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PSA Board Resolution :
International Monetary Fund (IMF)
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Classification Grouping
Other Classification Systems/Categorizations Used in the Philippine Statistical System
Description :

The MFSMCG Manual updates and merges into one volume the methodological and practical aspects of the compilation process of monetary statistics contained in the 2000 Monetary and Financial Statistics Manual (MFSM) and the 2008 Monetary and Financial Statistics Compilation Guide (MFS Guide). The Manual sets forth the broad framework for the collection and presentation of monetary statistics and provides specific recommendations for the classification, sectoring, valuation and recording of various categories of financial assets and liabilities in an economy. The Manual has been prepared by the International Monetary Fund (IMF) Statistics Department in consultation with a group of experts of national central banks, statistical offices, and other international organizations. The concepts, accounting principles and other methodological elements of the Manual are harmonized with those of the System of National Accounts 2008 (2008 SNA), the sixth edition of the Balance of Payments and International Investment Position Manual (BPM6), the Government Finance Statistics Manual 2014 (GFSM 2014), and the handbook on Financial Production, Flows and Stocks in the SNA published by the United Nations and the European Central Bank. The Manual is aimed at compilers and users of monetary data, offering
guidance for the collection and analytical presentation of monetary statistics.