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1.  The results of the 2022 Household Survey on Domestic Visitors (HSDV) showed that for the periods January to September 2022, 39.1 percent of Filipinos aged 15 years and over travelled within the country.  On the other hand, 19.7 percent travelled within the country from July to December 2021. (Tables A and 1) 


2.  In 2022, there were more female domestic travellers at 52.9 percent compared to male travellers at 47.1 percent. Similarly, in 2021, 51.5 percent were female travellers, while 48.5 percent were male travellers. (Figure 1 and Table 1)          


3.  Majority of the domestic travellers were under 45 years old in both reference years. In 2022, 68.7 percent of the 30.89 million domestic travellers were under 45 years old, while 68.8 percent of the 15.18 million domestic travellers in 2021 were in that same age group. The median age of domestic travellers in both years was 35 years old.

4.  In 2022, 97.9 percent of domestic travellers planned their own trips, while only 2.1 percent opted for domestic package tours. In 2021, 98.8 percent organized their own trips, while only 1.2 percent took advantage of domestic package tours. On average, a domestic traveler went on one trip in 2022 and 2021. (Table 1)            

Other findings are the following:

a.  Main purpose of visit           
In 2022, the primary reason for majority of the domestic travels was for pleasure or vacation (39.7%), followed by visiting friends or relatives (32.9%), and medical/health reasons (11.6%). On the other hand, in 2021 majority of domestic travellers visited their friends or relatives (33.2%). This was followed by pleasure or vacation (29.9%) and medical/health reasons (26.5%). (Figure 2 and Table 2)

b.  Type of accommodation in main destination           
Majority of the travellers, in both 2022 and 2021 and regardless of their purpose for travelling, chose the same top accommodations options. In 2022, majority of travellers preferred staying in the homes of relatives/friends (58.9%), resorts (17.3%), and hotels (9.4%). Similarly, in 2021, homes of relatives/friends (65.1%), resorts (12.4%), and hotels (7.5%) were also the most preferred accommodations used by domestic travellers. (Table 3a)

For domestic travellers whose main purpose was pleasure or vacation, the same set of accommodations were the most preferred for both years. The combined proportions of domestic travellers who stayed in resorts, home of relatives/friends, and hotels totaled 86.3 percent in 2022 and 85.2 percent in 2021.

c.  Type of accommodation in places visited           
In 2022, most of the domestic travellers, regardless of their travel purpose, stayed in the homes of their relatives/friends (58.7%). This was followed by those who stayed in resorts (17.2%), and those who stayed in hotels (9.7%).

In comparison, among domestic travellers who travelled primarily for pleasure or vacation in 2022, 40.1 percent stayed in resorts,  31.8 percent opted to stay at the homes of relatives/friends, and 14.3 percent checked-in at hotels. (Table 3b)

d.  Expenses of independent domestic travellers           
In 2022, independent domestic travellers spent an average of PhP 2,528.08. The paying independent travellers mostly spent on roundtrip transportation (55.5%), shopping (51.5%), and local transportation (51.1%).

In contrast, paying independent travellers whose main purpose of trip was pleasure or vacation spent an average of PhP 3,004.11. The top expenditure items in 2022 were shopping (65.3%), food and beverage (58.2%), and roundtrip transportation (48.6%). (Table 4)

e.  Expenses of domestic package tour travellers           
Nearly one-third of the domestic package paid for by tour travellers during their most recent package tour had an average expense of  PhP 5,554.53 for those who travelled regardless of reason and  PhP 5,561.23 for those who travelled for pleasure or vacation.

Moreover, majority (88.5%) of domestic package tour travellers who paid for their most recent package tour had additional expenses. Shopping registered the highest proportion among all the expenditure items at 72.4 percent, followed by roundtrip transportation (37.1%), and local transport (30.4%). (Table 5)

f.  Classification of visitor and length of stay in main destination           
About one in every three most recent trips made in 2022 and 2021 were overnight trips. On average, overnight visitors stayed for four nights in both years. Majority of these trips lasted between one to three nights, accounting for 71.7 percent of most recent trips in 2022 and 70.9 percent of most recent trips in 2021. (Table 6a)

g.  Classification of visitor and length of stay in places visited           
Similar to the results on main destination, about one in every three places visited during the most recent trip in 2022 were overnight. On average, an overnight visitor stayed for four nights in the place visited. The length of stay for each overnight trip were mostly between one to three nights (72.0%). (Table 6b)

h.  Top main destination           
The National Capital Region (NCR) was the most popular main destination for domestic travellers who were travelling for pleasure or vacation at 10.4 percent in both 2021 and 2022. Also, Pangasinan and Cebu ranked as second and third most popular destinations in both years, respectively. Pangasinan accounted for 6.4 percent of the total domestic trips in 2022 and 6.3 percent of the total domestic trips in 2021. Meanwhile, Cebu represented 6.0 percent of the total domestic trips in 2022 and 5.8 percent of the total domestic trips in 2021. (Figure 3 and Table 7a) 


i.  Top places visited           
NCR was the most visited place among domestic travellers for pleasure or vacation at 10.5 percent share. This was followed by then Pangasinan (6.3%) and Cebu (6.0%) being the most popular destinations in 2022. (Table 7b)

j.  Long Weekend Holidays           
In 2022, the total number of long weekend holiday trips was 2.75 million, with Election Day leading the list with the most number of long weekend holiday trips at 63.0 percent and Holy Week being the second most popular holiday at 19.0 percent.

Meanwhile, there were 2.24 million long weekend holiday trips in 2021, with Christmas Day being the most popular holiday for travel, accounting for 58.0 percent of all long weekend holiday trips. All Saints' Day was the second most popular with 29.4 percent share to the total long weekend holiday trips. (Tables B and 8)          


k.  Outbound travellers           
In 2022, about 113,000 Filipinos aged 15 years and over travelled outside the country. More than half (59.4%) of the outbound travellers were female travellers. Among the main purpose of trips, majority (62.4%) were for pleasure or vacation, followed by business or professional work (22.3%). By age classification, most (47.2%) outbound travellers belong to the 25 to 34 age group, with a median age of 32 years old.

Singapore was reported as the most popular destination, with an estimated 30.0 percent of travellers visiting the country, followed by Thailand (19.1%) and Malaysia (8.0%). On average, an outbound traveller spent around PhP 38,155.53 with median length of stay of six nights per outbound travel. (Table 9)  

l.  Visitors Received           
In 2022, about 10.70 million households in the Philippines received domestic visitors. Of these households, 65.8 percent had day visitors only, 8.4 percent had overnight visitors only, and 25.7 percent had both day and overnight visitors.

An estimated total of 4.67 million visitors were received by households. About 97.1 percent of the most recent overnight visitors received were Filipinos or foreigners residing in the Philippines. The remaining 2.9 percent of the overnight visitors were foreigners or Filipinos residing abroad. (Table 10)  



National Statistician and Civil Registrar General           

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