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Philippine Population Surpassed the 100 Million Mark (Results from the 2015 Census of Population)

Release Date:
Reference Number: 2017-148

Total population went up by 8.6 million persons

  • As of 1 August 2015, the Philippines had a total population of 100,981,437 persons based on the 2015 Census of Population (POPCEN 2015).
  • The total population based on the POPCEN 2015 is higher by 8,643,585 persons compared with the 2010 Census of Population and Housing (CPH) count of 92,337,852 persons. Based on the 2007 Census of Population (POPCEN 2007), the total population was 88,548,366 persons.


Population increased by 17 persons per year for every 1,000 persons

  • The increase in the Philippine population translated into an average population growth rate (PGR) of 1.7 percent annually during the period 2010 to 2015.  This means that there were about 17 persons added per year for every 1,000 persons in the population.
  • The annual PGR was higher at 1.9 percent during the period 2000 to 2010 and at 2.3 percent during the period 1990 to 2000. 



More than half of the total population resided in Luzon

  • Luzon, which is composed of eight regions, comprised more than half (56.9 percent) of the country’s total population.  It was followed by Mindanao (23.9 percent), which has six regions and Visayas  (19.2 percent), which has four regions.
  • Among the 18 administrative regions in the Philippines, Region IV-A (CALABARZON) had the biggest population size in 2015, totalling to 14,414,774 persons or 14.3 percent of the country’s total population. The least populated region was the Cordillera Administrative Region (CAR) with 1,722,006 persons or 1.7 percent of the country’s total population.


Twenty-seven provinces reached more than one million population

  • Twenty-seven out of 81 provinces reached more than one million population in 2015.  More than half or 14 of these 27 provinces were in Luzon, six in the Visayas, and seven in Mindanao.   Cavite (3.68 million persons) of Region IV-A, Bulacan (3.29 million persons) of Region III, Laguna (3.04 million persons) also of Region IV-A, Pangasinan (2.96 million persons) of Region I, and Cebu (excluding its three highly urbanized cities) (2.94 million persons) of Region VII were the top five most populous provinces in the Philippines. Meanwhile, the provinces with less than a hundred thousand population were Siquijor (96.0 thousand persons), Camiguin (88.5 thousand persons), and Batanes (17.2 thousand persons).
  • Among the 33 highly urbanized cities (HUCs), Quezon City (2.94 million persons), City of Manila (1.78 million persons), Davao City (1.63 million persons), and Caloocan City (1.58 million persons), led in terms of population size. The three least populous HUCs, on the other hand, were Tacloban City (242.1 thousand persons). Olongapo City (233.0 thousand persons), and the City of San Juan (122.2 thousand persons).

Males outnumbered females

  • Of the total population, 50.6 percent was male while 49.4 percent was female.  This resulted in a sex ratio of 102 males for every 100 females. The same sex ratio was reported in 2010.
  • Regions VIII, XI, and XIII posted the highest sex ratio of 106 each.  Moreover, NCR and ARMM were the only regions which reported more females than males, that is, with sex ratios of less than 100.

Median age increased to 24.3 years

  • In 2015, the median age of the country’s total population was 24.3 years, which means that half of the total population was below 24.3 years old.  Median age was highest in the NCR (26.2 years) and lowest in ARMM (18.3 years). The median age in 2010 was 23.3 years.

Average household size in 2015 was 4.4 persons

  • The household population of the country in 2015 was 100,573,715 persons, higher by 8,475,737 persons from the household population of 92,097,978 persons in 2010.
  • The number of households, meanwhile, increased by 13.9 percent from 20,171,899 in 2010 to 22,975,630 in 2015.
  • The average household size in 2015 was 4.4 persons, lower than the average household size of  4.6 persons in 2010.

Children aged 0 to 4 years and 5 to 9 years comprised the largest age groups

  • The age-sex distribution of the population showed that children aged 0 to 4 years and 5 to 9 years, comprised the largest age groups, with each making up 10.7 percent of the household population, followed by those in the age groups 10 to 14 years (10.4 percent) and 15 to 19 years (10.1 percent).
  • Males outnumbered females in the age groups 0 to 54 years.  Females, on the other hand, outnumbered their male counterparts in the older age groups (55 years old and over).

Dependency ratio decreased to 58 dependents per 100 persons in the working-age group

  • Of the total population, 63.4 percent belonged to the working-age population (15 to 64 years).  Children below 15 years of age comprised 31.8 percent while older persons (65 years and over) accounted for 4.7 percent.
  • The overall dependency ratio of the Philippines in 2015 was 58 dependents for every 100 persons in the working age group, down from 60 dependents in 2010. Of the 58 dependents,  50 were young dependents while eight were old dependents.

Three fifths of the total population was of voting age

  •  At the national level, the voting-age population or persons 18 years old and over accounted for 62.0 percent (62,615,419 persons) of the total population in 2015. The size of the voting-age population recorded in 2010 was 55.72 million or 60.3 percent of the total population.
  •  The five regions with the highest proportion of voting-age population are NCR (67.2 percent), Region III (64.2 percent), Region IV-A (64.1 percent), Region I (64.0 percent), and Region VI (63.9 percent).  ARMM had the lowest proportion of voting-age population with 50.7 percent.

More males than females among the never-married persons

  • Of the total population 10 years old and over, 43.9 percent was never married while 40.9 percent was married.  The rest of the total population was categorized as follows: in common law/live-in marital arrangement (9.1 percent), widowed (4.5 percent), divorced/separated (1.5 percent), and had unknown marital status (less than 0.1 percent).
  • Among the never-married persons, a higher proportion of males (54.1 percent) than females (45.9 percent) was reported in 2015.  Meanwhile, the proportion of females was higher than males among those who were widowed (77.0 percent), divorced/separated (61.4 percent), in common law/live-in marital arrangement (50.5 percent), and married (50.2 percent).
  • Across regions, ARMM (48.2 percent) had the highest proportion of never-married persons while Region II (50.7 percent) had the highest proportion of married individuals.  Moreover, it is observed that Region I (5.6 percent) reported the largest proportion of widowed, Region VIII had the largest proportion of those in common law/live-in marital arrangement  (13.9 percent), and NCR had the largest proportion of divorced/separated (2.1 percent) persons.

Females outnumbered males among baccalaureate degree holders

  • Of the total population 5 years old and over,  33.5 percent had attended or completed elementary education, 36.4 percent had reached or finished high school, 10.5 percent was college undergraduate, and 11.1 percent was baccalaureate/college graduate.
  • Among those with baccalaureate degree, there were more females (56.0 percent) than males (44.0 percent).  Similarly, among those with post baccalaureate courses, females (59.9 percent) outnumbered males (40.1 percent).



School attendance rate was higher among females than among males

  • Of the 40,835,754 household population aged 5 to 24 years, 69.0 percent was attending school in School Year (SY) 2015-2016.  In 2010, the rate of school attendance in SY 2009-2010 was lower at 64.5 percent.
  • By sex, the school attendance rate in 2015 was higher among females (69.4 percent) than among males (68.6 percent). The same trend was observed in 2010.

Simple literacy rate was recorded at 98.3 percent

  • The Philippines posted a literacy rate of 98.3 percent among the 78,918,842 household population aged 10 years and over. This is higher than the 97.1 percent literacy rate that was recorded in 2010.  In the 2010 Census of Population and Housing and POPCEN 2015, a person is considered literate if he/she is able to read and write a simple message in any language or dialect.
  • Literacy rate in 2015 was slightly higher among females (98.4 percent) than among males (98.2 percent). Similarly, literacy rate was slightly higher among females (97.2 percent) than among males (97.0 percent) in 2010.

Roman Catholics accounted for 80 percent of the total population

  • Almost four fifths (79.5 percent or 80,304,061 persons) of the total population of the Philippines in 2015 reported Roman Catholic as their religious affiliation. The corresponding figure in 2010 was 80.6 percent (74,407,708 persons).
  • The next largest religious affiliation in the country was Islam, comprising 6.0 percent of the total population. It was followed by those who were affiliated with the Iglesia ni Cristo, with         2.6 percent share.

Almost three in every five persons were engaged in a gainful activity

  • In 2015, the country had 68,438,430 household population aged 15 years and over. Of this total, approximately three in every five persons (58.5 percent) were engaged in a gainful activity during the 12 months preceding the census.
  • By major occupation group, workers engaged in elementary occupations comprised the largest group (22.2 percent of all persons with gainful activity). Skilled agricultural, forestry, and fishery workers came in next (16.6 percent), followed by service and sales workers (15.9 percent).

About 3.2 percent of the household population was overseas workers

  • Of the household population 15 years old and over, 2,196,423 persons or 3.2 percent were overseas workers. Overseas workers aged 45 years and over made up the largest age group, comprising 22.1 percent of the total overseas workers, followed by those in the age groups 30 to 34 years (19.4 percent), 25 to 29 years (18.6 percent), and 35 to 39 years (17.6 percent).




Table 1.   Population Enumerated in Various Censuses by Region: 1960 – 2015

Table 2.   Total Population by Single-Year Age and Sex: 2015

Table 3.   Household Population by Single-Year Age and Sex: 2015

Table 4.   Total Population by Age Group, Sex, and Region: 2015

Table 5.   Household Population by Age Group, Sex, and Region: 2015

Table 6.   Total Population 10 Years Old and Over by Age Group, Marital Status, Sex, and Region: 2015

Table 7.   Household Population 10 Years Old and Over by Age Group, Marital Status, Sex, and Region: 2015

Table 8.  Total Population by Religious Affiliation and Sex: 2015

Table 9.   Household Population 5 to 24 Years Old Who Were Currently Attending   School by Age Group, Sex, and Region: 2015

Table 10. Literacy of the Household Population 10 Years Old and Over by Age Group, Sex, and Region: 2015

Table 11. Total Population 5 Years Old and Over by Highest Grade/Year Completed, Sex, Age, and Region: 2015

Table 12. Overseas Workers 15 Years Old and Over by Highest Grade/Year Completed, Sex, and Age Group: 2015

Table 13. Gainful Workers 15 Years Old and Over by Major Occupation Group, Age Group, Sex, and Region: 2015

Table 14. Household Population by Relationship to the Household Head and Household Size: 2015

Table 15. Number of Households by Age Group, Sex of the Household Head,  Household Size, and Region: 2015



Population growth rate the rate at which the population is increasing (or decreasing) in a given period due to natural increase and net migration, expressed as a percentage of the base population
Total population the sum of the household population and institutional population. It also includes Filipinos in Philippine embassies, consulates, and missions abroad
Household population comprises of persons who belong to a household, the basic criterion of which is the usual place of residence or the place where the person usually resides
Institutional population the population enumerated in collective or institutional living quarters such as: dormitories/lodging houses, jails/prisons, military camps, convents/seminaries, and mental hospitals
Household a social unit consisting of a person living alone or a group of persons who sleep in the same housing unit and have a common arrangement in the preparation and consumption of food
Average household size the average number of persons who live in the household, computed as the household population in a given area divided by the corresponding total number of households in that area
Head of the household an adult person, male or female, who is responsible for the organization and care of the household, or who is regarded as such by the members of the household
Sex ratio the ratio of males to females in a given population, expressed as the number of males per 100 females
Age the interval of time between a person’s date of birth and the census reference date (1 August 2015). Expressed in completed years (as of last birthday), it is recorded in whole number
Median age the age at which exactly half of the population is younger than this age and the other half is older than it
Overall dependency ratio the ratio of persons in the dependent ages (under 15 years old and over 64 years old) to persons in the economically active or working ages (15 to 64 years old) in the population
Marital status the personal status of each individual with reference to the marriage laws or customs of the country
Religious affiliation a particular system of beliefs, attitudes, emotions, and behaviors constituting man’s relationship with the powers and principalities of the universe
School attendance rate the proportion of persons 5 to 24 years old who were attending school during the School Year June 2015 to March 2016 to school-age population (5 to 24 years old)
Simple literacy rate the proportion of persons aged 10 years and over who are able to read and write a simple message in any language or dialect
Highest grade / year completed the highest grade or year completed in school, college or university
Usual activity / occupation the kind of job or business, which a person aged 15 years and over was engaged in most of the time during the 12 months preceding the census
Overseas worker a household member (15 years old and over) who is out of the country due to an overseas employment

The 2015 Census of Population (POPCEN 2015) was undertaken by the Philippine Statistics Authority (PSA) in August 2015 as mandated by Republic Act No. 10625, otherwise known as the Philippine Statistics Act of 2013.  It was the 14th census of population that was undertaken since the first census in 1903.  POPCEN 2015 was designed to take an inventory of the total population all over the Philippines and collect information about their characteristics.   Census day for the POPCEN 2015 was August 1, 2015 (12:01 a.m.).  POPCEN 2015 made use of the de jure concept of enumeration wherein households and persons are enumerated in the area where they usually reside as of the census reference date. Enumeration lasted for about 25 days, from 10 August to 6 September 2015. Enumeration was extended until 15 September 2015 for large provinces and some highly urbanized cities.


Attachment Size
Excel spreadsheet _PHILIPPINES_Statistical Tables.xls 804 KB
Excel spreadsheet _NCR_Statistical Tables.xls 279 KB
Excel spreadsheet Caloocan City_Statistical Tables.xls 284 KB
Excel spreadsheet City of Las Piñas_Statistical Tables.xls 283.5 KB
Excel spreadsheet City of Makati_Statistical Tables.xls 283 KB
Excel spreadsheet City of Malabon_Statistical Tables.xls 278.5 KB
Excel spreadsheet City of Mandaluyong_Statistical Tables.xls 283 KB
Excel spreadsheet City of Manila_Statistical Tables.xls 764.5 KB
Excel spreadsheet City of Marikina_Statistical Tables.xls 283 KB
Excel spreadsheet City of Muntinlupa_Statistical Tables.xls 283 KB
Excel spreadsheet City of Navotas_Statistical Tables.xls 282.5 KB
Excel spreadsheet City of Parañaque_Statistical Tables.xls 283 KB
Excel spreadsheet City of Pasig_Statistical Tables.xls 283 KB
Excel spreadsheet City of San Juan_Statistical Tables.xls 282.5 KB
Excel spreadsheet City of Taguig_Statistical Tables.xls 283 KB
Excel spreadsheet City of Valenzuela_Statistical Tables.xls 283.5 KB
Excel spreadsheet Pasay City_Statistical Tables.xls 283 KB
Excel spreadsheet Pateros_Statistical Tables.xls 281 KB
Excel spreadsheet Quezon City_Statistical Tables.xls 283.5 KB
Excel spreadsheet _REGION I_Statistical Tables.xls 271.5 KB
Excel spreadsheet Ilocos Norte_Statistical Tables.xls 1.15 MB
Excel spreadsheet Ilocos Sur_Statistical Tables.xls 1.24 MB
Excel spreadsheet La Union_Statistical Tables.xls 864.5 KB
Excel spreadsheet Pangasinan_Statistical Tables.xls 1.65 MB
Excel spreadsheet _REGION II_Statistical Tables.xls 270.5 KB
Excel spreadsheet Batanes_Statistical Tables.xls 451 KB
Excel spreadsheet Cagayan_Statistical Tables.xls 1.38 MB
Excel spreadsheet Isabela_Statistical Tables.xls 1.33 MB
Excel spreadsheet Nueva Vizcaya_Statistical Tables.xls 717 KB
Excel spreadsheet Quirino_Statistical Tables.xls 453 KB
Excel spreadsheet _REGION III_Statistical Tables.xls 274 KB
Excel spreadsheet Angeles City_Statistical Tables.xls 283.5 KB
Excel spreadsheet Aurora_Statistical Tables.xls 512 KB
Excel spreadsheet Bataan_Statistical Tables.xls 631 KB
Excel spreadsheet Bulacan_Statistical Tables.xls 983 KB
Excel spreadsheet Nueva Ecija_Statistical Tables.xls 1.19 MB
Excel spreadsheet Olongapo City_Statistical Tables.xls 281.5 KB
Excel spreadsheet Pampanga_Statistical Tables.xls 895 KB
Excel spreadsheet Tarlac_Statistical Tables.xls 805.5 KB
Excel spreadsheet Zambales_Statistical Tables.xls 659 KB
Excel spreadsheet _REGION IV-A_Statistical Tables.xls 273.5 KB
Excel spreadsheet Batangas_Statistical Tables.xls 1.25 MB
Excel spreadsheet Cavite_Statistical Tables.xls 953 KB
Excel spreadsheet Laguna_Statistical Tables.xls 1.13 MB
Excel spreadsheet Lucena City_Statistical Tables.xls 281.5 KB
Excel spreadsheet Quezon_Statistical Tables.xls 1.42 MB
Excel spreadsheet Rizal_Statistical Tables.xls 688.5 KB
Excel spreadsheet _MIMAROPA_Statistical Tables.xls 268 KB
Excel spreadsheet Marinduque_Statistical Tables.xls 444 KB
Excel spreadsheet Occidental Mindoro_Statistical Tables.xls 593 KB
Excel spreadsheet Oriental Mindoro_Statistical Tables.xls 709.5 KB
Excel spreadsheet Palawan_Statistical Tables.xls 944 KB
Excel spreadsheet Puerto Princesa City_Statistical Tables.xls 274.5 KB
Excel spreadsheet Romblon_Statistical Tables.xls 766.5 KB
Excel spreadsheet _REGION V_Statistical Tables.xls 264 KB
Excel spreadsheet Albay_Statistical Tables.xls 797.5 KB
Excel spreadsheet Camarines Norte_Statistical Tables.xls 744 KB
Excel spreadsheet Camarines Sur_Statistical Tables.xls 1.32 MB
Excel spreadsheet Catanduanes_Statistical Tables.xls 591.5 KB
Excel spreadsheet Masbate_Statistical Tables.xls 885 KB
Excel spreadsheet Sorsogon_Statistical Tables.xls 710.5 KB
Excel spreadsheet _REGION VI_Statistical Tables.xls 268.5 KB
Excel spreadsheet Aklan_Statistical Tables.xls 766 KB
Excel spreadsheet Antique_Statistical Tables.xls 797 KB
Excel spreadsheet Capiz_Statistical Tables.xls 763.5 KB
Excel spreadsheet Guimaras_Statistical Tables.xls 415 KB
Excel spreadsheet Iloilo City_Statistical Tables.xls 274.5 KB
Excel spreadsheet Iloilo_Statistical Tables.xls 1.5 MB
Excel spreadsheet _REGION VII_Statistical Tables.xls 275.5 KB
Excel spreadsheet Bohol_Statistical Tables.xls 1.64 MB
Excel spreadsheet Cebu City_Statistical Tables.xls 283.5 KB
Excel spreadsheet Cebu_Statistical Tables.xls 1.7 MB
Excel spreadsheet Lapu-Lapu City_Statistical Tables.xls 282.5 KB
Excel spreadsheet Mandaue City_Statistical Tables.xls 282.5 KB
Excel spreadsheet Siquijor_Statistical Tables.xls 453.5 KB
Excel spreadsheet _REGION VIII_Statistical Tables.xls 272.5 KB
Excel spreadsheet Biliran_Statistical Tables.xls 511 KB
Excel spreadsheet Eastern Samar_Statistical Tables.xls 949.5 KB
Excel spreadsheet Leyte_Statistical Tables.xls 1.47 MB
Excel spreadsheet Northern Samar_Statistical Tables.xls 980.5 KB
Excel spreadsheet Southern Leyte_Statistical Tables.xls 834.5 KB
Excel spreadsheet Tacloban City_Statistical Tables.xls 282 KB
Excel spreadsheet Western Samar_Statistical Tables.xls 1.02 MB
Excel spreadsheet _REGION IX_Statistical Tables.xls 276 KB
Excel spreadsheet City of Isabela_Statistical Tables.xls 275 KB
Excel spreadsheet Zamboanga City_Statistical Tables.xls 283 KB
Excel spreadsheet Zamboanga del Norte_Statistical Tables.xls 1.04 MB
Excel spreadsheet Zamboanga del Sur_Statistical Tables.xls 1.04 MB
Excel spreadsheet Zamboanga Sibugay_Statistical Tables.xls 747.5 KB
Excel spreadsheet _REGION X_Statistical Tables.xls 272.5 KB
Excel spreadsheet Bukidnon_Statistical Tables.xls 923 KB
Excel spreadsheet Cagayan de Oro City_Statistical Tables.xls 284 KB
Excel spreadsheet Camiguin_Statistical Tables.xls 424 KB
Excel spreadsheet Iligan City_Statistical Tables.xls 283.5 KB
Excel spreadsheet Lanao del Norte_Statistical Tables.xls 921.5 KB
Excel spreadsheet Misamis Occidental_Statistical Tables.xls 776 KB
Excel spreadsheet Misamis Oriental_Statistical Tables.xls 1011.5 KB
Excel spreadsheet _REGION XI_Statistical Tables.xls 272 KB
Excel spreadsheet Compostela Valley_Statistical Tables.xls 601.5 KB
Excel spreadsheet Davao City_Statistical Tables.xls 283.5 KB
Excel spreadsheet Davao del Norte_Statistical Tables.xls 601.5 KB
Excel spreadsheet Davao del Sur_Statistical Tables.xls 572 KB
Excel spreadsheet Davao Occidental_Statistical Tables.xls 426.5 KB
Excel spreadsheet Davao Oriental_Statistical Tables.xls 600.5 KB
Excel spreadsheet _REGION XII_Statistical Tables.xls 275.5 KB
Excel spreadsheet Cotabato City_Statistical Tables.xls 282.5 KB
Excel spreadsheet General Santos City_Statistical Tables.xls 283 KB
Excel spreadsheet North Cotabato_Statistical Tables.xls 802.5 KB
Excel spreadsheet Sarangani_Statistical Tables.xls 483 KB
Excel spreadsheet South Cotabato_Statistical Tables.xls 600.5 KB
Excel spreadsheet Sultan Kudarat_Statistical Tables.xls 630 KB
Excel spreadsheet _CARAGA_Statistical Tables.xls 273.5 KB
Excel spreadsheet Agusan del Norte_Statistical Tables.xls 601 KB
Excel spreadsheet Agusan del Sur_Statistical Tables.xls 688.5 KB
Excel spreadsheet Butuan City_Statistical Tables.xls 283.5 KB
Excel spreadsheet Dinagat Islands_Statistical Tables.xls 482 KB
Excel spreadsheet Surigao del Norte_Statistical Tables.xls 893 KB
Excel spreadsheet Surigao del Sur_Statistical Tables.xls 833.5 KB
Excel spreadsheet _ARMM_Statistical Tables.xls 271.5 KB
Excel spreadsheet Basilan_Statistical Tables.xls 628.5 KB
Excel spreadsheet Lanao del Sur_Statistical Tables.xls 1.41 MB
Excel spreadsheet Maguindanao_Statistical Tables.xls 1.3 MB
Excel spreadsheet Sulu_Statistical Tables.xls 831.5 KB
Excel spreadsheet Tawi-Tawi_Statistical Tables.xls 598.5 KB
Excel spreadsheet _CAR_Statistical Tables.xls 272.5 KB
Excel spreadsheet Abra_Statistical Tables.xls 1.04 MB
Excel spreadsheet Apayao_Statistical Tables.xls 482 KB
Excel spreadsheet Baguio City_Statistical Tables.xls 283.5 KB
Excel spreadsheet Benguet_Statistical Tables.xls 660 KB
Excel spreadsheet Ifugao_Statistical Tables.xls 598.5 KB
Excel spreadsheet Kalinga_Statistical Tables.xls 511.5 KB
Excel spreadsheet Mountain Province_Statistical Tables.xls 569 KB
Excel spreadsheet _NIR_Statistical Tables.xls 262.5 KB
Excel spreadsheet Bacolod City_Statistical Tables.xls 280 KB
Excel spreadsheet Negros Occidental_Statistical Tables.xls 1.16 MB
Excel spreadsheet Negros Oriental_Statistical Tables.xls 1007.5 KB