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2013 Annual Survey of Philippine Business and Industry (ASPBI) - Human Health and Social Work Activities : Final Results

Release Date:

Medical and dental practice industry leads the sector 

Final results of the 2013 Annual Survey of Philippine Business and Industry covered a total of 6,640 establishments engaged in Human health and social work activities.  About 5,640 or 84.9 percent were establishments with total employment (TE) less than 20 and the remaining 1,000 or 15.1 percent were composed of establishments with total employment of 20 and over.

Among industry groups, medical and dental practice activities led the sector with 4,961 or 74.7 percent of the total.  Hospital activities came next with 944 establishments or 14.2 percent while other social work activities without accommodation, n.e.c. ranked third with 417 establishments or 6.3 percent.

The remaining 318 establishments or 4.8 percent of the total were engaged in the following:

  •  Other human health activities, 104 establishments (1.6%)
  •  Other residential care activities, n.e.c, 101 establishments (1.5%)
  •  Residential care activities for mental retardation, mental health and substance abuse, 87 establishments (1.3%)
  •  Social work activities without accommodation for the elderly and disabled, 16 establishments (0.2%)
  •  Residential nursing care facilities, 7 establishments (0.1%)
  •  Residential care activities for the elderly and disabled, 3 establishments (0.05%)

Figure 1 shows the percentdistribution of establishments by industry group.


Hospital activity employs the majority of workers

The sector employed a total of 155,361 workers. Out of this total, 121,065 or 77.9 percent workers belong to TE 20 and over while the remaining 34,295 workers comprised TE less than 20.  Almost 97.0 percent (150,663) of the total were paid employees and the rest were working owners or unpaid workers.

Figure 2 shows that hospital activities had the most number of employees with 109,419 or 70.4 percent, followed by medical and dental practice activities providing jobs to 35,345 or 22.8 percent of the total employment.  On the other hand, residential care activities for the elderly and disabled registered the least with 44 employees or 0.03 percent.


Hospital activities pay the highest average annual compensation

Total compensation paid by Human health and social works activities establishments amounted to PHP28.0 billion.  About 87.2 percent (PHP24.3 billion) was contributed by establishments with TE of 20 and over while the excess amount of PHP3.7 billion or 12.8 percent paid to establishments with TE of less than 20.  Average annual compensation of the sector was estimated at PHP185.1 thousand per employee.  Hospital activities paid the highest average annual compensation of PHP202.2 thousand per employee while residential nursing care facilities paid the lowest at an average of PHP93.4 thousand per employee.  Distribution of average annual compensation per employee by industry group is shown in Figure 3.


Hospital activities generates the biggest share in income and expense

In 2013, total income generated by the sector reached PHP129.8 billion.  Hospital activities had the largest share in income with PHP95.6 billion or 73.7 percent of the total.  Medical and dental practice activities followed next with PHP21.5 billion or 16.3 percent.  On the other hand, residential care activities for the elderly and disabled shared the least with PHP12.9 million or 0.01 percent.

Total expense incurred during the reference year amounted to PHP109.1 billion.  Being the major income contributor, hospital activities also had the largest proportion in expense with PHP82.5 billion or 75.6 and medical and dental practice activities with PHP17.1 billion or 15.7 percent.  Residential care activities for elderly and disabled incurred the lowest expense of PHP11.2 million or 0.01 percent.  Figure 4 shows the income generated and expense incurred by the Human health and social work activities establishments by industry group.


Income- expense ratio stands to 1.2

The sector generated an income per expense ratio of 1.2 which means that for every peso spent, a corresponding income of PHP1.2 was generated.

Among industries, other human health activities registered the highest income per expense ration of 1.8, indicating PHP1.8 income per PHP1 expense.  Social work activities without accommodation for the elderly and disabled recorded income per expense ratio of 1.5.  Establishments engaged in residential nursing care facilities registered the least income per peso expense of 0.7.


Hospital activities accounts for nearly 75 percent of total value added

Value added was estimated at PHP61.5 billion.  Among industries, hospital activities contributed the biggest share to total value added amounting to PHP45.9 billion or 74.6 percent. Medical and dental practice activities came next with PHP10.5 billion or a share of 17.1 percent.  On the other hand, residential nursing care facilities generated the least with PHP6.0 million or 0.01 percent.


Other human health activities posts the highest labor productivity

Labor productivity, defined as the ratio of value added to total employment, was estimated at PHP396.2 thousand for the sector.  The highest labor productivity was recorded by other human health activities with PHP654.6 thousand.  Other residential care activities placed in second with PHP525.7 thousand per worker.  Other social work activities without accommodation, n.e.c. came third with PHP522.2 thousand per worker.  Figure 5 shows the value added per worker by industry group for the Human health and social work activities sector in 2013.


Gross additions to fixed assets reaches to PHP9.6 billion

Gross additions to tangible fixed assets totaled PHP9.6 billion in 2013.  Hospital activities posted the highest gross additions to fixed assets with PHP6.8 billion or 71.6 percent. Other human health activities came next with PHP1.6billionor 17.3 percent.  Social work activities without accommodation for the elderly and disabled contributed the least with PHP1.3 million or 0.01 percent to total gross addition to fixed assets.


Total change in inventory registers at PHP326.8 million

Change in inventories, defined as the value of ending inventory less the beginning, amounted to PHP326.8 million.  Among industries, hospital activities recorded the highest with PHP269.4million, followed by medical and dental practice activities with PHP69.6 million and other social work activities without a accommodation, nec with PHP5.8 million.


No receipts from subsidies and sales from e-commerce in 2013

Establishments engaged in Human health and social work activities did not receive any subsidies from the government for the year 2013.  At the same time, none of the establishments reported sales from e-commerce activities during the reference year.






This Special Release presents the final results of the 2013 Annual Survey of Philippine Business and Industry (ASPBI) for the Human Health and Social Activities sector for all employment sizes in the formal sector of the economy.

The 2013 ASPBI is one of the designated statistical activities of the former National Statistics Office (NSO) now Philippine Statistics Authority (PSA). Data collected from the survey will provide information on the levels, structure, performance and trends of economic activities of the formal sector of the economy for the reference period 2013. It will also serve as benchmark information in the measurement and comparison of national and regional economic growth.

To provide establishment respondents ease of accomplishing the 2013 ASPBI questionnaires, the income and expense account in the Financial Statemenof establishment was adopted in the design of sectoral 2013 ASPBI questionnaires.  Income and revenue have the same concept in recording financial transaction of establishments while expense is cost incurred on a consumed basis.

Data collection was intensified through the use of web-based or online accomplishment of questionnaire through the PSA website and downloading of e-questionnaire and submission thru e-mail.

Legal Authority

The conduct of the ASPBI is governed by authority of the following legislative acts and presidential directives:

  • Republic Act 10625 know as the Philippine Statistical Act of 2013 dated September 12, 2013 - (Reorganizing and strengthening of the Philippine Statistical System (PSS), its agencies and instrumentalities).  It shall be the policy of the State to effect the necessary and proper changes in the organizational and functional structures of the PSS in order to rationalize and promote efficiency and effectiveness in the delivery of statistical services.  

      Section 27 of Republic Act No 10625 states that:

     "... Respondents of primary data collection activities such as censuses and sample surveys are obliged to give truthful and complete answers to statistical inquiries. The gathering, consolidation and analysis of such data shall likewise be done in the most truthful and credible manner. Any violation of this Act shall result in the imposition of the penalty of one (1) year imprisonment and a fine of One hundred thousand pesos (P100,000.00). In cases where the respondent fails to give truthful and complete answers to such statistical inquiries is a corporation, the above penalty shall be imposed against the responsible officer, director, manager, and/or agent of said corporation.  In addition, such erring corporation, enterprise or business concerned, shall be imposed a fine ranging from One hundred thousand pesos (P100,000.00) to Five hundred thousand pesos (P500,000.00)..."

       Confidenciality of Information

  • Republic Act 10625 (Philippine Statistical Act of 2013)

     Section 27 of RA 10625 states that:

      "... Any person, including parties within the PSA Board and the PSA, who breach the confidentiality of information, whether by carelessness, improper behavior, behavior with malicious intent, and use of confidential information for profit, are considered guilty of an offense and shall be liable to fines as prescribed by the PSA Board which shall not be less than Five thousand pesos (P5,000.00) nor more than Ten thousand pesos (P10,000,00.00) and/or imprisonment of three (3) months but not exceed one (1) year, subject to the degree of breech of information..."

  • Republic Act 6713 (Code of Conduct and Ethical Standards for Public Officials and employees) dated February 20, 1989.

     Section 7 of RA 6713 states that:

      "... (c) Disclosure and/or misuse of confidential informatiom.  Public officials and employees shall not use or divulge confidential or classified information officially known to them by reason of their office and not made available to the public, either:  (1) to further their private interest, or give undue advantage of anyone, or (2) to prejudice the public interest..."

Scope and Coverage

The 2013 ASPBI was a nationwide undertaking of establishments confined to the formal sector of the economy and as such excluded the informal sector. The following comprise the formal sector: 

  1.  Corporations and partnerships
  2.  Cooperatives and foundations
  3.  Single establishment with employment of 10 or more
  4.  Single proprietorship with branches

Hence, the 2013 ASPBI covered only the following economic units:

  • All establishments with total employment (TE) of 10 or more, and;
  • All establishments with TE of less than 10, except those establishments with Legal Organization = 1 (single proprietorship) and Economic Organization = 1 (single establishment), that are engaged in economic activities classified according to the 2009 Philippine Standard Industrial Classification (PSIC).

The initial estimate of the 2013 List of Establishments (LE), the frame used to draw the sample establishments for the 2013 ASPBI, registered a total of 941,000 establishments in operation nationwide in 2013. Out of this number, 72 percent or 678,000 establishments belong to the informal sector and only 28 percent or 263,000 establishments made up the formal sector.

Listed below are the 18 economic sectors within the scope of the 2013 ASPBI classified under the 2009 PSIC.

  • Agriculture, Forestry and Fishing (A)
  • Mining and Quarrying (B)
  • Manufacturing (C)
  • Electricity, Gas, Steam, and Air Conditioning Supply (D)
  • Water Supply; Sewerage, Waste Management and Remediation Activities (E)
  • Construction (F)
  • Wholesale and Retail Trade; Repair and Maintenance of Motor Vehicles, Motorcycles (G)
  • Transportation and Storage (H)
  • Accommodation and Food service activities (I)
  • Information and Communication (J)
  • Financial and Insurance Activities (K)
  • Real Estate Activities (L)
  • Professional, Scientific and Technical Activities (M)
  • Administrative and Support Service Activities (N)
  • Education (P)
  • Human Health and Social Activities (Q)
  • Arts, Entertainment and Recreation (R)
  • Other Service Activities (S)

Sampling Design

Unit of Enumeration

The unit of enumeration for the 2013 ASPBI was the establishment. An establishment is defined as an economic unit, which engages, under a single ownership or control, in one or predominantly one kind of activity at a single fixed physical location.

Classification of Establishments

An establishment is categorized by its economic organization (EO), legal organization (LO), industrial classification, employment size and geographic location.

Economic organizations (EO).  This refers to the organizational structure or role of the establishment in the organization. The following are the types of economic organization:

  • Single establishment (EO=1) is an establishment which has neither branch nor main office. It may have ancillary unit/s, other than main office, located elsewhere.
  • Branch only (EO=2) is an establishment which has a separate main office located elsewhere.
  • Establishment and Main Office (EO=3) is one where the establishment is located in the same address as the main office and with branch/es elsewhere.
  • Main Office (EO=4) is a unit which controls, supervises and directs one or more establishments of an enterprise.
  • Ancillary Unit other than Main Office (EO=5) is a unit that operates primarily or exclusively for a related establishment or group of related establishments or its parent establishment and provides services that support those establishments.

Legal Organization (LO).  This refers to the legal form of the economic entity provides the legal basis for ownership of the establishment. The following are the types of legal organization:

  • Single Proprietorship (LO=1) refers to a business establishment organized, owned, and managed by one person, who alone assumes the risk of the business enterprise. A sole proprietorship must apply for a business name and be registered with the Department of Trade and Industry (DTI).
  • Partnership (LO=2) refers to an association of two or more individuals for the conduct of a business enterprise based upon an agreement or contract between or among them to contribute money, property or industry into a common fund with the intention of dividing profits among themselves.
  • Government Corporation (LO=3) also called Government-Owned or Controlled Corporation (GOCC) refers to a corporation organized for private aim, benefit or purpose with the government as the major stockholder, regardless of whether they are stock or non-stock corporations.
  • Stock Corporation (LO=4) refers to an ordinary business corporation organized by private persons, created and operated for the purpose of making a profit which may be distributed in the form of dividends to stockholders on the basis of their invested capital.
  • Non Stock, Non-profit Corporation (LO=5) refers to a business corporation which does not issue stock to its members and are created not to profit but for the public good and welfare. Of this character are most of the religious, social, charitable, educational, literary scientific, civic and political organizations and societies.
  • Cooperative (LO=6) refers to an organization composed primarily of small producers and/or consumers who voluntarily join together to form a business enterprise which they themselves own, control and patronize.
  • Others (LO=7) refer to an organization not classified in any of the above classification. It includes private associations, foundations, Non-Governmental Organizations, or other forms of legal organizations.

Industrial classification The Industrial Classification of an economic unit is determined by the activity from which it derives its major income or revenue. The 2009 PSIC which was approved for adoption by government agencies and instrumentalities through NSCB Resolution No. 2 Series 2010 was utilized to classify economic units according to their economic activities.

Size (SZ) of the Unit of Enumeration The size of an economic unit is determined by its total employment (TE) as of specific date. Total employment (TE) refers to the total number of persons who work in or for the establishment/enterprise. This includes paid employees, working owners, unpaid workers and all employees who work full-time or part-time including seasonal workers. Included also are persons on short term leave such as those on sick, vacation or annual leaves and on strike.

The following are the size codes and corresponding total employment used in the 2013 ASPBI:

Geographic Classification.  Establishments are also classified by geographic area using the Philippine Standard Geographic Code (PSGC) classification. The PSGC contains the latest updates on the official number of regions, provinces, cities, municipalities, and barangays in the Philippines. The latest PSGC as of December 31, 2013 was used for the 2013 ASPBI.

Sampling Design

Selection of sample establishment for the 2013 ASPBI was done using stratified systematic sampling with 3-digit or 5-digit PSIC serving as industry strata and employment size as the second stratification variable.

Estimation Procedure

For Establishments with TE of Less Than 20

a. Non-Certainty Stratum

    The estimate of the total of a characteristic for the non-certainty employment stratum TE less than 20 in the sth industry domain was



  •  s   = denotes the non-certainty employment strata in TE of less than 20
  •  Xsj = value of the jth establishment in non-certainty employment stratum in TE of less than 20 in Sth industry domain
  •       =  1,2,3..., ns establishments
  •  Wsj = weight of the jth establishment in the non-certainty employment stratum of less than 20 in the sth industry domain


  •  Ns  = total number of establishments in the non-certainty employment stratum in TE of less than 20 in the sth industry domain
  •  ns  = number of sample establishments in the non-certainty employment stratum in TE of less than 20 in sth domain

b. Certainty Stratum

    The total of a characteristic for the certainty employment stratum in the Cth industry domain was


  •    = denotes the certainty employment strata in TE of less than 20 in the cth industry
  •  xcj = value of the jth establishment in the certainty employment strata in TE of less than 20 in the cth industry domain
  •  j      = 1,2,3,..., mc establishments 
  •  m= number of establishments in the certainty employment strata in TE of less than 20 in the cth industry domain


c. Total Estimate for TE of Less Than 20

    For all sections except B and C, national level estimates of the total of a characteristic for the industry domain was obtain by                  aggregating the estimates for all employment strata (non-certainty and certainty) in the same industry domain,


     where  d  denotes the industry domain.

For Establishments with TE of 20 and Over

a.   Non-Certainty Stratum (strata of TE 20 to 49 and TE 50 to 99 for Sections G, H, I, J, K, L, M, N, P, Q, R and S.  

      The estimate of the total of a characteristic for the non-certainty employment strata in TE of 20 and over for selected industry                    domain in each region was as


  •  s     = denotes the non-certainty employment strata in TE 20 and over
  •  p     = 1,2,...,17 regions geographic domains
  •  xspj  = value of the jth establishment in the certainty employment strata in TE of 20 and over for an industry domain in each region
  •  j         = 1,2,3..., nsp establishments
  •  Wspj = weight of the jth establishment in the non-certainty employment strata in TE of 20 and over for an industry domain in each region


  •  Nsp  = total number of establishments in the non-certainty employment strata in TE of 20 and over for anindustry domain in each region
  •  nsp  = number of sample establishments in the non-certainty employment strata in TE of 20 and over for an industry domain in each region

b.   Certainty Stratum  

      The the total of a characteristic for the certainty employment stratum in TE of 20 and over in an industry domain in each region was


  •  s    = denotes the non-certainty employment strata in TE of 20 and over
  •  p    = 1,2,...17, regions (geographic domains)
  •  xcpj = value of the jth establishment in the certainty employment strata in TE of 20 and over in an industry domain within each region
  •      = 1,2,3..., mcp establishment  
  •  mcp = number of establishments in the certainty strata in TE of 20 and over in anindustry domain in each region


c.   Total Estimate for TE of 20 and Over  

      The estimate of the total of a characteristic for the industry domain in each (geographic domain) was obtained by aggregating the estimates for all employment strata (non-certainty and certainty) in the same industry 

where   dp  denotes the industry domains in each region.

National level estimates of the characteristics by industry domain were obtained by aggregating separately the estimates (Xdp)  for the particular industry domain from all the regions.

Weight Adjustment Factor for Non-Response

To account for non-response in the non-certainty strata, the adjustment factor (n/n’) was multiplied with the sampling weight (W) of each of the sampling unit. The sampling weight, defined as N/n, was recomputed as


Thus, the adjusted weight (W’sj) for employment stratum in TE 1-9 or TE 10-19 was


  •  Ns   = total number of establisments in the employment stratum in TE 1-9 or TE 10-19 in the sth industry domain
  •  n's   = number of responding establishments in the employment stratum in TE 1-9 or TE 10-19 in the sth industry domain

For the non-certainty employment stratum for the selected industry domain with TE 20-99, the adjusted weight (W'spj) was


  •  Nsp = total number of establisments in the non-certainty employment stratum with TE 20-99 for the selected industry domain within each geographic domain (region)
  •  n'sp  = number of responding establishments in the non-certainty employment stratum with TE 20-99 for the selected industry domain within each geographic domain (region)


Questionaire Design

The questionnaire design is basically the same as that of the 2012 Census of Philippine Business and Industry. However, changes were made in the disaggregation of data items for fixed assets in support to the requirements of the 2008 Systems of National Accounts with respect to the generation of fixed capital formation.

The sample establishments responded also to the survey through the use of Web-based version of the 2013 ASPBI questionnaires which was accomplished online at the PSA website. Likewise, an e-questionnaire was also downloaded and submitted thru e-mail.


Response Rate

Field operations of the 2013 ASPBI were scheduled from September to December 2014.

Total response rate for Human Health and Social Work Activities sector was 92.8 percent (671 out of 723 establishments).  This include receipts of "good" questionnaires, partially accomplished questionnaires, reports of closed, moved out or out of scope establishments.

Of the total responses, nine establishments responded online and and none accomplished e-questionnaire. Others convert accomplished questionnaires to portable document format (PDF) and submit through e-mail.



Establishment is an economic unit under a single ownership control, i.e., under a single entity, engaged in one or predominantly one kind of economic activity at a single fixed location

Total employment is the number of persons who worked in for the establishment as of November 15, 2013.

Paid employees are all full-time and part-time employees working in or for the establishment and receiving pay, as well as those working away from the establishment and paid by and under the control of the establishment. Included also are all employees on sick or maternity leave, paid vacation or holiday and on strike. Exclude are directors paid solely for their attendance at meetings, consultants, workers on indefinite leave, working owners who do not receive regular pay, homeworkers and workers receiving pure commissions only..

Unpaid workers are working owners who do not receive regular pay, apprentices and learners without regular pay and persons working for at least 1/3 of the working time normal to the establishment without regular pay. Excluded are silent or inactive business partners.

Compensation is the sum of salaries and wages, separation, terminal pay and gratuities paid by the establishment to its employees and total employer’s contribution to SSS/GSIS, ECC, PhilHealth, Pag-ibig, etc.

Salaries and wages are payments in cash or in kind to all employees, prior to deductions for employee’s contributions to SSS/GSIS, withholding tax, etc. Included are total basic pay, overtime pay and other benefits.

Income or Revenue Includes cash received and receivables for goods/products and by-products sold and services rendered.  Valuation is at producer prices (ex-establishment) net of discounts and allowances, including duties and taxes but excluding subsidies.

Cost refers to all expenses excluding compensation incurred during the year whether paid or payable. Valuation should be at purchaser price including taxes and other charges, net of discounts, rebates, returns and allowances. Goods received from and services rendered by other establishment of the same enterprise are valued as though purchased.

Expense refers to cost incurred by the establishment during the year whether paid or payable. This is treated on a consumed basis. Valuation is at purchaser price including taxes and other charges, net of rebates, returns and allowances. Goods and services received by the establishment from other establishments of the same enterprise are valued as though purchased.

Intermediate cost refers to expenses incurred in the production of goods such as materials and supplies purchased, fuels purchased, electricity purchased and industrial services done by others plus beginning inventory of materials, supplies and fuels less ending inventory of materials, supplies and fuels.

Valued added is gross output less intermediate input. Gross output for human health and social works activities is the sum of the total revenue (less interest income, rent income from land, dividend income, royalty income and franchise income), capital expenditures of fixed assets produced on own account and change in inventories. Intermediate input is equal to the sum of the following cost items: materials and supplies purchased; fuels, lubricants, oils and greases purchased; electricity purchased, water purchased; cost of industrial services done by others; cost of non-industrial services done by others; goods purchased for resale; research and development expense; environmental protection expense; royalty fee; franchise fee; payouts and other cost.

Gross addition to tangible fixed assets is equal to capital expenditures less sale of fixed assets, including land.

Change total in inventories is computed as the total of ending inventory less the total beginning inventory.

Inventories refer to the stock of goods owned by and under the control of the establishment as of a fixed date, regardless of where the stocks are located. Valuation is at current replacement cost in purchaser prices. Replacement cost is the cost of an item in terms of its present price rather than its original cost.

Subsidies are all special grants in the form of financial assistance or tax exemption or tax privilege given by the government to aid and develop an industry.

E-Commerce refer to the selling of products or services over electronic systems such as the Internet Protocol-based networks and other computer networks, Electonic Data Interchange (EDI) network, or other on-line system.