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Merchandise Export Performance : August 2013

Release Date:
Reference Number: 2013-185


August 2013




* Include transactions that passed through all Value Added Service Provider (VASP) for the month of August.

p - preliminary

r – revised




Export earnings in August 2013 amounted to $4.581 billion, a 20.2 percent growth from $3,810 billion recorded in August of 2012.  The positive growth was mainly brought by the increase of seven major commodities out of the top ten commodities for the month and these are: petroleum products, other minerals products, bananas (fresh), chemicals, woodcrafts and furniture, other manufactures and ignition wiring set and other wiring set used in vehicles, aircrafts and ships. On the contrary, it decreased by 5.3 percent on a monthly basis from $4.836 billion posted in July 2013. Total merchandise exports for January to August 2013 registered a 0.8 percent decrease from $35.297 billion in same period of 2012 to $35.003 billion in 2013.



Electronic Products remained as the country’s top export with total receipts of $1.785 billion, accounting for 39.0 percent of the total exports revenue in August 2013. It declined by 0.4 percent from $1.791 billion registered in August 2012.  Similarly, on a month-on-month basis, Electronic Products was down by 0.5 percent from $1.793 billion posted in July 2013. Components/Devices (Semiconductors), which comprised 27.8 percent of the total exports, shared the biggest among the major groups of electronic products with export earnings worth $1.275 billion but declined by of 9.6 percent from $1.410 billion recorded in August 2012.

Other Manufactures was the second top export earner in August 2013 with export revenue of $542.90 million, increasing by 65.6 percent from $327.80 million in August 2012.

Woodcrafts and Furniture recorded as the country’s third top export with revenue valued at $346.96 million or 7.6 percent share to total exports. It increased by 68.7 percent from $205.65 million in same period a year ago.

Ranked fourth in August 2013 and contributing 4.2 percent share to the total export receipts was Other Mineral Products with earnings amounting to $193.22 million. Compared to it’s a year ago level of $34.82 million, this recorded a 454.96 percent year-on-year change.

Machinery and Transport Equipment, with 4.1 percent share to the total export receipts, ranked fifth with value posted at $190.04 million. It decreased by 58.0 percent from $452.84 million recorded value during the same month in 2012.

Rounding up the list of the top ten exports for the month of August 2013 were Chemicals with export earnings of $180.52 million, up by 121.20 percent; Metal Components with export receipts of $137.86 million, declining by 0.5 percent; Ignition Wiring Set and Other Wiring Sets Used in Vehicles, Aircrafts and Ships with proceeds billed at $116.54 million, increasing by 12.2 percent; Banana (Fresh) with export receipts of $109.26 million, rising by 266.2 percent and Petroleum Products with total receipts of $95.95 million remarkably increasing by 115,374.8 percent from $0.08 million of the same month a year ago.

Total receipts from the top ten exports reached $3.697.90 billion, or 80.7 percent of the total exports.




Accounting for 81.1 percent of the total export receipts in August 2013, outward shipments of Manufactured Goods was estimated at $3.715 billion, representing an increase of 8.7 percent from $3.417 billion recorded in August 2012. In contrast, on a monthly basis, it decreased by 3.7 percent from $3.857 billion recorded in July 2013.

Proceeds from Total Agro-Based Products, comprising 7.7 percent share of the total exports revenue in August 2013, grew by 83.8 percent to $352.17 million from $191.61 million in same month a year ago.  Compared to its previous month record, it declined by 3.8 percent from $365.94 million in July 2013.

Receipts from Mineral Products, with a share of 6.9 percent in August 2013, amounted to $315.33 million. It increased by 183.2 percent from $111.33 million in August 2012.  

Income from Petroleum Products, accounting for 2.1 percent share of the total exports revenue, significantly increased by 115,374.8 percent to $95.95 million from $0.083 million reported value in same period a year ago.

Special Transactions, reflecting a 2.1 percent share, increased by 11.2 percent to $95.75 million in August 2013 from $86.08 million in August 2012.

Moreover, Forest Products with 0.1 percent share, increased by 86.5 percent to $6.33 million in August 2013 from $3.39 million in same month in 2012.




Japan including Okinawa, comprising 25.0 percent share to total exports for August 2013, remained as the country’s top destination of exports with revenue amounting to $1.147 billion.  It increased by 67.0 percent from $686.77 million recorded value in same month a year ago.

United States of America (USA) including Alaska and Hawaii, with 12.6 percent share to total exports, ranked second with shipments amounting to $575.44 million, jumping by 15.2 percent from $499.30 million compared to same month a year ago.

People’s Republic of China, comprising 10.5 percent share to total exports, followed as the third top market destination of the country for August 2013 with export receipts valued at $479.88 million. This recorded an increase of 26.1 percent from $380.70 million reported a year earlier.

Fourth in rank and representing 8.5 percent share to total exports was Singapore with export earnings worth $389.63 million, a drop of 30.7 percent from $561.99 million posted in August 2012.

Hong Kong ranked fifth in August 2013 with $348.46 million or 7.6 percent share of the total exports, increasing by 13.5 percent from its year ago amount of $306.97 million.

Other top ten markets for August 2013 were: Germany $281.54 million; Republic of Korea, $222.92 million; Taiwan, $154.60 million; Netherlands, $130.03 million; and Thailand, $121.99 million.

Total export receipts from the country’s top ten markets destinations for the month of August 2013 was valued at $3.851 billion or 84.1 percent of the total.




The merchandise exports of the Philippines to East Asia in August 2013 accounted 51.5 percent share to total exports, amounting to $2.358 billion or an increase of 34.8 percent from its August 2012 figure of $1.749 billion.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        

Exports to ASEAN member-countries, accounting for 15.6 percent share to total merchandise exports in August 2013, reached $715.11 million, a 19.6 percent decrease from $889.56 million recorded in August 2012.

Merchandise exports to United States of America, sharing 12.6 percent to total merchandise exports in August 2013, was valued at $575.44 million. It went up by 15.2 percent from $499.30 million posted in same month a year ago.



Notes:    1 - includes China, Hong Kong, Japan, Macau, Mongolia, N, Korea, S. Korea, Taiwan

                2/   - includes Brunei Darussalam, Cambodia, Indonesia, Laos, Malaysia, Myanmar, 

                            Singapore, Thailand, Vietnam

                3/   - includes Alaska and Hawaii

                4/   - includes Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia,

                            Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania,

                            Luxembourg, Malta, Netherlands, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia,                                 

                            Spain, Sweden and UK Great Britain


Technical Note:

Starting with the February 2007 Press Release, analysis and tables are based on the 2004 Philippine Standard Commodity Classification (PSCC) groupings.  This is in compliance with   NSCB   Resolution No. 03, Series of 2005 entitled “Approving and Adopting the 2004 Philippine Standard Commodity Classification” by all concerned government agencies and instrumentalities.


