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The 2021/2022 Integrated Survey on Labor and Employment covers formal establishments employing at least 20 workers. This module provided information on the provisions of job-related trainings to their employees including the training cost and training providers.

1. One of three establishments provided job-related trainings to their employees

  1. Of the 36,342 estimated number of establishments employing 20 or more workers in 2021, 31.7 percent or 11,526 establishments have provided job-related trainings to their employees. This percent share indicates a decline of 16.2 percentage points from the 47.9 percent or 18,357 establishments that provided job-related trainings during the pre-pandemic in 2019. (Table 1 and Figure 1)

Figure 1
  1. By major industry group, Electricity, Gas, Steam, and Air Conditioning Supply had the highest proportion of establishments that provided job-related trainings to their employees at 61.5 percent of establishments with 20 or more workers for the sector. On the contrary, establishments in Other Service Activities except Activities of Membership Organizations recorded the lowest proportion at 18.0 percent. (Table 1 and Figure 2) 

Figure 2

2. Establishments with 200 or more Workers Provided Most Job-Related Trainings

By employment size, establishments with 200 or more workers had the highest proportion of establishments that provided job-related trainings to their workers at 42.7 percent for this size. This was followed by establishments with 100 to 199 workers at 37.8 percent and 20 to 99 workers at 28.9 percent.  (Table 2 and Figure 3)

3. Almost One in Every Three Employees were Provided Job-Related Trainings

  1. The number of employees who were provided with job-related trainings in 2021 was 1.56 million, representing 29.0 percent of the total number of workers for establishments with 20 or more workers in 2021 at 5.37 million. (Table 3)

  2. The industries with the highest proportion of trained employees relative to their respective total employment were Financial and Insurance Activities (76.1%), Electricity, Gas, Steam, and Air Conditioning Supply (55.7%), and Wholesale and Retail Trade; Repair of Motor Vehicles and Motorcycles (47.4%). Meanwhile, the industry with the lowest proportion of trained employees was Other Service Activities, except Activities for Service Membership Organizations with 8.8 percent. (Table 3 and Figure 4)

Figure 4

4. Rank and file Employees Accounted for the Bulk of Trained Employees

Of the total trained employees, 1.18 million or 75.6 percent were rank and file employees. Job-related trainings were also provided to supervisors and foremen with an estimate of 0.25 million (15.9%), and managers and executives with 0.13 million employees (8.5%). (Table 3)

5. More than Half of the Job-Related Trainings were Done by their Own-Company

Of the establishments that conducted job-related trainings to their employees in 2021, more than half (55.6%) were done within the vicinity of their establishments or “in-house”, 43.6 percent engaged the services of local private training institutions and 33.3 percent tapped government training institutions in upgrading the skills and knowledge of their workforce. (Table 4)

6. The Average Training Cost per Employee in 2021 was PhP 3,512

  1. The average training cost per employee in 2021 was recorded at PhP 3,512. Administrative and Support Services Activities spent the highest annual cost of PhP 10,599 per trained employee. On the other hand, Other Personal Service Activities except Activities of Membership Organizations recorded the lowest cost of PhP 845 per employee.

  2. Other industries that registered average cost higher than the average figure includes Wholesale and Retail Trade, Repair of Motor Vehicles and Motorcycles with PhP 4,338 per worker and Accommodation and Food Service Activities with PhP 4,330 per worker. (Table 5)


National Statistician and Civil Registrar


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