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ENRA II: Institutionalization of the Philippine Economic-Environmental and Natural Resource Accounting (PEENRA) System

This is the accomplishment report of the Environment and Natural Resources Accounting (ENRA II) project for the year 2000. The project was extended till the first quarter of year 2001. The report is divided into two parts. The first part discusses the activities accomplished at the national level while the second part focuses on the activities accomplished by the pilot areas of the project at the subnational areas.

Download: Annual Accomplishment Report Year 2000

ENRA II: Institutionalization of the Philippine Economic-Environmental and Natural Resource Accounting (PEENRA) System

The Environment and Natural Resources Accounting (ENRA II) Project started middle of the year 1998 and will end on December 2000. The project focuses on the development and enhancement capacities for environmental and natural resource accounting, both for the generation and utilization purposes as a tool to integrate environmental concerns in policy making, planning purposes and decision making.

The fundamental objective of the project is to institutionalize the generation and utilization of the Philippine Economic Environmental and Natural Resources Accounting (PEENRA) system that will contribute to the mainstreaming of environmental concerns in policy formulation, planning and decision making at the national level and selected regions and province

Download: Annual Accomplishment Report Year 1999

ENRA II: Institutionalization of PEENRA System (started June 1998)

The ENRA II Project focuses on the development and enhancement capacities for environmental and natural resource accounting, both for the generation and utiliation purposes as a tool to integrate environmental concerns in policy making, planning purposes and decision making.

The fundamental objective of the project is to institutionalize the generation and utilization of the PEENRA that will contribute to the mainstreaming of environmental concerns in policy formulation, planning and decision making at the national level and selected regions and province.

Download: Description of the Project

ENRA Subprogramme of the IEMSD (ended December 1997)

The ENRA Subprogramme under the Integrated Environment Management and Sustainable Development Programme, a three-year joint project of the DENR and the UNDP, piloted the development of the Philippine SEEA at the national and regional level.

Through this Subprogramme, the necessary institutional linkages for the development of environmental accounts were established and the compilation of the PSEEA accounts, as a satellite account to the PSNA, was operationalized.

The ENRA Subprogramme has also paved the way for the institutionalization of the PEENRA System with the approval of the EO No. 406 which provides the legal basis for the full institutionalization of the system, particularly the generation and utilization of the PEENRA System.

 Download: ENRA Sub-Programme Accomplishment Report (1995-1997)

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PDF 1_2000AnRep 54.54 KB
PDF 2_2000AnRep 69.89 KB
PDF ENRA II_Description 37.14 KB
PDF ENRA Sub_Accomplishment 54.25 KB