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Construction Statistics from Approved Building Permits Philippines: 2019

Release Date:
Reference Number: 2020-338

TABLE A. Summary of Construction Statistics from Approved Building Permits,

Philippines 2019 and 2018


of Construction



Annual Growth

Rate (percent)


Annual Growth

Rate (percent)



-0.02 173,193 13.9
Floor area (sq.m.)


1.2 41,084,531 28.9
Value (PhP '000)


3.3 476,008,723 42.9
Number 124,275
Floor area (sq.m.)


-12.8 22,961,367 40.9
Value (PhP '000)


-12.3 257,417,054 56.8


9.3 24,381 14.2
Floor area (sq.m.)


20.1 17,409,516 15.8
Value (PhP '000)


28.5 181,481,663 26.6


6.9 5,769 13.4
Floor area (sq.m.)


-8.1 713,648 30.4
Value (PhP '000)


-13. 3 6,768,120 57.4
Alteration and Repair        


-3.3 16,614 13.5
Value (PhP '000)


-11.2 30,341,886 41.5

Note: Details of floor area and value may not add up to their respective totals due to rounding.
Source: Philippine Statistics Authority

Number of Constructions

  1. Number of constructions declines

The total number of constructions for the year 2019 was recorded  at 173,162. This indicates an annual decline of 0.02 percent. In the previous year, the number of constructions increased at an annual rate of 13.9 percent. (Table A)

  1. Residential had the highest number of constructions

By type of construction, residential reported the highest number of constructions in 2019 which totaled to 124,275 or 71.8 percent of the total number of constructions. However, this manifests a decrease of 1.7 percent from the previous year’s count. Majority (85.0%) of the residential constructions were single-type houses.

Meanwhile, non-residential accounted for the second highest count with 26,649 or 15.4 percent of the total number of constructions in 2019. This type of constructions increased in number at an annual rate of 9.3 percent. Most (61.0%) of the non-residential constructions were commercial buildings. (Tables A and 1, and Figure 1)

Addition, which refers to any new construction that increases the height or area of an existing building, and alteration and repair of existing structures had shares of 3.6 percent and 9.3 percent, respectively, to the total number of constructions in 2019. Compared with their respective annual rates in 2018, addition to existing structures recorded a slower annual rate of increase of 6.9 percent, while alteration and repair posted a decline of 3.3 percent. (Tables A and1)

  1. Number of constructions was highest in CALABARZON

CALABARZON ranked first in terms of number of constructions, with 42,762 constructions or 24.7 percent share to total. Completing the top three regions were Central Visayas with 19,828 constructions (11.5%) and Central Luzon with 18,965 constructions (11.0%). (Table 2 and Figure 2)

Value of Constructions

  1. Total value of constructions expanded in 2019

In 2019, the total value of constructions amounted to PhP 491.8 billion, which expanded by 3.3 percent from the PhP 476.0 billion in 2018. (Tables A and 1)

  1. Residential and non-residential each accounted for almost the entire value of constructions

Residential building constructions, valued at PhP 225.8 billion, accounted for 45.9 percent of the total value. This indicates a contraction of 12.3 percent from the PhP 257.4 billion construction value posted  in 2018.

Construction value of non-residential buildings amounted to PhP 233.2 billion or 47.4 percent of the total value. This reflects a 28.5 percent increase from the PhP 181.5 billion value of construction reported in the previous year.

Addition to existing structures, and alteration and repair contributed 1.2 percent and 5.5 percent, respectively. (Tables A and 1, and Figure 3)

The construction value of addition to, and alteration and repair of existing structures were recorded at PhP 5.9 billion (1.2%) and PhP 26.9 billion (5.5%), respectively. Both types of constructions had reduction in their respective value of constructions compared with the previous year with annual rates of -13.3 percent for addition to existing structures and -11.2 percent for alteration and repair. (Tables A and 1)

  1. Top three regions collectively contributed more than half to the total value of constructions

The combined shares of the top three regions, in terms of value of constructions, amounted to PhP 287.8 billion (58.5%). These regions were:

  1. NCR, PhP 158.1 billion (32.1%);
  2. CALABARZON, PhP 77.4 billion (15.7%); and
  3. Central Visayas, PhP 52.3 billion (10.6%). (Figure 4)

Floor Area

  1. Reported total floor area of constructions increased

The reported total floor area of constructions in 2019 was recorded at 41.6 million square meters. This translates to a slower rate of increase of 1.2 percent compared with the 28.9 percent increase in 2018. (Table A)

  1. Non-residential comprised more than half of the total floor area of constructions

Residential accounted for 20.0 million square meters or almost half (48.1%) of the total floor area of constructions in 2019, which dropped at an annual rate of 12.8 percent.

On the other hand, non-residential recorded 20.9 million square meters or more than half (50.3%) of the total floor area of constructions. This exhibits a faster rate of increase at 20.1 percent compared with the previous year’s annual rate of 15.8 percent. (Table 1)

Average Cost per Square Meter

  1. Average cost of constructions expanded

The total average cost per square meter of constructions in 2019 was PhP 11,827. This translates to a 2.1 percent annual increase from the PhP 11,586 average cost per square meter reported in 2018. (Table 1)

  1. Residential had the highest average cost of constructions

Among types of constructions, residential had the highest average cost  per square meter of PhP 11,284, followed by non-residential constructions (PhP 11,148) and addition to existing structures (PhP 8,952). (Table 1)

  1. Residential condominiums were the most expensive among types of residential constructions

Among residential constructions, residential condominiums posted the highest average cost of PhP 16,239 per square meter. The lowest average cost per square meter of PhP 7,668 was recorded in other types of residential constructions not elsewhere classified. (Figure 5a and Table 1)

  1. Institutional-type buildings had the highest cost among non-residential buildings

Institutional-type buildings reported the highest average cost per square meter of PhP 14,935. On the other hand, agricultural-type constructions continued to register the lowest average cost per square meter at PhP 4,878. (Figure 5b and Table 1)








This Special Release presents the final annual data on construction statistics from approved building permits for the year 2019. The final annual data include additional approved building permits collected after the monthly cut-off date. Data are presented in monthly, quarterly, and annual statistical tables at the regional and provincial level by type of construction.

Scope and Coverage

Construction statistics presented in this special release are based on approved building permits on new constructions; and additions to, and alterations and repairs of existing residential and non-residential buildings, and other structures which are proposed to be constructed in the different cities/municipalities of the country.

Sources of Information

Construction statistics are generated from approved building permits as well as from the demolition and fencing permits collected every month by PSA field personnel from the Offices of Local Building Officials (LBOs).

Limitations of data

  1. Data on building constructions are based from approved applications for construction during the reference period, and not on the construction work completed during the reference period.
  2. The completeness of construction data relies on the approved applications filed in the Offices of LBOs. Hence, building constructions without approved building permits are not part of the construction statistics.

Geographic Classification

For 2019, building constructions are classified and presented by geographic area using the Philippine Standard Geographic Classification (PSGC) as of December 2018.

Statistics Generated

Construction statistics generated from approved building permits provide monthly data on building construction at the regional and provincial level. The statistics generated are:

  1. Number;
  2. Floor area;
  3. Type of construction; and
  4. Value of consteruction.

Aside from the preliminary tables posted in the PSA website, the annual, quarterly, and monthly statistical tables at the municipality level by type of construction are available at the Industry Statistics Division (ISD) of the Economic Sector Statistics Service (ESSS) of the PSA. They can be requested through email at


Final results of construction statistics are made public in the form of Annual Special Release. The Annual Special Release is a consolidated report of the quarterly preliminary data including data from approved building permit applications which were submitted after the cut-off date of each month. This is posted eight months after the reference year at the PSA website (

Definition of Terms (Adopted from the Revised and Updated Implementing Rules and Regulations of the National Building Code)

Building permit is a written authorization granted by the LBO to an applicant allowing him to proceed with the construction of a specific project after plans, specifications, and other pertinent documents have been found to be in conformity with the National Building Code (PD 1096).

Building refers to any independent, free-standing structure comprised  of one or more rooms or other spaces, covered by a roof and enclosed with external walls or dividing walls, which extend from the foundation to the roof.

Construction refers to all on-site work done from site preparation, excavation, foundation, assembly of all the components, and installation    of utilities, machineries, and equipment of buildings/structures.

Residential building is a building for which its major parts or more than half of its gross floor area is built for dwelling purposes. This type of building can be of the single type, duplex, apartment and/or accessoria, and residential condominium.

Single house is a complete structure intended for a single family or household, i.e., bungalow, 2-storey house, nipa hut, etc.

Duplex house is a structure intended for two households, with complete living facilities for each; it is a single structure divided into two dwelling units by a wall extending from the floor to the ceiling.

Apartment is a structure, usually of two storeys, made up of independent living quarters, with independent entrances from internal walls and courts.

Accesoria is a one or two-floor structure divided into several dwelling units, each dwelling unit having its own separate entrance from the outside.

Residential condominium is a structure, usually of several storeys, consisting of multiple dwelling units.

Other residential construction consists of school or company staff houses, living quarters for drivers and maids, and guardhouses.

Non-residential building includes commercial, industrial, agricultural,    and institutional buildings.

Commercial buildings refer to office buildings and all buildings which are intended for use primarily in wholesale, retail and service trades; i.e., stores, hotels, restaurants, banks, disco houses, etc.

Industrial buildings are buildings used to house the production, assembly and warehousing activities of industrial establishments; i.e., factories, plants, mills, repair shops, machine shops, printing press, storage plant, electric generating plants, etc.

Institutional buildings are buildings which primarily engaged in providing educational instructions and hospital/health care; ports, airports and other government buildings; i.e. school, museums, libraries, sanitaria, churches, hospitals, etc.

Agricultural buildings are buildings used to house livestock, plants, and agricultural products such as barn, poultry house, piggeries, stables, greenhouses, and grain mill.

Other non-building constructions include cemetery structures, street furniture, waiting sheds, communication towers, etc.

Addition refers to any new construction which increases the height or area of an existing building/structure.

Repair is a remedial work done on any damaged or deteriorated portion/s of a building/structure to restore its original condition.

Renovation is any physical change made on structures to increase their value and quality.

Alteration is a construction in a building/structure involving changes in the materials used, partitioning, and location/size of openings, structural parts, existing utilities, and equipment but does not increase the overall area thereof.

Conversion is a change in the use or occupancy of structure or any portion thereof, which has different requirements.

Demolitions refer to the systematic dismantling or destruction of a building/structure, in whole or in part.

Street furniture are street structures consisting of monuments, waiting sheds, benches, plant boxes, lampposts, electric poles, and telephone poles.

Floor area of building refers to the sum of the area of each floor of the building measured to the outer surface of the outer walls including the area of lobbies, cellars, elevator shafts, and all communal spaces in multi-dwellings. Areas of balconies are excluded.

Total value of construction refers to the sum of the cost of building, electrical, mechanical, plumbing, and others. The value is derived from the approved building permit and represents the estimated value of the building or structure when completed.

Attachment Size
Excel spreadsheet TABLE 1. Comparative Construction Statistics by Type of Construction : 2019 and 2018 25.3 KB
Excel spreadsheet TABLE 2 Number, Floor Area and Value of Constructions by Type and by Province : Philippines 2019 56.77 KB
Excel spreadsheet TABLE 3 Number, Floor Area and Value of Residential Constructions by Type and by Province : Philippines 2019 206 KB
Excel spreadsheet TABLE 4 Number, Floor Area and Value of Non-Residential Constructions by Type and by Province : Philippines 2019 215 KB
Excel spreadsheet TABLE 5 Number, Floor Area and Value of Commercial Building Constructions by Type and by Province : Philippines 2019 207.5 KB
Excel spreadsheet TABLE 6 Number, Floor Area and Value of Industrial Building Constructions by Type and by Province : Philippines 2019 201 KB
Excel spreadsheet TABLE 7 Number, Floor Area and Value of Institutional Building Constructions by Type and by Province : Philippines 2019 215.5 KB
Excel spreadsheet TABLE 8 Number, Floor Area and Value of Agricultural Building Constructions by Type and by Province : Philippines 2019 194.5 KB
Excel spreadsheet Constructions by Type and by Province : First Quarter 2019 1.03 MB
Excel spreadsheet Constructions by Type and by Province : Second Quarter 2019 1.04 MB
Excel spreadsheet Constructions by Type and by Province : Third Quarter 2019 1.04 MB
Excel spreadsheet Constructions by Type and by Province : Fourth Quarter 2019 1.03 MB
Excel spreadsheet Constructions by Type and by Province : January 2019 1.02 MB
Excel spreadsheet Constructions by Type and by Province : February 2019 1.01 MB
Excel spreadsheet Constructions by Type and by Province : March 2019 1.02 MB
Excel spreadsheet Constructions by Type and by Province : April 2019 1.02 MB
Excel spreadsheet Constructions by Type and by Province : May 2019 1.02 MB
Excel spreadsheet Constructions by Type and by Province : June 2019 1.02 MB
Excel spreadsheet Constructions by Type and by Province : July 2019 1.02 MB
Excel spreadsheet Constructions by Type and by Province : August 2019 1.01 MB
Excel spreadsheet Constructions by Type and by Province : September 2019 1.01 MB
Excel spreadsheet Constructions by Type and by Province : October 2019 1.02 MB
Excel spreadsheet Constructions by Type and by Province : November 2019 1.01 MB
Excel spreadsheet Constructions by Type and by Province : December 2019 1.01 MB
PDF Sppecial Release Annual 2019 3.34 MB