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Rice and Corn Stocks Inventory, December 2021

Release Date:
Reference Number: 2022-80


As of 01 December 2021, the total rice stocks inventory was 2,378.96 thousand metric tons. This is a decline of -14.0 percent compared with the inventory of 2,766.40 thousand metric tons in the same period of previous year.

Likewise, a -1.6 percent decline was observed in comparison to the preceding month’s rice stocks inventory level of 2,418.43 thousand metric tons. (Figure 1 and Table 1)

Inventory of Rice Stocks

Year-on-year, rice stocks inventory levels in the households and NFA depositories continued to drop by -19.8 percent and -29.3 percent, respectively. On the other hand, rice stocks in commercial warehouses/wholesalers/retailers grew by 4.6 percent.

Month-on-month, rice stocks inventory in households and commercial warehouses/wholesaler/retailers decreased by -2.6 percent and -1.3 percent, respectively. On the contrary, there was a 2.2 percent rise from the previous month's rice stocks inventory from NFA depositories.

Households accounted for 54.6 percent of the total rice stock inventory. Commercial warehouses/wholesalers/retailers and NFA depositories shared 34.9 percent and 10.5 percent, respectively. (Table 1)

Table 1. Percentage Change in the Inventory of Rice Stocks     
Philippines, December 2020, November 2021 and December 2021



The total corn stocks inventory level was 562.74 thousand metric tons as of 01 December 2021. This represents a -41.4 percent decrease from the same period of the previous year's level of 960.95 thousand metric tons.

Meanwhile, the overall corn stocks inventory increased by 1.5 percent compared with the previous month’s inventory level of 554.68 thousand metric tons. (Figure 2 and Table 2)

Year-on-year, the corn stocks inventory level for both households and commercial warehouses/wholesalers/retailers continued to decline. As observed, there were decrements of -69.0 percent in the households and -25.5 percent in commercial warehouses/wholesalers/retailers.

Month-on-month, the household corn stocks inventory level showed a downturn of -18.1 percent, while the stocks level in commercial warehouses/wholesalers/retailers increased by 7.7 percent.

Around 19.4 percent of total corn stocks were from households and 80.6 percent were sourced from commercial warehouses/wholesalers/retailers. (Table 2)

Table 2. Percentage Change in the Inventory of Corn Stocks     
Philippines, December 2020, November 2021 and December 2021



National Statistician and Civil Registrar General



Technical Notes

Monthly rice and corn stocks inventory are generated from three sectors, namely: household, commercial, and government (National Food Authority). The household stocks are taken from the results of Palay and Corn Stocks Survey (PCSS) of the Philippine Statistics Authority (PSA).

Effective February 2021, PSA also generates the commercial stocks inventory from the results of Commercial Stocks Survey (CSS) per Implementing Rules and Regulations of Republic Act (RA) No. 11203 known as the “Rice Tariffication Law”. The government stocks inventory is taken from administrative records from the National Food Authority.

The PCSS covers sample farming households and non-farming households nationwide.  Sample farming households are sub-sample of Palay Production Survey (PPS) and Corn Production Survey (CPS). In these surveys, the primary sampling units (PSUs) are the palay/corn producing barangays and secondary sampling units (SSUs) are the palay/corn farming households. The PSUs are selected using probability proportional to size while the SSUs are selected through systematic sampling. For the non-farming households, five non-farming households are selected for each barangay.

The CSS employs a two-stage systematic sampling wherein the first level of stratification is the line of activity of the NFA registered grains businessmen and the second level of stratification is the businessmen’s capitalization. The line of activity of grains businessmen are stratified into four: 1 - retailers, 2 - wholesalers, 3 - combined retailers/wholesalers and 4 - warehousemen.  The line of activity is further sub-stratified according to businessmen’ capitalization such as 1 - big, 2 - medium and 3 - small capitalization structure, while warehousemen are sub-stratified into two, that is 1 - big and 2 - combined medium and small.