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2000 Family and Income Expidentures Survey Preliminary Results

Release Date:
Reference Number: 2001-048


  • Total family income for the year 2000 was estimated at P2.2 trillion, up by 26.2 percent over the P1.7 trillion in 1997. This translates to an average annual increase of 8.1 percent.

  • Meanwhile, the country's inflation rate from 1997 to 2000 based from the Consumer Price Index (Philippines, all items) was estimated at 22.0 percent or an average annual rate of 6.9 percent.

  • Adjusted for the 22.0 percent inflation measured from 1997 to 2000, total family income grew by 3.4 percent or an average annual increase of 1.1 percent.


  • Total family expenditures reached P1.8 trillion higher by 28.9 percent over the P1.4 trillion level in 1997. On an annual basis, this growth averages to 8.8 percent.

  • Net of inflation, total family expenditures went up by 5.6 percent from 1997 to 2000 or an average of 1.8 percent annually.


  • The inflation-adjusted estimates indicate an improvement of income at the national level. However, by region, only 9 in 16 regions experienced growth in real incomes with Southern Tagalog having the highest growth at 17.5 percent.

  • Other regions with double digit growths in real family income included Southern Mindanao and Cordillera Administrative Region at 16.6 percent and 10.6 percent respectively.

  • There were also real income gains in Eastern Visayas (9.0%), Central Mindanao (8.7%), Bicol (5.5%), Western Visayas (3.5%), the National Capital Region (0.5%), and Ilocos (0.01%).

  • However, real incomes of families in seven regions declined with Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao and Western Mindanao experiencing the biggest decline of 12.7 and 11.7 percent respectively.

  • Other regions with declines in real income include Northern Mindanao (-7.7%), Caraga (-5.1%), Central Visayas (-3.4%), Cagayan Valley (-2.9%), and Central Luzon (-0.5%).


  • Average family income reached P144,506 in year 2000, increasing by 17.3 percent over the P123,168 in 1997. Inflation adjusted estimates indicate a decrease of 3.9 percent.

  • In terms of growth of average family income at current prices over that of the 1997, Eastern Visayas had the highest increase of 35.6 percent, followed by Western Visayas (28.3 %), CAR (26.2 %), Cagayan Valley (24.3%) and Southern Tagalog (23.3 %).

  • Net of inflation, Eastern Visayas still led the others with an increase of 11.1 percent, followed by Western Visayas (6.8 %), Cordillera Administrative Region (4.1%), Cagayan Valley (0.6 %), Southern Mindanao (0.6 %) and Southern Tagalog (0.1%).

  • However, Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao registered the biggest loss of 21.2 percent, after adjusting for inflation. Other regions, which experienced declines, included Western Mindanao (-18.6%), Northern Mindanao (-9.0%) and National Capital Region (-8.5%).


  • The income distribution in both current and real prices showed a slightly favorable shift towards the fourth, fifth, seventh, eighth and ninth decile. The share in income in these deciles increased by at least 0.1 percent. The share of the tenth decile, however, decreased from 39.3 percent in 1997 to 38.7 percent in 2000.

  • In 1997, nominal income earned by the tenth decile was about 23.4 times higher than that of the first decile. In 2000, this was about 23 times higher.


  • Total saving (Income net of expenditures) at current prices was measured at P385.3 billion in 2000, up by 14.9 percent from P335.4 billion in 1997. Net of inflation, this was equivalent to P315.8 billion, down by 5.8 percent over the same period. Both sets of estimates in 2000 showed dissaving for the first three deciles, while in 1997 dissaving were seen only in the first two deciles.


  • Average saving at current prices reached P25,230 for an increase of 6.8 percent from the P23,631 in 1997. Net of inflation, this was P20,674 for a decrease of 12.5 percent over the same period.

  • However, all regions, on the average, earned more than they spent, whether measured in current or inflation-adjusted prices. National Capital Region recorded the highest average saving of P43,768 followed by Central Luzon at P26,228, Cordillera Administrative Region at P23,669, Southern Tagalog at P21,737 and Ilocos Region at P20,185.


  • The resulting Gini coefficient was 0.4507 in 2000, down by 7.5 percent from 0.4872. A lower Gini coefficient indicates a movement towards a more equal or less unequal income distribution.

  • However, increases in the coefficient or a movement towards a widening income disparity was observed in regions like Eastern Visayas, Southern Mindanao, Central Visayas, Western Visayas and Cagayan Valley.

  • Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao recorded the smallest coefficient of 0.3278, implying the least unequal distribution of income among families.


  • The expenditure pattern continued to indicate a decline in spending on food, particularly those consumed at home.

  • The share of food expenditures to total expenditures decreased from 44.2 percent in 1997 to 43.1 percent in 2000. Food consumed at home had a share of 38.3 percent, down from 39.5 percent in 1997 while food consumed outside the home increased from 4.7 percent to 4.9 percent in 2000.

  • Expenditure groups which had larger shares in 2000 were rent/rental value of dwelling unit, transportation and communication, fuel, light and water, education, personal care and effects, household operations and recreation.