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Last Updated: July 26, 2024

Economic and Financial Data of the Philippines

The data shown in this page correspond to the data described on the International Monetary Fund's (IMF) Dissemination Standards Bulletin Board (DSBB). For a fuller explanation of the DSBB and the statistical standards to which the Philippines has committed, please visit the DSBB Home Page.

[ Real Sector | Fiscal Sector | Financial Sector | External Sector | Population ]

1. Data are not seasonally adjusted unless specified.  
2. Data are final unless otherwise indicated.

SDDS Data Category and ComponentUnit  
ObservationLink to Source
period of Latest Data
Latest DataPrevious Data
National Accounts
Gross Domestic Product  
(At constant 2018 prices)
In millions of pesosQ1/245,189,658 p/5,884,513 r/PSA
Gross Domestic Product  
(At current prices)
In millions of pesosQ1/246,109,970 r/7,050,113 r/PSA
Production Index 1/  
2018 base year
average indexMay/24100.3 p/98.9r/PSA
Employment 2/In thousands of personsMay/2448,865 p/48,355  p/PSA
Unemployment 2/In thousands of personsMay/244,815 p/7,037 p/PSA
Wages/ Earnings 3/  
(Average Monthly Wage Rates in Selected Occupations)
monthly average, in pesos202218,42316,486PSA
Consumer Price Index  
2018 base year
monthly average indexJun/24125.6125.6PSA
Producers Price Index 1/  
2018 base year
monthly average indexMay/2498.1 p/98.0 r/PSA
Public Sector Operations     
RevenuesIn billions of pesos20172,473,1322,195,914DOF
ExpendituresIn billions of pesos20172,823,7692,549,336DOF
Total Surplus (+) / Deficit (-)In billions of pesos2017-350,637-353,422DOF
Balance Surplus (+) / Deficit (-) of the Non Financial Public EnterprisesIn billions of pesos2017  DOF
Financing 4/In billions of pesos2017663,929220,938DOF
External (Net)In billions of pesos201727,569-24,113DOF
Domestic (Net) In billions of pesos2017636,360245,051DOF
BankIn billions of pesos2017  DOF
Non-BankIn billions of pesos2017  DOF
Central Government Operations 10/
RevenueIn millions of pesosJun/24296,524382,089BTr
ExpendituresIn millions of pesosJun/24505,604557,000BTr
Balance Surplus (+) / Deficit (-)In millions of pesosJun/24-209,080-174,911BTr
FinancingIn millions of pesosJun/24209,080174,911BTr
External (Net)In millions of pesosJun/247,845119,815BTr
Domestic (Net) 5/In millions of pesosJun/24201,23555,096BTr
BankIn millions of pesosJun/24N/A183,042BTr
Non-BankIn millions of pesosJun/24N/A679BTr
Central Government Debt
TotalIn millions of pesosMay/2415,347,60315,017,211BTr
Domestic DebtIn millions of pesosMay/2410,442,84310,308,495BTr
Short termIn millions of pesosMay/24631,728621,728BTr
Medium termIn millions of pesosMay/242,282,6512,251,603BTr
Long termIn millions of pesosMay/247,528,4647,435,164BTr
Foreign Debt In millions of pesosMay/244,904,7604,708,716BTr
Debt guaranteed by central governmentIn millions of pesosMay/24350,203356,057BTr
DomesticIn millions of pesosMay/24187,587191,951BTr
ForeignIn millions of pesosMay/24162,616164,106BTr
Analytical Accounts of the Depository Corporations Subsector (Banking Subsector) 11/ note
Total Liquidity Aggregates (M4) and Liabilities Excluded from Broad MoneyIn millions of pesosMay/2425,752,269
25,398,767  p/, r/BSP
Currency and Transferable Deposits (M1)In millions of pesosMay/246,868,317
6,779,460 p/, r/BSP
Currency Outside Depository Corporations and Deposits (M2)In millions of pesosMay/2416,998,815  p/ 16,806,824  p/, r/BSP
Broad-Money Liabilities: Domestic Liquidity (M3)In millions of pesosMay/2417,399,508  p/17,218,804  p/, r/BSP
Net Claims on Central GovernmentIn millions of pesosMay/245,071,087  p/ 5,042,898 p/, r/BSP
Claims on Other SectorsIn millions of pesosMay/2413,803,721  p/13,664,709
 p/, r/ 
Net Foreign AssetsIn millions of pesosMay/246,877,461 p/6,691,159 p/, r/BSP
Analytical Accounts of the Central Bank (Central Bank Survey- SRF based) 11/
Net Foreign AssetsIn millions of pesosJun/24

6,159,765 p/

6,162,709 p/, r/

Domestic ClaimsIn millions of pesosJun/24

948,312 p/

590,070 p/, r/

Reserve MoneyIn millions of pesosJun/24

3,881,821 p/

3,851,807 p/

Liabilities Other than Reserve MoneyIn millions of pesosJun/243,226,257 p/ 2,900,972 p/, r/BSP
Interest rates
91 - day Treasury billsWeighted Average Interest Rate in percent per annum07/22/245.745.72BTr
Fixed-Rate Treasury BondsCoupon Rate in percent per annum   BTr
  1. 2 years
  1. 3 years
  1. 4 years
  1. 5 years
 02/13/246.156 b6.073 
  1.  5.5 years
  1. 7 years
  1. 10 years
  1. 13 years
  1. 15 years
  1. 20 years
  1. 25 years
BSP Rediscount RateIn percent per annumJun/24....BSP
BSP Policy Rates 6/In percent per annum    
  1. Lending (OLF)
  1. Borrowing (Target RRP)
Stock Market: Share Price Index
Composite Index 7/February 28, 1990 = 1,022.04507/26/246,726.016,670.27PSE
Balance of Payments */In millions of US$Jun/24-1551,997BSP
Overall Balance of PaymentsIn millions of US$Q1/242381,936BSP-BOP
Current AccountIn millions of US$Q1/24-1,749-520BSP
Net Goods and ServicesIn millions of US$Q1/24-10,724-10,368BSP
Net GoodsIn millions of US$Q1/24-14,662-15,531BSP
Exports of GoodsIn millions of US$Q1/2414,04114,538BSP
Imports of GoodsIn millions of US$Q1/2428,70330,069BSP
Net ServicesIn millions of US$Q1/243,9385,163BSP
Exports of ServicesIn millions of US$Q1/2412,72713,206BSP
Imports of ServicesIn millions of US$Q1/248,7908,043BSP
Net Primary IncomeIn millions of US$Q1/241,3681,573BSP
Net Secondary IncomeIn millions of US$Q1/247,6078,275BSP
Net Capital AccountIn millions of US$Q1/241621BSP
Financial AccountIn millions of US$Q1/24-4,911-6,380BSP
Net Direct InvestmentsIn millions of US$Q1/24-2,257-1,416BSP
Net Portfolio InvestmentsIn millions of US$ Q1/24-58-2,797BSP
Net Financial DerivativesIn millions of US$Q1/24-61-13BSP
Net Other InvestmentsIn millions of US$Q1/24-2,535-2,154BSP
Change in Net ReservesIn millions of US$Q1/242381,936BSP
International Reserves and Foreign Currency Liquidity 
Gross International Reserves (Official Reserve Assets) 11/In millions of US$Jun/24105,189 r/105,016 r/BSP
International Reserves and Foreign Currency Liquidity (Complete template) 11/In millions of US$May/24BSPBSPBSP
International Investment Position (IIP) 11/In millions of US$Q1/24-59,261-51,317BSP
AssetsIn millions of US$Q1/24244,507241,444BSP
Direct InvestmentIn millions of US$Q1/2472,39071,858BSP
Portfolio InvestmentIn millions of US$Q1/2439,31436,740BSP
Financial DerivativesIn millions of US$Q1/24651772BSP
Other InvestmentIn millions of US$Q1/2428,08428,320BSP
Reserve AssetsIn millions of US$Q1/24104,068103,753BSP
LiabilitiesIn millions of US$Q1/24303,768292,760BSP
Direct InvestmentIn millions of US$Q1/24126,611122,571BSP
Portfolio InvestmentIn millions of US$Q1/2490,32285,756BSP
Financial DerivativesIn millions of US$Q1/24280342BSP
Other InvestmentIn millions of US$Q1/2486,55584,092BSP
External Debt
External DebtIn millions of US$Q1/24128,692125,394BSP
Merchandise Trade
Total ExportsIn millions of US$ (F.O.B.)May/246,328.88 p/6,288.30 r/PSA
Total ImportsIn millions of US$ (F.O.B.)May/2410,929.88 p/11,017.02r/PSA
Trade BalanceIn millions of US$ (F.O.B)May/24-4,601.00 p/-4,728.72 r/PSA
Exchange Rates
Philippine Peso Per US Dollar Rate 8/weighted average interbank rates07/26/2458.3958.39BSP
Population 9/In millions05/01/2020109,035,343 PSA

*/ Data are based on Balance of Payments and International Investments Position Manual, 6th Edition (BPM6)

**/ Includes P540 billion Short-term borrowing

1/ The Philippine Statistics Authority (PSA) is availing the flexibility option for this category.

2/ The periodicity of Employment and Unemployment data is every quarter particularly every January, April, July and October. Previous data refers to the previous round of the Labor Force Survey and is not seasonally adjusted. The reference period is the "past week" referring to the seven days preceding the date of visit of the enumerator. Starting April 2005, the new unemployment definition was adopted per NSCB Resolution No. 15 dated October 20, 2004, to wit: the unemployed include all persons who are 15 years old and above as of their last birthday and are reported as (1) without work; AND (2) currently available for work; AND (3) seeking work OR not seeking work due to valid reasons.

3/ The data refers to the average monthly wage rate across the selected occupations in the selected industries. The Philippines is using the "as relevant" flexibility for this data and will publish wage rates statistics with a periodicity of two years and a timeliness of 12 months.

4/ January - November 2005. The data include only the financing of the national government, and the 14 monitored non-financial government corporations (MNGGCs).

5/ Breakdown of domestic financing was revised due to the change in the basis used for the calculation

6/ Beginning 3 June 2016, the BSP shifted its monetary operations to an interest rate corridor (IRC) system. The repurchase (RP) window was replaced by the standing overnight lending facility (OLF). Meanwhile, the reverse repurchase (RRP) facility was modified to a purely overnight RRP.

7/ The Philippine Stock Exchange index (PSEi) is the main index of the Philippine Stock Exchange (PSE). It is composed of the 30 largest and most active common stocks listed at the PSE. Daily updates are available at the PSE website.

8/ Daily updates and other convertible currencies with the BSP are available at the BSP website.

9/ Population Projection by Single-Year Interval (Medium Assumption). Previous data is for 2007.

10/ Scheduled release of CGO statistics as posted in the advance release calendar (ARC) will be postponed until further notice in view of the ongoing enhanced community quarantine in Luzon as a precautionary measure against the spread of Coronavirus Disease (COVID-19).

11/ On 17 March 2020, the BSP issued an announcement on the delay of release of statistics on DCS, CBS, International Reserves and Foreign Currency Liquidity, Reserves Template and IIP, which were committed in the 2020 ARC of SDDS and NSDP. In view of the ongoing enhanced community quarantine in Luzon as a precautionary measure against the spread of COVID-19, the scheduled release of these statistics will be postponed until further notice. The announcement of the BSP on the postponement of these statistics was posted at:


OWSOccupational Wages Survey
OPSFOil Price Stabilization Fund
OLFLeading Facility
RRPReverse Repurchase

Sources of Data:

BSPBangko Sentral ng Pilipinas
BTrBureau of Treasury
DOFDepartment of Finance
PSEPhilippine Stock Exchange
PSAPhilippine Statistics Authority