outlet (15 percentage Points) while the three biggest decreases in the proportion of clients served within 30 minutes were observed in Caloocan Census Serbilis outlet (16 percentage points), Travel Agency area (15 percentage points) and Releasing area (1 percentage point).


Six in every ten (59.8 percent) NSO clients were female; more than half (54.8 percent) were within the 20 to 34 age group; and with at least college education (63.6 percent). Majority of the respondents/clients reported to be unemployed (58.2 percent). About 71.1 percent of NSO clients came from areas outside Metro Manila while the remaining 28.9 percent of the respondents were Metro Manila residents.

About 30 percent of the clients secured their civil registry documents for local employment. Other reasons given were for: school requirements (20.8 percent), GSIS/SSS (19.4 percent), and Passport (9.6 percent). About 70.7 percent of the NSO clients requested for the issuance of birth certificate while 16.9 percent of the clients reported to have availed the civil registry services of NSO for the copy issuance of marriage certificate.

Table 2. Distribution of NSO Clients by Demographic Profile : September 2010  

  Demographic Profile      Percent   
   Male 40.2
   Female 59.8
Age Group  
   15 to 19 8.1
   20 to 24 22.9
   25 to 29 19.4
   30 to 34 12.5
   35 to 39 11.2
   40 to 44 9.4
   45 to 49 6.9
   50 to 54 4.2
   55 to 59 3.4
   60 and over 2.0
   Elementary 2.0
   High School 34.4
   College or higher 63.6
   Employed 41.8
   Unemployed 58.2
   NCR 71.1
   Outside NCR 28.9

  Source: September 2010 CSS, NSO

Table 3. Distribution of clients' purpose for requesting civil registry documents: September 2010 

  Purpose      Percent   
Passport 9.6
Embassy 1.6
School 20.8
Local Employment 30.1
BIR 1.1
Baptism 1.9
Exam/PRC 3.3
Marriage 6.0
Others 6.4

 Source: September 2010 CSS, NSO

Table 4. Distribution of Type of document requested: September 2010  

  Purpose      Percent   
Birth 70.7
Marriage 16.9
Death 3.6
PreWar 0.3
Authentication 2.1

 Source: September 2010 CSS, NSO

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