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The Philippine Statistics Authority (PSA) wishes to clarify its role in the country’s civil registration system. 

Under Republic Act No. 10625 or the Philippine Statistical Act, the PSA is mandated to serve as the central repository of all registered vital documents submitted by the Local Civil Registry Offices (LCROs). Inherent to this function includes the receipt of documents that have effects on the vital events of individuals in the country for purposes of storing the same in the national civil registry database and the issuance of certified copies/authentication of civil registry documents based on the records submitted to the PSA.

The PSA is also responsible for providing technical supervision to the Local Civil Registrars (LCRs) under Act No. 3753 or the Law on Registry of Civil Status. The technical supervision function is limited to the issuance of policies, guidelines and standards for uniform implementation of civil registration through the country.

On the other hand, the general administration and supervision of LCROs is with the Local Government Units, through the Local Chief Executives, who are vested with the power to appoint, reassign, transfer, discipline or dismiss employees in the LCROs including the LCRs. The PSA has no power to discipline or impose penalties to erring LCRO employees. At most, the PSA can only recommend the filing of an administrative case through the Local Chief Executive concerned or the Civil Service Commission.

The PSA and LCROs work to verify the identities of individuals are distinct but interdependent with each other considering that the former manages the central repository and the latter exercises the operative act of registration. Thus, the PSA relies on LCROs to ensure the integrity of every civil registry document and that all the necessary due diligence is conducted during the registration of the vital events.

In response to recent developments regarding the country’s civil registration system, the PSA has taken necessary actions and precautions to continue protecting and strengthening the civil registration system. We call for support from our lawmakers and cooperation of law enforcement agencies to safeguard the civil registration process.


National Statistician and Civil Registrar General


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