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The Philippine Statistics Authority (PSA) granted clearance for the conduct of the Agriculture and Fisheries Extension (AFE) Results-Based Monitoring and Evaluation (RBME) Study of the Agricultural Training Institute (ATI). This will be conducted by the Asian Social Project Services, Inc. (ASPSI) on behalf of ATI.

The study aims to determine the results of the ATI programs, projects and activities based on the parameters from the AFE RBME Theory of Change model. Specifically, it aims to:

     a.    Review and enhance the AFE results framework, guidelines and tools
     b.    Identify issues and challenges encountered during the implementation
     c.    Recommend policy options to further improve ATI programs

The undertaking will collect the following data from the farmers and LGU extension workers:

     a.    Farmers
            i.    Socio-economic and farm profile
            ii.    Access to agriculture and fisheries intervention
            iii.    Change in attitude, skills and knowledge from training/interventions received
            iv.    Relevance and timeliness of ATI interventions
            v.    Change in productivity as a result of interventions
            vi.    Empowerment and resiliency of farmers
            vii.    Farm certifications.

     b.    LGU extension workers
            i.    Socio-demographic profile
            ii.    Access to agriculture and fisheries intervention
            iii.    Change in attitude, skills and knowledge from training/interventions received
            iv.    Empowerment and resiliency of clients through employment to agriculture and fisheries related job competencies

This AFE RBME will utilize a total budget amounting to PhP 1.6 million to interview 2,594 farmers and LGU extension workers who were trained by ATI from 2018-2022. The data collection activities will be conducted from 17 June to 16 August 2024 and the result is scheduled to be released in November 2024.

The AFE RBME was reviewed and cleared for conduct under the Statistical Survey Review and Clearance System (SSRCS), a mechanism being implemented by the PSA by virtue of Rule 28 of Implementing Rules and Regulations (IRR) of Republic Act (RA) No. 10625 to:
     a.    Ensure sound design for data collection
     b.    Minimize the burden placed upon respondents 
     c.    Effect economy in statistical data collection 
     d.    Eliminate unnecessary duplication of statistical data collection efforts 
     e.    Achieve better coordination of government statistical activities

In line with this, the PSA enjoins all farmers and LGU extension workers trained by ATI to participate in this statistical activity by providing truthful information.

For further information on SSRCS, please contact the Statistical Standards Division of the Standards Service with email address


National Statistician and Civil Registrar General

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