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Merchandise Export Performance : October 1998

Release Date:
Reference Number: 1998-061



Total year-to-date merchandise export receipts grew by 17.9 percent to $24.387 billion from $20.689 billion a year earlier.

Total dollar inflow for October 1998 increased by 9.3 percent to $2.542 billion from $2.326 billion last year.



Accounting for 56.2 percent of the aggregate revenue for October 1998, shipments of Electronics and Components grossed a 31.7 percent increase in sales growing to $1,429.26 million from $1,085.06 million last year.

The second top earner consisted of Articles of Apparel and Clothing Accessories with sales amounting to $165.03 million which declined by 1.4 percent from $167.43 million in 1997.

Next top earner was Input/Output Peripheral Units which earned $127.14 million which was 17.9 percent lower than $154.87 million a year ago.

Earnings from Other Products Manufactured from Materials Imported on Consignment Basis increased by 38.8 percent to $55.17 million from $39.76 million last year.

Revenue from Coconut Oil exports fell by 28.2 percent as value of shipments reached $41.93 million from $58.42 million a year earlier.

Value of Woodcraft and Furniture exports went up by 16.1 percent to $39.36 million from $33.91 million in 1997.

Rounding up the list of the 1998 top exports for October were Ignition Wiring Sets and Other Wiring Sets Used in Vehicles, $37.92 million; Metal Components, $26.40 million; Bananas (Fresh), $21.63 million; and Tuna, $19.05 million.

Aggregate payment for the top ten exports for the month amounted to $1.963 billion, which was 77.2 percent of the total.



Revenue from exports of Manufactured Goods posted a 14.9 percent increase as sales reached $2.288 billion from $1.991 billion a year earlier. This major export group accounted for 90.0 percent of total receipts.

Income from Agro-Based and Other Agro-Based Products combined for $139.95 million which was 5.5 percent of the total. Compared to October 1998, aggregate revenue for these commodity groups dropped by 18.0 percent from $170.77 million last year.

Other major commodity groups and their respective amounts were Special Transactions, $59.04 million; Mineral Products, $43.99 million; Petroleum Products, $10.38 million; and Forest Products, $754.32 thousand.



The US market was the destination of 33.4 percent of total exports for the month. Posting a 6.7 percent increase, sales to the United States amounted to $849.45 million from $795.88 million a year earlier.

With a 13.8 percent share, Japan was the second biggest export market. Reported receipts amounted to $351.22 million which was 11.6 percent lower than $397.10 million a year ago.

Netherlands was the third biggest market for the month. Shipments of local goods to Netherlands amounted to $197.37 million, which was 7.8 percent of the total.

Other top markets for the month in review were Taiwan, $178.09 million; United Kingdom of Great Britain, $165.71 million; Singapore, $141.61 million; Hongkong, $97.75 million; Malaysia, $97.39 million; Germany, $93.73 million; and Thailand, $56.17 million.

Shipments to the top ten markets accounted for 87.7 percent of the aggregate revenue, amounting to $2.228 billion.



Source: National Statistics Office
               Manila, Philippines

Page Last Updated: May 7, 2001