Households Share 44.4 Percent of the Country’s Total Health Spending in 2023
The Household out-of-pocket payment had the highest contribution among the health care financing schemes in 2023, with 44.4 percent share to the total Current Health Expenditure (CHE). This was followed by Government schemes and compulsory contributory health care financing schemes with 42.6 percent share and Voluntary health care payment schemes with 13.0 percent. (Table 12 and Figure 1)
The country’s Total Health Expenditure (THE), at current prices, amounted to PhP 1.44 trillion in 2023, an increase of 17.0 percent from the PhP 1.23 trillion expenditure in 2022. THE recorded a 5.9 percent share to the Gross Domestic Product in 2023. (Tables 37, 38, and 40, and Figure 2)
The CHE contributed 86.3 percent to THE, while the Health Capital Formation Expenditure (HK) shared 13.7 percent in 2023. Both CHE and HK recorded increases of 9.2 percent and 113.6 percent, respectively. (Tables 38 and 39)
On a per capita basis, health spending went up to PhP 11,083 in 2023, an increase of 8.3 percent from the PhP 10,238 expense in 2022.
(Tables 43 and 44)
National Statistician and Civil Registrar General