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Seasonally Adjusted Consumer Price Index (2000=100) : August 2007

Release Date:
Reference Number: 2007-069

Food, Beverages and Tobacco (FBT) and Non-FBT Items
(NCR and AONCR - August 2007)

  1. CPI of Food, Beverages and Tobacco (FBT): National Capital Region (NCR) and Areas Outside the National Capital Region (AONCR)

    The seasonally adjusted CPI of FBT items in NCR and AONCR posted correspondingly at 132.0 and 135.5 in August were higher than their respective July levels of 131.2 and 135.3.

    The global warm temperature, the prolonged dry spell experienced in recent months and the lean month of August resulted to high prices in some commodities such as rice, eggs, milk and milk products. In addition, the stormy conditions brought by the three typhoons during the month affected the delivery of vegetables from the production areas to wet markets in NCR thereby increasing their prices. All these seasonal factors generally pushed up prices of FBT items in the two areas relative to the expected trend.

    Measured a month ago, prices of seasonally adjusted CPI of FBT items in NCR moved up to 0.6 percent in August from 0.5 percent in July. Meanwhile additions in the prices of the seasonally adjusted CPI for FBT items in AONCR slowed to 0.1 percent from its previous month's rate of 0.3 percent.

  2. CPI of Non-FBT items: National Capital Region (NCR) and Areas Outside the National Capital Region (AONCR)

The seasonally adjusted CPI of non-FBT items in NCR advanced by 154.7 in August from 154.6 in July. On the other hand, the seasonally adjusted CPI of non-FBT items in AONCR moved at its last month's level of 146.8. Seasonal factors such as the low demand of goods and services during the lean month of August pushed up prices of non-FBT items in NCR and AONCR.

The monthly rate of change of the seasonally adjusted CPI of non-FBT items in NCR decelerated to 0.1 percent in August from 1.4 percent in July while prices of seasonally adjusted FBT items in AONCR generally remained stable as it registered a zero growth during the month.

Page last updated: September 5, 2007