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2008 Annual Survey of Philippine Business and Industry (ASPBI) - Electricity, Gas and Water Sector (Total Employment of 20 and Over) : Preliminary Results

Release Date:
Reference Number: 2010
Number of Establishments
The 2008 Annual Survey of Philippine Business and Industry covered 427 electricity, gas and water establishments with total employment of 20 and over. The number of establishments by industry are as follows:
  •  Water collection, purification and distribution through a system of mains with 242 establishments (56.7%).
  •  Electricity generation, collection and distribution with 181 establishments (42.4%).
  •  Steam and hot water supply plants with 4 establishments (0.9%)
In 2008, employment in electricity, gas and water establishments with total employment of 20 and over reached about 59,181 workers. Employment by industry are:
  •  Electricity generation, collection and distribution had 37,096 workers (62.7%).
  •  Water collection, purification and distribution through a system of mains with 21,405 workers (36.2%).
  •  Steam and hot water supply plants with 680 workers (1.1 %).
(Figure 1 shows the percentage distribution of the number of establishments and employment for electricity, gas and water establishments with total employment of 20 and over by industry group.)
Figure 1
Value of Output
Value of output generated by electricity, gas and water establishments with total employment of 20 and over amounted to PhP406.6 billion.
The value of output by industry are:
  •  Electricity generation, collection and distribution establishments with the highest output value amounting to PhP370.6 billion (91.2%).
  •  Water collection, purification and distribution through a system of mains with PhP32.3 billion (7.9%).
  •  Steam and hot water supply plants with the least value of PhP3.7 billion (0.9%).
(Figure 2 shows the percentage distribution of value of output for electricity, gas and water establishments with total employment of 20 and over by industry group.)
Figure 2
Gross Addition to Fixed Assets
Gross addition to fixed assets of electricity, gas and water establishments with total employment of 20 and over amounted to PhP18.0 billion.
By industry groups, these are:
  •  Electricity generation, collection and distribution establishments with the highest gross addition of PhP11.8 billion (65.5%).
  •  Water collection, purification and distribution through a system of mains with PhP6.2 billion (34.5%).
  •  Steam and hot water supply plants with PhP65 thousand.
(Figure 3 shows the percentage distribution of gross addition to fixed assets for electricity, gas and water establishments with total employment of 20 and over by industry group.) 

Figure 3