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Construction Statistics from Approved Building Permits : Second Quarter 2002 (Preliminary Results)

Release Date:
Reference Number: 2002-181


Building Permit Applications Increased by 25.1 Percent

  1. Building permit applications during the second quarter of 2002 nationwide totaled 25,459, representing an increase of 25.1 percent compared with 20,354 applications recorded over the same period of last year.
  2. An increase in applications over the same period of last year was observed for all types of building construction. Applications for residential building construction jumped by 31.9 percent to 18,030 from 13,670. Non-residential building construction also went up by 17.5 percent to 2,440 from 2,077. Combined applications for additions, alterations and repairs exhibited an increase of 8.3 percent to 4,989 from 4,607 applications. Figure 1 compares the number of building permit applications by type of building for the second quarter of 2002 and 2001.

  1. Among the provinces outside the National Capital Region (NCR), three provinces registered building permit applications exceeding a thousand mark namely: Cavite (3,671), Cebu (1,208) and Laguna (1,111). See Figure 2 for the regional distribution of building permit applications for the second quarter of 2002.

Value of Construction Posted 20.7 Percent Increase

  1. Total value of construction during the second quarter of 2002 increased by 20.7 percent amounting to P19.7 billion from P16.3 billion recorded over the same period of last year.

  1. The value of construction for residential buildings significantly increased by 31.0 percent to P10.4 billion from P7.9 billion compared to the same period of 2001. Value of construction for non-residential building, likewise, went up by 15.4 percent to P7.0 billion from P6.0 billion over the same period of last year. On the other hand, combined value for additions, alterations and repairs amounting to P2.28 billion slightly decreased by 0.9 percent from P2.30 billion. Figure 3 compares the aggregate value of construction by type of building for the second quarter of 2002 and 2001.
  2. Regionwise, value of construction in NCR remained highest at P8.0 billion, accounting for 40.9 percent of the total. Southern Tagalog and Central Luzon consistently occupied the second and third spot with shares of 22.2 percent (P4.4 billion) and 8.0 percent (P1.6 billion), respectively, in terms of share to the total value of construction.

Average cost per Square Meter of Residential Building Construction

was P5,380

  1. Total value for residential building constructions was estimated at P10.4 billion with a total floor area of 1.9 million square meters, or an average cost per square meter of P5,380. This figure represents an increase of 9.0 percent as compared to the same period of last year.
  2. Comprising about 83.0 percent of the total applications for residential building was single type residential units with 14,966 applications and aggregate value of P7.9 billion. Apartment/accessoria ranked second with 1,985 applications amounting to P1.9 billion. This was followed by other residential constructions  numbering 641 applications or 3.6 percent share of the total. The least number of applications for residential units was recorded for duplex/quadruplex with 437 applications or 2.4 percent share and residential condominium with only one application during the period. Figure 4 shows the comparison of number and value by type of residential building construction during the second quarter of 2002.

Average cost per Square Meter of Non-Residential Building
Construction was P5,676

  1. Total value for non-residential building construction reached P7.0 billion during the second quarter of 2002 with a total floor area of 1.2 million square meters. This translates to an average cost of P5,676 per square meter.
  2. More than half or 58.5 percent of total applications for non-residential buildings was for commercial buildings with total applications of 1,427 and an estimated value of P4.0 billion. Institutional and industrial buildings recorded 467 applications valued at P1.7 billion and 289 applications valued at P1.0 billion, respectively. Agricultural buildings numbered only 86 applications and valued at P68.0 million. Figure 5 shows the number and value of non-residential building construction during the second quarter of 2002.






Scope and Coverage

Private construction statistics from approved building permits relate to data on new constructions and additions, alterations and repairs of residential and non-residential buildings and other structures undertaken in all regions/provinces of the country.

Sources of Information

Data is taken from the original application forms of approved building permits collected by NSO field personnel from local building officials nationwide


  1. Data on private building constructions refer to those proposed to be constructed during the reference period and not to construction work completed during the reference period.
  2. The completeness of the number of building permits collected relies on the collection of applications filed with the offices of local building officials.

Definition of Terms

Building Permit  A written authorization granted by the Local Building Official (LBO) to an applicant allowing him to proceed with the construction of a specific project after plans, specifications and other pertinent documents have been found to be in conformity with the National Building Code (PD 1096).

Building  Any independent, free-standing structure comprised of one or more rooms or other spaces, covered by a roof and enclosed with external walls or dividing walls which extend form the foundation to the roof.

Residential Building  A building for which its major parts or more than half of its gross floor area is built for dwelling purposes. This type of building can be of the single type, duplex, an apartment and/or accessoria.

Single House  A complete structure intended for a single family

Duplex  A structure intended for two households, with complete living facilities for each; it is a single structure divided into two dwelling units by a wall extending from the floor to the ceiling.

Apartment A structure, usually of several storeys, made up of independent living quarters, with independent entrances from internal walls and courts.

Accesoria  A one or two-floor structure divided into several dwelling units, each dwelling unit having its own separate entrance from outside.

Non-Residential Building  This type includes commercial, industrial, agricultural and institutional buildings.

Additions/Alterations and Repairs  Construction works by which the utility of building or structure is raised or at least renewed or which materially extends the normal life of the building or structure.

Floor Area of Building  The sum of the area of each floor of the building measured to the outer surface of the outer walls including the area of lobbies, cellars, elevator shafts and all communal spaces in multi-dwellings. Areas of balconies are excluded.

Total Value of Construction  The total cost per square meter of floor area of the building based on group classifications. This value is derived from the approved building permit and represents the estimated value of the building or structure when completed.

Other Residential Constructions  consist of school or company staff houses, living quarters for drivers and maids and guardhouses.

Unpublished Data

Unpublished data at the municipal level may also be made available upon request from the Industry Statistics Division, National Statistics Office, 4th Floor Solicarel II Ramon Magsaysay Blvd. Sta. Mesa, Manila, Tel no. 716-39-32

Source: National Statistics Office
              Manila, Philippines