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Monthly Integrated Survey of Selected Industries : October 2002


Value of Production Index (VaPI) slide continues Value of Production Index (VaPI) of the manufacturing industry continued its downtrend posting a year-on-year drop of 1.1 percent in October 2002, according to the preliminary results of the…
External Trade Performance : October 2002


Total external trade in goods for January to October 2002 amounted to $56.965 billion or 9.0 percent higher than $52.244 billion in 2001. The bill for foreign-made merchandise moved up by 10.0 percent to $27.916 billion from $25.369 billion. On the…
Philippine Labor Force Survey October 2002


Labor force population in October 2002 was 1.0% higher than the estimate of 33.4 million a year ago. Labor force participation rate declined by 1.3 percentage points, from 67.5% in October 2001 to 66.2% in October this year.
Seasonally Adjusted Consumer Price Index (1994=100) : November 2002


The seasonally adjusted CPI of FBT items in NCR went down to 148.8 in November from 149.4 in October.
Summary Inflation Report Consumer Price Index (1994=100) : November 2002


Year-on-year inflation further decelerated to 2.5 percent in November from 2.7 percent in October, the lowest inflation rate recorded since June 1987.
CAR student tops national stat quiz


A freshman from the Cordillera Administrative Region (CAR) topped the 2002 Philippine Statistics Quiz (PSQ) held on December 3 at the Philippine Christian University Auditorium in Manila. The PSQ is a nationwide search for young statistics whizzes…
Merchandise Export Performance : October 2002


For October 2002, reported earnings moved up by 2.6 percent to $3.016 billion from $2.941 billion during the same month a year ago. Receipts from merchandise exports for January to October 2002 increased by 8.1 percent to $29.049 billion from $26.…
Monthly Integrated Survey of Selected Industries : September 2002


Value of Production Index (VaPI) continues to drop Value of Production Index (VaPI) of the manufacturing industry continued to decline at a slower rate of 0.6 percent in September 2002 compared with year ago figure, according to the…
Caraga: Three in Every Ten Households Owned Agricultural Land


As the population of the region grew, the economically active persons (15 to 64 years old) increased by more than nine percent, from 1.07 million persons in 1995 to 1.16 million persons in 2000. They comprised about 56 percent of the total…
External Trade Performance : September 2002


Total external trade in goods for January to September 2002 amounted to $51.161 billion or 9.0 percent higher than $46.933 billion in 2001. The bill for foreign-made merchandise went up by 9.3 percent to $25.129 billion from $22.999 billion.…