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Cotobato City: Females Dominated the City (Results from the 2000 Census of Population and Housing, NSO)

Release Date:
Reference Number: 2002-126


Population growth rate increased to 2.38 percent

The 2000 Census of Population and Housing (Census 2000) results showed that Cotabato City registered a total population of 163,849 persons, higher by 17,070 persons over the 1995 Census of Population (POPCEN) results. This figure recorded a 2.38 percent annual population growth rate, lower by 0.35 percentage point than the annual population growth rate during the 1990 to 1995 period. A corresponding increase on the number of households was also recorded at 31,227 households, higher by 4,134 households over the 1995 figure. This resulted to an average household size of 5.17 persons, slightly higher than the average household size (5.38 persons) recorded five years ago and the national average of five persons.

The population of the city will double after twenty-nine years

The population of Cotabato City will increase 3,900 persons annually and expected to double by year 2029 if the population growth rate (2.38 percent) will not change with in the said period.

Poblacion VII, the most populated barangay 

Of the thirty-seven barangays in the City of Cotabato, Poblacion VII was the largest in terms of population size, comprising about 7 percent of the total population of the city. This was followed by Rosary Heights 10 (6.53 percent), and Poblacion (5.92 percent). The least populous was Tamontaka V (0.84 percent).

More than half were Maguindanaon

More than 50 percent of the residents of Cotabato City classified themselves as Maguindanaon. About 14 percent classified themselves as Cebuano, 10 percent as Tagalog while over seven percent classified themselves as Iranon and 19 percent as other ethnic groups/not reported.

Half of the population below 26 years old 

Maguindanao had a median age of 26 years, slightly higher than the 1995 median age of 25 years. This meant that half of the population were below 26 years old.

Sex ratio recorded at 95.07 

Female population outnumbered their male counterparts. The sex ratio (number of males for every 100 females) of the city was 95.07. In 1995, the sex ratio was recorded at 95.3.

More females aged 15-19 years old

In 2000, the age-sex structure of Cotabato City deviated from the usual pyramid shape as shown in Figure 1 where the females in the age group 15-19 protrudes among the lower age groups. This age group also occupied the largest proportion of the total population.

More than a half of females belonged to the childbearing age group

Women in childbearing or reproductive age group (15 to 49 years) comprised 56.31 percent of the total female population, almost the same with the 1995 figure (56.06).

Over half of the population belonged to legal age for election

There were 94,247 persons or about 58 percent of the total population belonging to legal age for election. Among them, the proportion of females was higher (52 percent) than that of the males (48 percent).

Economically active persons increased by about 15 percentage points

More than 62 percent of the total population or 102,310 persons belonged to productive age (aged 15 to 64 years). This resulted to a 15 percentage points increase from the 1995 figure of 88,995. More than 35 percent were young dependents (aged 0 to 14 years) while more than two percent were old dependents (aged 65 years and above). The overall dependency ratio in 2000 was 60.15, lower than the 1995 ratio of 61.45. This meant that for every 100 persons aged 15 to 64 years, there were about 60 dependents, i.e., 56 young dependents and four old dependents.

Four out of every five population attended school

About 83 percent of the total household population, aged 5 years and over, had at least attended or completed elementary education: 31 percent, elementary; 25 percent, high school; and 26.5 percent with higher education.

Female population dominated among those who had attended school. It was noted that from elementary up to post baccalaureate, females had the highest proportion than among males.

Single and married population tied with 46 percent each

Both single and married population constituted an equal proportion to the total household population 10 years old and over. Both shared 46 percent each.

Single persons were dominated by females (52 percent). As expected, the proportion of widows was noticeably higher (76 percent) than the widowers (24 percent).

Most of the households preferred single houses

Majority of the housing units were single houses (86 percent). Over 76 percent of the total housing units needed no repair or if needed one with minor repair only, and about 28 percent were built from 1996 to 2000.

More than half of housing units had floor area of less than 10 to 19 square meters

About 53 percent of the housing units had floor area of less than 10 to 19 square meters: The proportion of housing units with less than 10 square meters floor area was 26.45 percent, 26.21 percent with 10-19 square meters; and seven percent, with at least 120 square meters.

A large proportion of houses were made of strong materials

Sixty seven percent of the housing units had roof made of galvanized iron, higher by 16 percentage points from the 1990 figure (51 percent). At least one of every five housing units still had a roof made of either of cogon, nipa and anahaw. As to construction materials of the outer walls, 48 percent used wood, higher by 6 percentage points from the 1990 figure (42 percent). Over 17 percent had outer walls of either half concrete, bricks, stone or half wood while 14 percent with bamboo, sawali, cogon, nipa, and anahaw.



Cotabato City had witnessed more history than any other place in Mindanao. Its history dates back to the 15th century when Shariff Kabunsuan, an Arab missionary, landed along the banks of the Rio Grande de Mindanao and introduced Islam to the natives. Islam was the faith that moved the early settlers to communal life. He also established the Sultanate of Maguindanao with its golden age ushered in by Sultan Dipatuan Qudarat during the 17th century, the time when Cotabato City developed as the capital town of Maguindanao.

On July 1, 1950, the then Municipality of Cotabato was made first class municipality under Executive Order No. 466. Nine Years later, on June 20, 1959, it was created into a chartered city by virtue of Republic Act No. 2364.

Today, Cotabato City is the seat of two administrative regions: Region XII and the Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao. The City currently serves as the center for economic support activities (trade and finance), education and other support services such as social, physical, cultural and other basic services of Central Mindanao. /OVERCOT1.HTM







Table 1. Population Distribution of Top Five Barangays: Cotabato City, 2000

BarangayTotal PopulationPercent
Cotabato City163,849100.00
     Poblacion VII11,1496.80
     Rosary Heights X10,6996.53
     Rosary Heights III8,7605.35

Source: NSO, 2000 Census of Population and Housing


Table 2. Total Population by Age Group, Sex and Sex Ratio: Cotabato City, 2000

Age GroupTotal PopulationMaleFemaleSex Ratio
Cotabato City163,84979,85383,99695.1
     Under 13,7041,7891,91593.4
     1 to 416,0217,8938,12897.1
     5 to 919,5779,9309,647102.9
     10 to 1418,3599,0649,29597.5
     15 to 1919,9658,98110,98481.8
     20 to 2416,5967,4909,10682.3
     25 to 2914,1656,5397,62685.7
     30 to 3412,9176,7606,157109.8
     35 to 3911,0065,4755,53199.0
     40 to 449,0934,6784,415106.0
     45 to 497,1413,6613,480105.2
     50 to 545,2442,6902,554105.3
     55 to 593,4311,7471,684103.7
     60 to 642,7521,3431,40995.3
     65 to 691,65279585792.8
     70 to 741,07251555792.5
     75 to 7955124330878.9
     80 and over60326034375.8

Source: NSO, 2000 Census of Population and Housing


Table 3. Household Population 5 Years Old and Over by Highest Educational Attainment and Sex:
Cotabato City, 2000

Highest Educational AttainmentHousehold Population
5 Years Old & Over
Cotabato City141,80468,29873,506
     No Grade Completed14,2476,3447,903
     High School35,63317,05418,579
     Post Secondary4,4472,1122,335
     College Undergraduate23,90011,62412,276
     Academic Degree Holder8,2773,7604,517
     Post Bacalaureate967481486
     Not Stated7,5603,8233,737

Source: NSO, 2000 Census of Population and Housing


Table 4. Household Population by Ethnicity and Sex: Cotabato City, 2000

EthnicityBoth SexesMaleFemale
Cotabato City161,51777,97183,546
     Not Reported1,078528550

Source: NSO, 2000 Census of Population and Housing


Table 5. Total Population 10 Years Old and Over by Age Group and Marital Status: Cotabato City, 2000

Age GroupTotal Population
10 Yrs Old & Over
Cotabato City124,54757,07557,7114,7461,1721,7642,079
     Below 2038,32435,5101,46765491781,055
     20 to 2416,59611,1254,68051102251387
     25 to 2914,1655,2468,229107143258182
     30 to 3412,9172,3779,755204179290112
     35 to 3911,0061,0489,21128517919687
     40 to 449,0936277,63341216819855
     45 to 497,1413596,01545012613754
     50 to 545,2442794,175565998442
     55 to 593,4311672,603527525923
     60 to 642,7521461,848641355329
     65 to 691,652731,039470183121
     70 to 741,07248563406161821
     75 to 7955130253259333
     80 and over60340240304388

Source: NSO, 2000 Census of Population and Housing


Table 6. Occupied Housing Units by Construction Materials of Outer Walls and Roof: Cotabato City, 2000

Clay Tile
Cotabato City29,79420,0122379831,8076,02058677
     Half Concrete/Brick Stone and Half Wood5,0764,24935635431086 
     Galvanized Iron/Aluminum9052125651 
     Bamboo/Sawali/Cogon/ Nipa4,096419 19185346292
     Asbestos412 1   
     Glass76  1   
     Makeshift/salvaged/ improvised materials7819 243518 
     Others/Not Reported880123222316382656
     No Walls17131 111 

Source: NSO, 2000 Census of Population and Housing




Average Household Size - average number of people who live in the household

Growth Rate - the rate at which the population is increasing (or decreasing) in a given year due to natural increase and net migration, expressed as a percentage of the base population

Median Age - the age at which exactly half of the population is young and half is old

Sex Ratio - the ratio of males to females in a given population expressed as the number of males per 100 females

Age-Dependency Ratio - the ratio of persons in the "dependent" ages (under 15 years and over 64 years) to those in the "economically productive" ages (15 to 64 years old) in the population

Household - a social unit consisting of a person or a group of persons who sleep in the same housing unit and have common arrangements in the preparation and consumption of food

The 2000 Census of Population and Housing (Census 2000) was undertaken by the National Statistics Office (NSO) in May 2000, as mandated by Commonwealth Act No.591, Batas Pambansa Blg. 72 and Executive Order No 121. It was the 11th census of population and 5th census of housing undertaken in this country since the first census in 1903. It was designed to take an inventory of the total population and housing units all over the Philippines and to collect information about their characteristics. Census day for the Census 2000 was May 1, 2000 (12:01 a.m.). Enumeration started on May 1, 2000 and lasted for about 30 days.

With the creation of Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao (ARMM) as a result of the plebiscite in 1989, under Republic Act No. 6734, Cotabato City was separated from the province of Maguindanao. Hence, the population of Cotabato City was excluded from that of Maguindanao.

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