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Sulu had an Average Household Size of 6 Persons (Results from the 2000 Census of Population and Housing, NSO)

Release Date:
Reference Number: 2002-144


Population growth rate increased to 3.15 percent

The Census 2000 results showed that Sulu registered a total population of 619,668 persons, higher by 83,467 persons over the 1995 Census of Population results. This figure recorded a 3.15 percent growth rate, from a growth rate of 2.50 percent in the 1990 to 1995 period. A corresponding increase on the number of households was also recorded at 19,151 households, higher by 1,437 households over the 1995 figure. This resulted to an average household size of 6.31 persons, higher than the average household size recorded in 1995 (5.54 persons).

Jolo (provincial capital), the largest in terms of population

Jolo (provincial capital) was the largest among the 18 municipalities in Sulu. It registered a population of 87,998 or 14.20 percent of the total population of the province. It was followed by Talipao (11.78 percent), Siasi (9.53 percent), Parang (8.87 percent), and Indanan (8.62 percent). Hadji Panglima Tahil (Marungas), on the other hand, had the smallest population with 0.86 percent.

Sulu ranked third in ARMM

Sulu ranked third in terms of population among the four provinces in Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao (ARMM) with 25.69 percent of the 2.4 million persons in the region. At the national level, the province contributed 0.81 percent to the total population of 76.5 million.

Half of the population below 19 years old

Sulu had a median age of 19 years, slightly higher than the 1995 median age of 18 years. This meant that half of the population was below 19 years old.

Sex ratio recorded at 96.16

There were 303.7 thousand males and 315.9 thousand females in Sulu. This gave a sex ratio of 96.16 males for every 100 females. There were more males in the age groups 10 to 14, 40 to 44, and 50 to 79 years.

Three dependents out of five economically active persons

About 60.9 percent belonged to the economically active population aged 15 to 64 years. About 37 percent were young dependents (aged 0 to 14 years) while 1.83 percent were old dependents (aged 65 years and above). The overall dependency ratio in 2000 was 64.2, lower than the 1995 ratio of 69.84. This meant that for every 100 persons aged 15 to 64 years, there were about 64 dependents, i.e., 61 young dependents and 3 old dependents.

More females with higher education

About 35 percent of the population five years old and over had attended or completed elementary; 15.38 percent, high school; 0.64 percent, post secondary education; and 7.88 percent had attended or finished higher level of education.

There was an almost equal proportion of males and females among those who had attended or finished elementary. On the other hand, there were more females who had attended/completed high school (50.95 percent) and higher education (52.11 percent).

More than four out of five were Tausug

About 85.27 percent of the household population classified themselves as Tausug. Other ethnic groups included Sama (Samal)/Abaknon (7.96 percent), Badjao, Sama Dilaut (2.13 percent), Ibanag (0.44 percent), and Kinaray-a (0.19 percent).

More single persons than married

Single persons accounted for 51.68 percent of the total persons 10 years old and over, lower than the 1995 figure (53.12 percent). Married persons comprised 40.28 percent in 2000 lower than in 1995 (43.71 percent) while the widowed (3.21 percent) slightly increased compared to the 1995 figure (2.56 percent). Those with other arrangements increased from only 0.01 percent in 1995 to 1.18 percent in 2000.

Single houses were most preferred

In 2000, most (92.16 percent) of the housing units in Sulu were single houses, lower than the 98.62 percent recorded in 1990. About three out of five of the occupied housing units needed no repair or if needed one, with minor repair only. About 17.35 percent needed major repair.

More than one out of five occupied housing units had floor area of 20 to 29 square meters

Out of 95,662 occupied housing units in Sulu, more than one out of five (21.68 percent) had floor area of 20 to 29 square meters. This was followed by housing units with floor area of 10 to 19 square meters (21.10 percent) and with less than 10 square meters (18.25 percent). Only 2.63 percent had 120 square meters or more.

More than half of the occupied housing units had roof made of cogon/nipa/anahaw

About 56.71 percent of the occupied housing units had roof made of cogon/nipa/anahaw, lower than the 1990 figure of 83.78 percent. On the other hand, roof made of galvanized iron/aluminum increased from 9.27 percent in 1990 to 27.01 percent in 2000. As to construction material of the outer walls, the proportion of wood rose from 9.38 percent in 1990 to 32.30 percent in 2000.



Sulu archipelago is located in the North and West of Sulu Sea, in the East of Mindanao Sea and in the South of the Celebes Sea.

It consists of more than 400 scattered and isolated islands from the tip of Zamboanga southwestward towards Borneo. Sulu comprises of four island groups - Jolo, Pangutaran, Tapul and Samales. Jolo is the provincial capital of Sulu

Sulu came from the word "sug", which means water current.

On March 10, 1917, Sulu was created by Commonwealth Act No. 2711. Sulu is one of four provinces in Mindanao that became part of the Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao (ARMM) through a plebiscite in 1989

Source: Sulu in Focus : Its Demographic and Socio-Economic Profile National Statistics Office







Table 1. Population Distribution of Top Five Municipalities by Sex: Sulu, 2000

Municipalities Total Population Percent Male Female
Sulu 619,668 100.00 303,763 315,905
     Jolo (capital) 87,998 14.20 43,251 44,747
     Talipao 73,015 11.78 36,613 36,402
     Siasi 59,069 9.53 28,320 30,749
     Parang 54,994 8.87 27,164 27,830
     Indanan 53,425 8.62 25,972 27,453
     Other Municipalities 291,167 46.99 142,443 148,724

Source: NSO, 2000 Census of Population and Housing


Table 2. Total Population by Age Group, Sex and Sex Ratio: Sulu, 2000

Age Group Total Population Male Female Sex Ratio
Sulu 619,668 303,763 315,905 96.16
     Under 1 4,514 2,155 2,359 91.35
     1 to 4 52,441 25,103 27,338 91.82
     5 to 9 87,016 43,344 43,672 99.25
     10 to 14 86,939 43,577 43,362 100.50
     15 to 19 90,438 44,161 46,277 95.43
     20 to 24 60,204 28,932 31,272 92.52
     25 to 29 45,303 21,197 24,106 87.93
     30 to 34 36,445 16,931 19,514 86.76
     35 to 39 42,624 20,115 22,509 89.36
     40 to 44 32,798 16,602 16,196 102.51
     45 to 49 26,824 13,148 13,676 96.14
     50 to 54 19,661 10,305 9,356 110.14
     55 to 59 13,463 6,997 6,466 108.21
     60 to 64 9,636 5,269 4,367 120.65
     65 to 69 5,339 2,775 2,564 108.23
     70 to 74 3,244 1,777 1,467 121.13
     75 to 79 1,164 601 563 106.75
     80 & Over 1,615 774 841 92.03

Source: NSO, 2000 Census of Population and Housing


Table 3. Household Population 5 Years Old and Over by Highest Educational Attainment and Sex: Sulu, 2000

Highest Educational Attainment Household Population
5 Years Old & Over
Male Female
Sulu 562,596 276,401 286,195
     No Grade Completed 149,925 71,324 78,601
     Pre-School 5,917 2,866 3,051
     Elementary 196,855 99,341 97,514
     High School 86,549 42,456 44,093
     Post Secondary 3,595 1,770 1,825
     College Undergraduate 38,159 18,361 19,798
     Academic Degree Holder 2,845 1,262 1,583
     Post Baccalaureate 3,318 1,603 1,715
     Not Stated 75,433 37,418 38,015

Source: NSO, 2000 Census of Population and Housing


Table 4. Household Population by Ethnicity and Sex: Sulu, 2000

Ethnicity Both Sexes Male Female
Sulu 619,550 303,659 315,891
     Tausug 528,299 259,172 269,127
     Sama (Samal)/Abaknon 49,336 24,007 25,329
     Badjao, Sama Dilaut 13,180 6,407 6,773
     Ibanag 2,735 1,376 1,359
     Kiniray-a 1,184 517 667
     Others 5,397 2,706 2,691
     Not Reported 19,419 9,474 9,945

Source: NSO, 2000 Census of Population and Housing


Table 5. Total Population 10 Years Old and Over by Age Group and Marital Status: Sulu, 2000

Age Group Total Population
10 Years Old & Over
Single Married Widowed Divorced/Separated Others Unknown
Sulu 475,697 245,825 191,622 15,265 3,749 5,592 13,644
     Below 20 177,377 162,040 6,493 264 217 386 7,977
     20 - 24 60,204 45,856 10,803 421 494 420 2,210
     25 - 29 45,303 21,613 20,445 705 684 609 1,247
     30 - 34 36,445 8,676 24,635 965 712 707 750
     35 - 39 42,624 3,760 35,650 1,289 529 980 416
     40 - 44 32,798 1,613 28,248 1,556 390 771 220
     45 - 49 26,824 841 23,359 1,627 241 591 165
     50 - 54 19,661 543 16,538 1,837 176 418 149
     55 - 59 13,463 344 10,897 1,669 106 266 181
     60 - 64 9,636 232 7,220 1,801 88 197 98
     65 - 69 5,339 122 3,732 1,259 56 105 65
     70 - 74 3,244 89 1,997 988 37 71 62
     75 - 79 1,164 25 683 402 7 19 28
     80 & Over 1,615 71 922 482 12 52 76

Source: NSO, 2000 Census of Population and Housing


Table 6. Occupied Housing Units by Construction Materials of Outer Walls and Roof: Sulu, 2000

Clay Tile
Wood Cogon/
Not Reported
Sulu 95,662 25,843 402 1,526 6,519 54,249 366 6,757
     Concrete/Brick/Stone 2,521 2,189 85 99 41 79 6 22
     Wood 30,900 15,150 126 279 4,630 10,596 37 82
     Half Concrete/
     and Half Wood
2,671 1,695 55 658 100 139 6 18
     Galvanized Iron/
564 250 20 70 93 117 7 7
     Bamboo/Sawali/Nipa 51,102 6,295 - 364 1,476 42,771 111 85
     Asbestos 132 26 11 8 8 - - 79
     Glass 79 36 12 4 10 - - 17
257 8 - 2 4 38 198 7
     Not Reported
7,376 175 90 39 152 483 1 6,436
     No walls 60 19 3 3 5 26 - 4

Source: NSO, 2000 Census of Population and Housing




Average Household Size - average number of people who live in the household

Growth Rate - the rate at which the population is increasing (or decreasing) in a given year due to natural increase and net migration, expressed as a percentage of the base population

Median Age - the age at which exactly half of the population is young and half is old

Sex Ratio - the ratio of males to females in a given population expressed as the number of males per 100 females

Age-Dependency Ratio - the ratio of persons in the "dependent" ages (under 15 years and over 64 years) to those in the "economically productive" ages (15 to 64 years old) in the population

Household - a social unit consisting of a person or a group of persons who sleep in the same housing unit and have common arrangements in the preparation and consumption of food

The 2000 Census of Population and Housing (Census 2000) was undertaken by the National Statistics Office (NSO) in May 2000, as mandated by Commonwealth Act No.591, Batas Pambansa Blg. 72 and Executive Order No 121. It was the 11th census of population and 5th census of housing undertaken in this country since the first census in 1903. It was designed to take an inventory of the total population and housing units all over the Philippines and to collect information about their characteristics. Census day for the Census 2000 was May 1, 2000 (12:01 a.m.). Enumeration started on May 1, 2000 and lasted for about 30 days.

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