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Release Date :
ID :
Classification Systems
PSS Agency :
PSA Board Resolution :
United Nations' Central Product Classification (UN-CPC) version 1.1
Source :
PSA Board Resolution No 01, Series of 2017 - 086
Statistical Activity :
Related Statistical Domain :
Related Statistical Activity :
Classification Grouping
PSA Board Approved Standard Classification Systems
Description :

The 2002 PCPC is the first edition of a standard classification of goods and services in the Philippines, including tangible assets based on their physical properties and intrinsic nature as well as industrial origin.

The 2002 PCPC will serve as an instrument for assembling and tabulation all kinds of statistics that needed product detail. such statistics may cover production, intermediate and final consumption, capital formation and foreign trade and may refer to commodity flows, stocks or balances and may be compiled in the context of input-output tables, balance of payments and other analytical presentations.