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Monthly Integrated Survey of Selected Industries : July 2000

Release Date:
Reference Number: 2000-068


  • Manufacturing Output Up

    Manufacturing production, as measured by the value of production index (VaPI) and volume of production (VoPI), went up by 35.8 percent and 23.9 percent respectively in July 2000 according to the preliminary results of the Monthly Integrated Survey of Selected Industries (MISSI). Moreover, the growth in the VoPI was a reversal from the 1.7 percent contraction in July last year.

    Topping the gainers in terms of value and volume of production was electrical machinery, expanding by 84.5 percent and 55.8 percent, respectively. The upsurge in the production of electrical machinery can be attributed to the increase in export demand.

    On the other hand, the biggest decline for the month was in basic metals, with production value and volume falling by 41.6 percent and 41.5 percent, respectively. The negative performance of basic metals could be attributed to low demand, and temporary shutdowns due to labor disputes.

  • Producer Prices Pick Up

    Producer prices moved up by 9.7 percent in July 2000 compared to 4.6 percent a year ago and 6.5 percent in June 2000. This could be due to the increase in production costs particularly of oil and of other imported inputs aggravated by the weak peso.

  • Net Sales Slows Down

    July 2000 net sales value and volume slowed down to 19.7 percent and 4.7 percent, respectively. However the performance of the volume of net sales was a turnaround from the 5.8 percent decline in July 1999.

    The upsurge in production vis-à-vis this slowdown in net sales indicates that manufacturers may be building up on inventory again after drawing down from stocks during the early part of the year.

    The biggest gainer in terms of net sales was electrical machinery, surging by 92.0 percent in value and 62.1 percent in volume from a year ago. On the other hand, the worst performer in terms of sales was also basic metals, with sales value and volume sliding down by 31.2 percent and 32.0 percent, respectively.

  • Average Capacity Utilization at 79.2%

    Average capacity utilization for July 2000 for manufacturing was estimated at 79.2 percent. This was up by 1.4 percentage points over the 77.8 percent rate in July 1999. Nine out of 16 sectors improved in use of capacity as compared to last year. Furniture & fixtures had the highest rate of 91.7 percent while basic metals posted the lowest rate of 66.7 percent.

  • Value of Production

    In July 2000, the value of production index (VaPI) of 671.6 increased by 35.8 percent from 494.4 in July 1999. Year-on year increases were observed in 11 out of 16 major sectors led by electrical machinery, which increased by 84.5 percent (See Annex 1-A). Other sectors contributing double-digit growths to the value of production were petroleum refineries (38.3%), paper & paper products (37.4%), furniture and fixtures (34.6%), other manufacturing (33.1%), chemicals (27.7%) and wearing apparel (22.8%).

    On the other hand, losers in terms of value of production were basic metals (-41.6%), rubber products (-21.5%), beverages (-6.0%), non-metallic mineral products (-5.1%), and wood & wood products (-3.4%).

  • Volume of Production

    The volume of production index (VoPI) for total manufacturing increased by 23.9 percent to 173.0 from 139.7 of the same month last year. Nine out of 16 sectors posted year-on-year increases led by electrical machinery with a 55.8 percent increase. (See Annex 1-B). Other sectors which contributed to the positive performance were other manufacturing (40.1%), paper & paper products (38.7%), furniture and fixtures (34.6%), chemicals (24.4%), tobacco (8.9%), food manufacturing (5.0%), transport equipment (5.0 %) and wearing apparel (1.0%). The increases in the production of these sectors could be attributed to the growing demand from both domestic and export markets.

    On the other hand, sectors, which dipped were basic metals (-41.5%), rubber products (-20.9%), textile (-17.4%), non-metallic mineral (-12.5%), petroleum refineries (-9.1%), beverages (-6.2%), and wood & wood products (-3.4%). Slowdowns in the production in these sectors could be attributed to temporary or partial shutdowns of some establishments due to some labor disputes, and decrease in the demand from domestic and export markets.

  • Value of Net Sales

    The value of net sales for July 2000 grew by 19.7 percent compared to last year. Twelve out of 16 major sectors showed improvements in their value of net sales. The leading sector was electrical machinery exhibiting a 92.0 percent growth over the same month last year (See Annex 2-A). Other sectors that recorded double-digit increases were paper and paper products (41.2%), petroleum products (35.3%), furniture & fixtures (29.5%), wearing apparel (19.9%), tobacco (17.7%), miscellaneous manufactures (14.7%) and transport equipment (11.0%).

    On the other hand, sectors with lower values of net sales as compared to the same month last year were basic metals (-31.2%), wood & wood products (-24.4%), rubber products (21.2%) and beverages (-2.3%).

  • Volume of Net Sales

    The volume of net sales for July 2000 improved by 4.7 percent over the same month last year. Increases were observed in 9 out of 16 sectors led by electrical machinery which grew by 62.1 percent (See Annex 2-B). Other sectors that exhibited double-digit growths were paper and paper products (42.6%), furniture and fixtures (29.5%), miscellaneous manufactures (20.8%) and tobacco (18.9%).

    On the other hand, decreases were observed in basic metals (32.0%), wood & wood products (-24.4%), rubber products (-20.6%), textile (-12.7%), petroleum products (-11.1%), beverages (-2.5%) and wearing apparel (-1.4%).

  • Capacity Utilization

    The proportion of responding establishments that operated at full capacity (90%-100%) in July 2000 improved from 14.5 percent of the same month last year to 28.4 percent (See Annex 3-A). About 37.7 percent operated below the 70 percent capacity utilization rate, lower by 7.1 percentage points from 44.8 percent in July 1999.

    The July 2000 average capacity utilization rate for manufacturing was estimated at 79.2 percent, higher than the 77.7 percent posted last year (See Annex 3B). Of the 16 sectors, nine sectors posted higher capacity utilization rates. The leading sector was furniture & fixtures, which recorded an average capacity utilization rate of 91.7 percent. Other sectors which registered more than 80 percent capacity utilization rate were electrical machinery (90.9%), miscellaneous manufactures (89.0%), petroleum refineries (83.7%), wearing apparel (83.4%), tobacco (80.8%), paper & paper products (81.9%), and chemicals (80.3%).

  • Response Rate

    These results were based on the response of 374 sample establishments, which comprised 71.9 percent of the total number of establishments covered by the survey.

                                                   ANNEX 1-A

       GAINERS                  GROWTH %
                          July         June r
Electrical Machinery      84.5           38.1
Petroleum Refineries      38.3           44.5
Chemicals                 27.7            4.8
Paper & Paper Products    37.4           55.3
Wearing Apparel           22.8           -0.6
Food Manufacturing         3.1           -9.6
Transport Equipment        8.7           15.7
Furniture & Fixtures      34.6           48.3
Textile                    2.8          -11.3
Other Manufacturing       33.1           18.0
Tobacco                    7.8            2.9
Basic Metals             -41.6           -3.6
Rubber Products          -21.5          -18.0
Non-Metallic Mineral
  Products                -5.1           13.6
Beverages                 -6.0            9.0
Wood & Wood Products      -3.4           -0.3

       GAINERS                  GROWTH %
                          July        June r
Electrical Machinery      16.0           6.2
Chemicals                  9.5           5.2
Wearing Apparel            8.7          16.3
Food Manufacturing         2.3          10.2
Textile                    4.5          13.3
Transport Equipment        4.3          -3.0
Other Manufacturing        9.1         -12.1
Tobacco                    2.1          -5.5
Basic Metals             -22.3          -3.1
Non-Metallic Mineral     -22.9           8.6
Beverages                -26.1          13.8
Petroleum Refineries      -1.7           0.9
Paper & Paper Products    -3.9           4.1
Furniture & Fixtures     -11.1          14.8
Rubber Products           -4.0         -10.1
Wood & Wood Products      -1.1          -8.3

Note: Sectors are ranked according to their contribution
      to the overall July 2000 growth rate.
r - revised due to updating of data from late responding

                                             ANNEX 1-B


       GAINERS                GROWTH (%)
                         July        June r
Electrical Machinery     55.8         37.1
Chemicals                24.4          3.1
Paper & Paper Products   38.7         52.5
Food Manufacturing        5.0         -5.5
Transport Equipment       5.0         10.6
Furniture & Fixtures     34.6         48.3
Other Manufacturing      40.1         33.1
Wearing Apparel           1.0         -0.6
Tobacco                   8.9          3.9
Basic Metals            -41.5         -4.4
Petroleum Refineries     -9.1          3.2
Textile                 -17.4        -29.1
Non-Metallic Mineral    -12.5          4.0
Rubber Products         -20.9        -16.7
Beverage                 -6.2          7.7
Wood & Wood Products     -3.4         -0.3

       GAINERS              GROWTH %
                        July        June r
Chemicals                9.5         5.4
Wearing Apparel          8.7         7.3
Textile                  4.5        13.3
Transport Equipment      4.4        -3.0
Food Manufacturing       0.9        10.9
Electrical Machinery     0.9        11.5
Other Manufacturing      9.1       -12.9
Tobacco                  2.1        -5.5
Petroleum Refineries   -11.4        -1.1
Basic Metals           -22.3        -2.1
Non-Metallic Mineral   -21.4        13.8
Beverage               -25.7        13.8
Furniture & Fixtures   -11.1        14.8
Rubber Products         -4.0       -10.1
Wood & Wood Products    -1.1        -8.3
Paper & Paper Products   0.0         4.1

Note: Sectors are ranked according to their contribution
      to the overall July 2000 growth rate.
r - revised due to updating of data from late responding

                                   ANNEX 2-A

          NET SALES VALUE (JULY  2000)

      GAINERS                   GROWTH (%)
                             July      June

Electrical Machinery         92.0      -4.6
Petroleum Products           35.3      76.6
Paper & paper products       41.2      58.9
Food Manufacturing            6.3      -7.1
Wearing Apparel              19.9      10.8
Chemicals                     5.8      10.5
Transport equipment          11.0      10.6
Textile                       8.6       5.6
Non-metallic mineral          5.2      40.0
Furniture & Fixtures         29.5      38.5
Miscellaneous Manufactures   14.7     161.8
Tobacco                      17.7      15.2
Basic metals                -31.2      17.2
Wood & wood products        -24.4     -35.4
Rubber products             -21.2      -6.1
Beverages                    -2.3      17.0

     GAINERS                    GROWTH %
                            July      June
Electrical Machinery        47.7      -49.8
Transport equipment         28.1       28.7
Wood & wood products         9.8      -19.4
Wearing Apparel              3.8       -4.8
Chemicals                    0.1       13.6
Petroleum Products          -9.8       20.6
Basic metals               -25.3       10.3
Food Manufacturing          -6.3        1.4
Non-metallic mineral       -19.5       12.7
Beverages                  -30.6       16.1
Paper & paper products      -7.9        4.6
Rubber products             -2.0      -10.4
Textile                     -0.5        9.2
Miscellaneous Manufactures  -2.6      143.3
Furniture & Fixtures        -1.7       14.3
Tobacco                     -4.4       -4.5

Note: Sectors are ranked according to their contribution to the
      overall July 2000 growth rate.

                                     ANNEX 2-B

            NET SALES VOLUME (JULY 2000)
        GAINERS                  GROWTH (%)
                               July     June
Electrical Machinery           62.1      -5.3
Paper & paper products         42.6      56.0
Food Manufacturing              8.3      -2.9
Transport equipment             7.2       5.8
Chemicals                       3.1       8.7
Non-metallic mineral            6.9      40.5
Furniture & Fixtures           29.5      38.5
Miscellaneous Manufactures     20.8     195.3
Tobacco                        18.9      16.4
Basic metals                  -32.0      14.9
Petroleum Products            -11.1      26.1
Wood & wood products          -24.4     -35.4
Textile                       -12.7     -15.6
Rubber products               -20.6      -4.6
Wearing Apparel                -1.4      10.9
Beverages                      -2.5      15.7

        GAINERS                   GROWTH %
                              July       June
Electrical Machinery          28.5      -47.4
Transport equipment           28.3       28.7
Wood & wood products           9.8      -19.4
Wearing Apparel                3.8       -7.8
Chemicals                      0.1       13.7
Petroleum Products           -18.8       18.2
Basic metals                 -25.0       10.3
Food Manufacturing            -7.6        1.3
Non-metallic mineral         -20.0       12.7
Beverages                    -30.2       16.1
Paper & paper products        -4.1        4.6
Rubber Products               -2.0      -10.4
Textile                       -0.5        9.2
Miscellaneous Manufactures    -2.6      143.1
Furniture & Fixtures          -1.7       14.3
Tobacco                       -4.4       -4.5

Note: Sectors are ranked according to their contribution to the
      overall July 2000 growth rate.

                                                       ANNEX 3-A

Distribution of Key Enterprise by Capacity Utilization
(In percent)


Average Capacity Utilization by Major Sector


Percentage Changes in Production and Net Sales of Key Enterprises: July 1999 - July 2000

r - revised due to updating of data from late responding establishments

Source: National Statistics Office Manila, Philippines