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Four in every ten poor Filipino families do not have electricity (Final Results from the 2002 Annual Poverty Indicators Survey)
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Improved Situation in 2002 (Preliminary Results from the 2002 Annual Poverty Indicators Survey)
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Ranking of Provinces for Selected Poverty Indicators Annual Poverty Indicators Survey (APIS) October 1999
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Attachment Size
PDF Table 1. Percent of Families With Married Women 15-49 Years Old Who Were Pregnant/Lactating and Recipient of Iron Supplement 6.61 KB
PDF Table 2. Percent of Families With Married Women 15-49 Years Old Who Were Pregnant/Lactating and Recipient of Iodine Supplement 7.65 KB
PDF Table 3. Percent of Families With Married Women 15-49 Years Old Who Were Pregnant/Lactating and Recipient of Tetanus Toxoid 7.66 KB
PDF Table 4. Percent of Families With Access to Family Planning Services: October 1999 7.39 KB
PDF Table 5. Percent of Families With Couples Practicing Family Planning: October 1999 6.35 KB
PDF Table 6. Percent of Families With Access to Safe Drinking Water: October 1999 6.45 KB
PDF Table 7. Percent of Families With Own Sanitary Toilet: October 1999 6.37 KB
PDF Table 8. Percent of Families With Owned or Ownerlike Possession of Housing Units: October 1999 6.45 KB
PDF Table 9. Percent of Families With Houses Made of Strong Materials: October 1999 7.39 KB
PDF Table 10. Percent of Families With Gainfully Employed Family Head: October 1999 7.41 KB
PDF Table 11. Percent of Families With Gainfully Employed Members 18 Years Old and Over: October 1999 7.42 KB
PDF Table 12. Percent of Families With Children 6-12 Years Old in Elementary: October 1999 7.35 KB
PDF Table 13. Percent of Families With Members 13-16 Years Old in High School: October 1999 7.35 KB
PDF Table 14. Percent of Families With Working Children 5-17 Years Old: October 1999 7.35 KB
PDF Table 15. Percent of Families With Membership in Any PO/NGO/COOP: October 1999 7.48 KB
PDF Table 16. Percent of Overall Rank of Provinces Based on Selected Poverty Indicators: October 1999 7.25 KB
Annual Poverty Indicators Survey (APIS) October 1999
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