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The Daily Per Capita Food Supply of Calories was Recorded at 2,989.54 Kilocalories in 2021

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The Food Balance Sheets (FBS) presents a comprehensive picture of the pattern of a country’s food supply during a specified reference period. It provides estimates of per capita food available for human consumption in terms of quantity, calories, protein, and fat contents.


The daily per capita supply of calories from the aggregated food products in 2021 was estimated at 2,989.54 kilocalories. This was 6.4 percent higher than the previous year’s level. Cereals (excluding beer), the major contributor of daily per capita supply of calories with 60.6 percent share, recorded 1,811.99 kilocalories or an increase of 6.3 percent in 2021.


The daily per capita supply of protein reached 85.55 kilocalories or an increase of 3.0 percent from the 2020 level. Among food groups, cereals (excluding beer) had the highest share in the total daily per capita supply of protein at 45.5 percent. This was followed by meat at 18.9 percent, and fish and seafood at 18.8 percent.



For fats, the daily per capita supply in 2021 was estimated at 60.15 grams, higher by 5.9 percent compared to the 2020 level. The major sources of fats were the following: oilcrops with 26.4 percent share; cereals (excluding beer) with 19.7 percent share; and meat with 16.7 percent share.

Self-Sufficiency Ratio (SSR)

In 2021, the country’s estimated SSR for the aggregated food was 80.0 percent. This indicates that 80.0 percent of the food supply was sourced from local production.

Import Dependency Ratio (IDR)

IDR for food was estimated at 25.1 percent in 2021. This means that 25.1 percent of the total food supply was from imports.

The FBS of the Philippines is an annual publication of the Philippine Statistics Authority (PSA). The statistical tables cover the reference period 2019 to 2021, while the highlights focus on the 2021 data.


National Statistician and Civil Registrar General