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Labor Turnover Statistics, 1st Quarter 2017: National Capital Region (NCR)

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Labor turnover in the National Capital Region (NCR) sustained a positive growth at 1.27% in the first quarter of 2017. 
This is higher than the posted 0.96 percent in the same period in 2016, but lower than the registered 3.36 percent in the previous quarter. 
This infers that 13 workers per 1,000 employed were added to the workforce in the 13,099 total enterprises, with an estimated employment of 2,431,994 during the period.
Table 1 - Labor Turnover  Rate, NCR:
1st and 4th Quarters 2016 & 1st Quarter 2017
Indicator 2016 2017
Q1 Q4 Q1
Accession Rate (%) 7.87 11.14 8.79
Separation Rate (%) 6.91 7.79 7.52
Labor Turnover Rate (%) 0.96 3.36 1.27


The accession rate of 8.79 percent indicates that there was an addition of 88 workers per 1,000 employed to the enterprise workforce due to either expansion or replacement of separated workers.
In contrast, separation rate at 7.52 percent implies that for every 1,000 employed, 75 workers were either laid-off or quit their jobs. 
Agriculture, Forestry and Fishing sector obtained a positive labor turnover rate of 2.50 percent in which accession and separation of workers were recorded at 6.01 percent and 3.50 percent, respectively.
The highest labor turnover rate for the period was recorded in the Industry sector at 2.84 percent with an accession rate of 8.53 percent and separation rate of 5.69 percent. All industries under this sector posted employment gains where the most significant was in mining and quarrying (14.88%). In the manufacturing sector, the growth was 3.89 percent, while in the water supply, sewerage waste management and remediation activities, the growth was 2.15 percent. 
Figure 1:  Labor Turnover Rates by Major Sector, National Capital Region: 1st Quarter 2017

Source: Philippine Statistics Authority.


Meanwhile, the Services sector posted the highest accession rate and separation rate throughout the period at 8.86 percent and 7.92 percent, respectively. However, among the three major sectors, services recorded the lowest labor turnover rate at 0.94 percent. Furthermore, the sector has the only industries with negative labor turnover rates, though very minimal, at 0.11 percent (administrative and support service activities) and 0.89 percent (other service activities). 
National Statistician and Civil Registrar General