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New construction projects grow by 13.5 percent
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A total count of 27,323 new construction projects from approved building permits in the country were reported for the third quarter of 2012. This number grew 8.2 percent compared to 25,255 construction projects over the same quarter in 2011.
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The total number of new construction projects from approved building permits nationwide reached 30,614 during the second quarter of 2012. This number registered an increase of 11.2 percent compared to 27,525 construction projects during the same…
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New construction projects from approved building permits for the year 2011 totaled to 112,881. This number registered a minimal decrease of 0.3 percent compared to 113,230 approved applications reported in 2010
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The country’s private construction projects authorized by building permits in the first quarter of 2012 totaled to 29,585. This reflects a 4.4 percent annual increase from 28,347 construction projects during the same quarter in 2011…
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There were a total of 24,610 new construction projects from approved building permits reported in the country during the fourth quarter of 2011.
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Number of new construction increases by 5.4 percent A total count of 25,255 new construction projects from approved building permits in the country were reported for the third quarter of 2011. This number registered an increase of 5.4 percent…
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New construction projects post 27,525 in the second quarter The new construction projects from approved building permits nationwide totaled to 27,525 during the second quarter of 2011, representing a decrease of 3.0 percent compared with 28,389…
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This Special Release presents the final data series on construction statistics from approved building permits for the year 2010. The final data set provides updates to the 2010 Quarterly Special Releases on construction statistics. The sources of…
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Construction projects post 28,347 in the first quarter The country's construction projects from approved building permits summed up to 28,347 during the first quarter of 2011. This reflects a 5.5 percent annual decrease from 29,992 constructions…