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Rice and Corn Stocks Inventory, October 2005

Release Date:


  • The October 1, 2005 national rice stock was 1.60 million metric tons and expected to last for 55 days supply. It surpassed its year and month ago levels by 21.1% and 2.5%, respectively.
  • All sectors posted positive increments from previous month’s levels. Rice stock in the households and commercial warehouses went up by 37.0% and 24.8%, respectively.
  • Compared to last year, stocks in the household and commercial warehouses went down by 4.6% and 12.4% respectively. In contrast, NFA stocks of which 97.0% is imported rice increased by 33.3%.
  • Of the current total rice stock, 49.0% percent comes from   households, 31.0% from NFA depositories and 20.0% from commercial sectors.

Figure 1 Rice Stock as of October 1, 2005

Table 1 Rice Stock as of October 1, 2005


  • The October 1, 2005 total corn stock inventory of 410.5 thousand metric tons was 11.9% higher as compared to its month ago level, but 3.4% below last year’s record.
  • The commercial sector posted a 68.9% increment over last year’s  record. On the other hand, a quick turn over in households’ stock level led to a 26.0% stock drawdown.
  • NFA reported 324 metric tons of yellow corn for the period.

Figure 2 Corn Stock as of October 1, 2005

Table 2 Corn Stock as of OCtober 1, 2005