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Philippine Labor Force Survey January 2006 (Preliminary Results)
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PDF Table 1 Labor Force Participation Rates (LFPR), Employment, Unemployment and Underemployment Rates by Region January 2006 22.12 KB
PDF Table 2 Employment Status of Household Population 15 Years Old and Over.pdf 20.76 KB
PDF Table 3 Household Population 15 Years Old and Over by Employment Status, by Age Group and Sex January 2006 (Values are in thousa 25.74 KB
PDF Table 4 Employed Persons by Major Industry Group January 2005 and January 2006 (Details may not add up to totals due to rounding 11.81 KB
PDF Table 5 Employed Persons by Major Occupation Group January 2005 and January 2006 (Details may not add up to totals due to roundi 35.65 KB
PDF Table 6 Employed Persons by Class of Worker January 2005 and January 2006 (Details may not add up to total due to rounding).pdf 24.23 KB
PDF Table 6a Employed Persons by Class of Worker and Major Industry Group, Philippines January 2005 and January 2006 (In thousands). 28.25 KB
PDF Table 7 Employed Persons by Number of Hours Worked During the Past Week January 2005 and January 2006 (Details may not add up 34.31 KB
PDF Table 8 Employed Persons Wanting More Hours of Work by Major Industry Group and Hours of Work, January 2005 and January 2006 17.04 KB
PDF Table 8a Employed Persons Wanting More Hours of Work by Selected Characteristics January 2006 (Details may not add up to totals 19.23 KB
PDF Table 9 Unemployed Persons Looking for Work by Number of Weeks Looking for Work January 2006 (Details may not add up to totals 26.56 KB
PDF Table 10 Unemployed Persons 15 Years Old and Over Who were Not Looking for Work, by Reason for Not Looking for Work January 2006 25.13 KB
PDF Table 11 Comparative Labor Force Participation Rates (LFPR), Employment and Unemployment Rates Using the Old Definition, by 18.66 KB
Philippine Labor Force Survey October 2005 (Preliminary Results)
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PDF Table 1_Labor Force Participation Rates (LFPR)_Employment and Underemployment Rates by Region_October 2005.pdf 311.71 KB
PDF Table 2_Employment Status of Household Population 15 Years Old and Over and Total Underemployed Persons Based on a Past Week 321.21 KB
PDF Table 3_Household Population 15 Years Old and Over by Employment Status_by Age Group and Sex_October 2005.pdf 296.26 KB
PDF Table 4_Employed Persons by Major Industry Group_October 2004 and October 2005.pdf 302.33 KB
PDF Table 5_Employed Persons by Major Occupation Group_October 2004 and October 2005.pdf 245.61 KB
PDF Table 6_Employed Persons by CLass of Worker_October 2004 and October 2005.pdf 196.01 KB
PDF Table 6A_Employed Persons by Class of Worker and Major Industry Group_Philippines_October 2004 and October 2005.pdf 357.01 KB
PDF Table 7_Employed Persons by Number of Hours Worked During the Past Week _October 2004 and October 2005.pdf 200.49 KB
PDF Table 8_Employed Persons Wanting More Hours of Work by Major Industry Group and Hours of Work_Philippines_October 2004 and Oct 355.2 KB
PDF Table 8A_Employed Persons Wanting More Hours of Work by Selected Characteristics_October 2005.pdf 270.21 KB
PDF Table 9_Unemployed Persons Looking for Work by Number of Weeks Looking for Work_October 2005.pdf 145.82 KB
PDF Table 10_Unemployed Persons 15 Years Old and Over Who Were Not Looking for Work_by Reason for Not Looking for Work_October 2005 164.61 KB
PDF Table 11_Comparative Labor Force Participation Rates (LFPR)_Employment and Unemployment Rates Using the Old Definition_by Region 496.94 KB
PDF Table 12_Comparative Employment Status of Household Population 15 Years Old and Over Based on a Past Week Reference Period Using 415.8 KB
PDF Table A_Results of the October 2005 Labor Force Survey in the Philippines.pdf 498.59 KB
Philippine Labor Force Survey July 2005 (Preliminary Results)
Release Date:
Attachment Size
PDF Table 1_Labor Force ParticipationRates (LFPR)_Employment and Underemployment Rates by Region_July 2005.pdf 304.12 KB
PDF Table 2_Employment Status of Household Population 15 Years Old and Over and Total Underemployed Persons Based on a Past Week 318.27 KB
PDF Table 3_Household Population 15 Years Old and Over by Employment Status_by Age Group and Sex_July 2005.pdf 293.45 KB
PDF Table 4_Employed Persons by Major Industry Group_July 2004 and July 2005.pdf 299.12 KB
PDF Table 6A_Employed Persons by Class of Worker and Major Industry Group _Philippines_July 2004 and 2005.pdf 362.86 KB
PDF Table 7_Employed Persons by Number of Hours Worked During the Past Week_July 2004 and July 2005.pdf 191.97 KB
PDF Table 8_Employed Persons Wanting More Additional Hours of Work by Major Industry Group and Hours of Work_Philippines_July 2004 323.27 KB
PDF Table 8A_Employed Persons Wanting More Hours of Work by Selected Characteristics_July 2005.pdf 276.33 KB
PDF Table 9_Unemployed Persons Looking for Work by Number of Weeks Looking for Work_July 2005.pdf 144.33 KB
PDF Table 10_Unemployed Persons 15 Years Old and Over Who Were Not Looking for Work_by Reason for Not Looking for Work_July 2005.pdf 166.67 KB
PDF Table 11_Comparative Labor Force Participation Rates (LFPR)_Employment and Unemployment Rates Using the Old Definition and New 486.14 KB
PDF Table 18_Comparative Employment Status of Household Population 15 Years Old and Over Based on a Past Week Reference Period Using 416.21 KB
PDF Table A_Results of the Labor Force Survey inthe Philippines.pdf 489.68 KB
Philippine Labor Force Survey April 2005 (Preliminary Results)
Release Date:
Attachment Size
PDF Table 1_Comparative Labor Force Participation Rates (LFPR)_Employment and Unemployment Rates by Region_January 2004 to January 246.04 KB
PDF Table 1a_Comparative Labor Force Participation Rates (LFPR)_and Unemployment Rates by Region_Using ILO Concept_January 2005.pdf 191.45 KB
PDF Table 2_Comparative Employment Status of Household Population 15 Years Old and Over Based on a Past Week Reference Period by 271.7 KB
PDF Table 3_Employed Persons by Major Industry Group_January 2004 to January 2005.pdf 158.38 KB
PDF Table 4_Employed Persons by Major Occupation Group_January 2004 to January 2005.pdf 183.71 KB
PDF Table 5_Employed Persons by Class of Worker_January 2004 to January 2005.pdf 187.41 KB
PDF Table 6_Employed Persons by Number of Hours Worked During the Past Week_January 2004 to January 2005.pdf 228.48 KB
PDF Table 7_Employed Persons by Wanting More Hours of Work by Number of Hours Worked_January 2004 to January 2005.pdf 169.82 KB
PDF Table 7A_Employed Persons Wanting More Hours of Work and Who were Looking for Additional Hours of Work During the Past Week_by 158.56 KB
PDF Table 8_Household Population 15 Years Old and Over by Employment Status_by Age Group and Sex_January 2005.pdf 256.05 KB
PDF Table 9_Unemployed Persons by Highest Grade Completed_January 2004 to January 2005.pdf 174.34 KB
PDF Table 10_Unemployed Persons Looking for Work by Job Search Method_January 2005.pdf 136.06 KB
PDF Table 11_Unemployed Persons Not Looking for Work by Reason for Not Looking for Work_January 2005.pdf 82.85 KB
PDF Table A_Results of the January 2005 Labor Force Survey in the Philippines.pdf 496.14 KB
PDF Table B_Results of the January 2005 Labor Force Survey in the Philippines.pdf 423.53 KB
Philippine Labor Force Survey January 2005 (Preliminary Results)
Release Date:
Attachment Size
PDF Table 1_Comparative Labor Force Participation Rates (LFPR)_Employment and Unemployment Rates by Region_January 2004 to January 246.04 KB
PDF Table 1a_Comparative Labor Force Participation Rates (LFPR)_and Unemployment Rates by Region_Using ILO Concept_January 2005.pdf 191.45 KB
PDF Table 2_Comparative Employment Status of Household Population 15 Years Old and Over Based on a Past Week Reference Period by 271.7 KB
PDF Table 3_Employed Persons by Major Industry Group_January 2004 to January 2005.pdf 158.38 KB
PDF Table 4_Employed Persons by Major Occupation Group_January 2004 to January 2005.pdf 183.71 KB
PDF Table 5_Employed Persons by Class of Worker_January 2004 to January 2005.pdf 187.41 KB
PDF Table 6_Employed Persons by Number of Hours Worked During the Past Week_January 2004 to January 2005.pdf 228.48 KB
PDF Table 7_Employed Persons by Wanting More Hours of Work by Number of Hours Worked_January 2004 to January 2005.pdf 169.82 KB
PDF Table 7A_Employed Persons Wanting More Hours of Work and Who were Looking for Additional Hours of Work During the Past Week_by 158.56 KB
PDF Table 8_Household Population 15 Years Old and Over by Employment Status_by Age Group and Sex_January 2005.pdf 256.05 KB
PDF Table 9_Unemployed Persons by Highest Grade Completed_January 2004 to January 2005.pdf 174.34 KB
PDF Table 10_Unemployed Persons Looking for Work by Job Search Method_January 2005.pdf 136.06 KB
PDF Table 11_Unemployed Persons Not Looking for Work by Reason for Not Looking for Work_January 2005.pdf 82.85 KB
PDF Table A_Results of the January 2005 Labor Force Survey in the Philippines.pdf 496.14 KB
PDF Table B_Results of the January 2005 Labor Force Survey in the Philippines.pdf 423.53 KB