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Exposure of Population to Mass Media


Results of the survey revealed that the proportion of radio listeners sufferred a slight setback from 1989 to 1994. Nevertheless, radio still reasserted its supremacy by posting the highest proportion of exposure among the 8 forms of mass media…
Women in Poor Households are Less Likely to Practice Family Planning


Women in poor households (40.1%) are less likely to practice family planning than those in non-poor households (50.2%). This difference is due mainly to a higher prevalence of female sterilization among non-poor women than among poor women (13.2%…
Pill Remains as Most Popular Contraceptive (Results from the 2000 Family Planning Survey)


The pill remains as the most popular contraceptive method among currently married women with 13.7 percent using this method. Ranking second is female sterilization (10.6%), which is followed closely by calendar/rhythm (9.5%). These are findings from…
Summary Inflation Report Consumer Price Index (1994=100) : February 2001


Year-on-year inflation decelerated to 6.7 percent in February from 6.9 percent in January due to the slowdown in inflation for food, beverages and tobacco (FBT) despite the acceleration in the other commodity groups. The February 2000 inflation was…
Merchandise Export Performance : January 2001


Aggregate receipts from merchandise exports for January 2001 grew by 6.3 percent to $2.889 billion from $2.717 billion during the same month in 2000.
Monthly Integrated Survey of Selected Industries : December 2000


Manufacturing output for the whole year 2000 increased by 14.0 percent in volume and 23.4 percent growth in value. The growth in volume exceeded the 3.5 percent growth in 1999 and the growth in the value of production also surpassed the 8.6 percent…
Presidential Proclamation No. 248


February 24, 2000 Adopting the Philippine Statistical Development Program (PSDP) for 1999-2004
External Trade Performance : December 2000


Total external trade in goods for January to December 2000 amounted to $69.464 billion which was 5.6 percent higher than $65.779 billion in 1999. Merchandise exports valued at $38.078 billion rose by 8.7 percent from $35.037 billion in 1999 while…
Summary Inflation Report Consumer Price Index (1994=100) : January 2001


The inflation rate went up further to 6.9 percent in January, from 6.6 percent in December. The rise in prices of food, beverages and tobacco (FBT) and services contributed to the increase. Inflation during the same month a year ago was 2.6 percent.
Merchandise Export Performance : December 2000


Total receipts from merchandise export for the period January to December 2000 grew by 8.7 percent to $38.077 billion from $35.037 billion in 1999. For the month of December, total receipts increased by 18.8 percent to $3.495 billion compared to $…