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Compendium of Philippine Environment Statistics: Component 6

Release Date:
Reference Number: 2022-277

The Compendium of Philippine Environment Statistics (CPES) is a compilation of statistical information collected from various government agencies. It is an adoption of the Framework for the Development of Environment Statistics (FDES) 2013 which was developed by the United Nations.

CPES component 6 centers on the country’s environmental protection and management. Specifically, this component consists of information on expenditures, regulations, and other activities such as international agreements focusing on the protection of the environment and management of resources.1 At present, 18 statistics were compiled out of the 50 identified indicators, an improvement from three (3) statistics in the last compilation.

Annual Government Environmental Protection Expenditure

Figure 1

In 2021, expenditures for protection of biodiversity and landscape amounted to PhP 11.47 billion or 45.1 percent of the total expenditures. Environmental protection not elsewhere classified (n.e.c) and waste management comprised the second (25.7 percent) and third (13.0 percent) largest portions of the expenditures in 2021, respectively. (Figure 1 and Table 6.2)

List of Regulated Pollutants and Description
This component compiles various limits for air and water pollutants. These limits were gathered from Republic Act No. 8749 or the Philippine Clean Air Act of 1999, the Philippine National Standards for Drinking Water of 1993 and the Water Quality Guidelines (WQG) and General Effluent Standards (GES). The different Department Administrative Orders (DAOs) of the DENR describe the limits for different types of vehicles and other air pollutant sources are described. The DAOs of the DENR also prescribes the WQG and GES for selected parameters and the standard parameters and values for drinking water quality. (Tables 6.3.1 to 6.3.37)

A list of 29 licensing systems is also presented in this component. The description and date of issuance to ensure compliance with environmental standards of these licensing systems were from DENR, its bureaus and attached agency, the Forest Management Bureau (FMB), Biodiversity Management Bureau (BMB), and Laguna Lake Development Authority (LLDA). (Table 6.5)

The number and type of permits issued annually by the DENR regional offices, bureaus, and attached agencies are listed in this component. (Tables 6.6.1 to 6.6.4)

List of Multilateral Environmental Agreements
A list of 25 Multilateral Environmental Agreements (MEAs) and other international conventions of the Philippines is also presented in this component. Information on these MEAs such as objectives and dates of entry, adoption, signature, and ratification were from DENR, FMB, and BMB. (Table 6.9)

Number of Students Pursuing Environment-related Higher Education

Figure 2

Among the Programs in the Philippine Standard Classification of Education (PSCED), Forestry and Environmental Science recorded the highest number of enrolled students at more than 57,000 students each. The data were submitted to the Commission on Higher Education (CHED) by the Higher Education Institutions and include pre-baccalaureate up to doctorate programs. (Figure 2 and Table 6.13)


National Statistician and Civil Registrar General


1 Definition based on the Framework for the Development of Environment Statistics (FDES) 2013

Attachment Size
PDF Press Release 289.53 KB
PDF Technical Notes 245.55 KB
Excel spreadsheet Table 6.1.1 Climate Change (CC) Expenditures by Department and Special Purpose Fund 76.7 KB
Excel spreadsheet Table 6.1.2 Climate Change (CC) Expenditures by National Climate Change Action Plan (NCCAP) 71.74 KB
Excel spreadsheet Table 6.2 Details of Sectoral Allocation of National Government Expenditures 77.75 KB
Excel spreadsheet Table 6.3.1 to 6.3.3 Environmental Institutions and its Resources 85.49 KB
Excel spreadsheet Table 6.4.1 Initial List and Values of Hazardous Air Pollutants for National Ambient Air Quality Guideline 54.75 KB
Excel spreadsheet Table 6.4.2 Initial List and Values of Hazardous Air Pollutants for National Ambient Air Quality Standards 56.65 KB
Excel spreadsheet Table 6.4.3 Maximum Limits of Concentration of Air Pollutants at The Point of Emission 55.16 KB
Excel spreadsheet Table 6.4.4 to 6.4.6 Maximum Limits of Particulates in Stationary Sources 14.11 KB
Excel spreadsheet Table 6.4.7 to 6.4.8 Maximum Limits for Exhaust Gas in Other Stationary Sources of Pollution 73.65 KB
Excel spreadsheet Table 6.4.9 to 6.4.12 Emission Limits for Light Commercial Vehicles Type Approval (DIRECTIVE 9359EEC) 15.15 KB
Excel spreadsheet Table 6.4.13 to 6.4.15 Emission Standards for Vehicles 13.96 KB
Excel spreadsheet Table 6.4.16 to 6.4.19 Emission Limits for Motorcycle 13.99 KB
Excel spreadsheet Table 6.4.20 to 6.4.21 Emission Limits for Motorcycle and The Provisional National Ambient Air Quality Guidline Values for PM2.5 13.58 KB
Excel spreadsheet Table 6.4.22 to 6.4.28 Standard Parameters and Values for Drinking-Water Quality 293.22 KB
Excel spreadsheet Table 6.4.29 Vehicle Emission Limits for Euro 4_IV, and In-Use Vehicle Emission Standards 53.38 KB
Excel spreadsheet Table 6.4.30 to 6.4.34 Water Quality Guidelines 20.3 KB
Excel spreadsheet Table 6.4.35 Significant Effluent Quality Parameters Per Sector 21.78 KB
Excel spreadsheet Table 6.4.36 Effluent Standards 59.36 KB
Excel spreadsheet Table 6.4.37 Effluent Standards for BOD Applicable to Establishments with Influent BOD of Greater than or Equal to 3000 mg per 9.61 KB
Excel spreadsheet Table 6.5 Description of Licensing System 56.33 KB
Excel spreadsheet Table 6.6.1 to 6.6.4 Number of Applications for Licences Received and Approved per Year 53.63 KB
Excel spreadsheet Table 6.7.1 to 6.7.2 Budget and Number of Staff Dedicated to Enforcement of Environmental Regulations 48.48 KB
Excel spreadsheet Table 6.8 List and Description of Multilateral Environmental Agreements (MEAs) 17.32 KB
Excel spreadsheet Table 6.9.1 to 6.9.2 Publicly Accessible Environmental Information System 52.99 KB
Excel spreadsheet Table 6.10 National Environment Statistics Programme 49.1 KB
Excel spreadsheet Table 6.11 Environment Statistics Products 51.41 KB
Excel spreadsheet Table 6.12 Budget Allocation for Environmental Education 40.85 KB
Excel spreadsheet Table 6.13 Number of Students Pursuing Environment-Related Higher Education 44.91 KB