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Occupied Housing Units in the Country Increased by 4.8 Million (Results from the 2010 Census of Population and Housing)

Release Date:
Reference Number: 2013-162


Total number of occupied housing units in the Philippines reached 19.7 million
The 2010 Census of Population and Housing (2010 CPH), counted a total of 19,715,695 occupied housing units in the Philippines as of May 1, 2010.  These are housing units with households and persons living in them at the time of census enumeration.
Between 2000 and 2010,  the number of occupied housing units increased by 4,824,568 or 32.4 percent.
In 1960, the reported total number of occupied housing units was 4,435,153.  This is more than one fifth of the number of occupied housing units of the country in the 2010 CPH.  Of the six decennial censuses in the country, the inventory of housing units between the 1980 CPH and 1990 CPH had the largest increase of total occupied housing units at about 40.9 percent.
Region IVA had the most number of occupied housing units
Among the 17 regions, Region IVA had the most number of occupied housing units, making up 14.1 percent of the total occupied housing units at the national level.  This was followed by the National Capital Region with a 13.4 percent share.  Region III came in third with 11.1 percent. Cordilllera Administrative Region recorded the least number of occupied housing units with only a 1.8 percent share of the total occupied housing units in the country.
Region VI had the most number of occupied housing units in the Visayas while Region XI ranked first in Mindanao.
There were 102 households per 100 occupied housing units in the country
A total of 19,715,695 occupied housing units and 20,171,899 households in the Philippines in 2010.  These translate to a ratio of 102 households for every 100 occupied housing units, with an average of 4.7 persons per occupied housing unit.  In 2000, there were 103 households per 100 occupied housing units and 5.1 persons per occupied housing unit.
Across the country, the Autonomous Region of Muslim Mindanao (ARMM) recorded the highest ratio of 108 households for every 100 occupied housing units.  This was followed by the National Capital Region with a ratio of 105 households per 100 occupied housing units.
Majority of the occupied housing units were single houses
In 2010, single houses made up 86.5 percent of the total occupied housing units in the country.  About 4.5 percent were of duplex type while 8.5 percent were multi-unit residential buildings/houses.  By comparison, in 2000, single houses accounted for 87.7 percent of the total occupied housing units, 3.5 percent were duplex and 6.9 percent were multi-unit residential buildings or houses.
Occupied housing units with outer walls and roofs made of strong materials increased
In 2010, 45.7 percent of the occupied housing units in the country had outer walls made of concrete/brick/stone, up from 30.8 percent in 2000.  The proportion of occupied housing units with outer walls made of wood, on the other hand, decreased from 22.7 percent in 2000 to 18.1 percent in 2010.  Similarly, those with outer walls made of bamboo/sawali/cogon/nipa decreased from 22.8 percent in 2000 to 18.1 percent in 2010.
Meanwhile, majority (78.1 percent) of the occupied housing units in 2010 had roofs made of galvanized iron/aluminum.  This is higher than the proportion of 67.6 percent recorded in 2000.  The proportion of occupied housing units with roofs made of cogon/nipa/anahaw, on the other hand, declined from 22.3 percent in 2000 to 15.0 percent in 2010.
By comparison, all regions in Luzon, except for Region IVB, were reported as having the largest proportion of housing units with outer walls made of concrete/brick/stone ranging from 40.2 percent to 70.8 percent.  In contrast, four regions reported to have the largest proportion of occupied housing units with outer walls made of bamboo/sawali/cogon/nipa.  These are Region IVB with 42.2 percent, Region VI with 40.5, Region XII with 39.0 percent, and Region XI with 28.8 percent.  On the other hand, four regions were reported as having the largest proportion of occupied housing units with outer walls made of wood, namely, Caraga with 55.5 percent, ARMM with 49.6 percent, Region X with 41.1 percent, and Region IX with 39.0 percent.
Across the country, a proportion of about 54.5 percent to 89.4 percent of the occupied housing units in each region had roofs made of galvanized iron/aluminum.
The proportion of occupied housing units that needed major repair had decreased
Eight in every 10 occupied housing units (77.7 percent) in the country in 2010 either did not need repair or needed a minor repair.  About 14.9 percent were reported as needing a major repair.  The rest of the occupied housing units were categorized as follows:  unfinished construction (3.4 percent), under construction (1.2 percent), under renovation/being repaired (0.9 percent), and dilapidated/condemned (0.4 percent).
Forty percent of occupied housing units were built within the decade prior to the 2010 CPH
Two fifths (40.1 percent) of the occupied housing units in the Philippines were built within 10 years prior to the 2010 CPH, that is, in the period 2001 to 2010. Eleven regions recorded proportion of occupied housing units built in the period 2001 to 2010 higher than the national figure of 40.1 percent.  These are Region IX (56.7 percent), Region XII (55.8 percent), Region IVB (55.6 percent), Caraga (52.8 percent), ARMM (50.5 percent), Region V (49.4 percent), Region XI (47.0 percent), Region VI (46.7 percent), Region VIII (46.6 percent), Region X (45.7 percent), and Region II (41.1 percent).
About 25.3 percent were built during the period 1991 to 2000.  The remaining 34.6 percent were built more than 20 years prior to the 2010 CPH with 14.9 percent during the period 1981 to 1990, 7.4 percent during the period 1971 to 1980, and 6.5 percent in 1970 or earlier.
Seventeen percent of occupied housing units had a floor area of about 20 to 29 square meters
In 2010, the occupied housing units in the Philippines with a floor area of about 20 to 29 sq. m. (210 to 317 sq. ft.) comprised 17.1 percent.  Housing units with this size of floor area had an average of 4.7 occupants per occupied housing unit.  Meanwhile, housing units with a floor area of less than 20 sq. m. (210 sq. ft.) accounted for 38.1 percent.  The average number of occupants per occupied housing unit with this size of floor area was 4.5.
Meanwhile, 17.5 percent of the occupied housing units in the country had a floor area ranging from 30 to 49 sq. m. (318 to 532 sq. ft.).  On average, there were 4.7 occupants per occupied housing unit with this floor area.  Housing units with a floor area of about 50 to 69 sq. m. (533 to 748 sq. ft.) accounted for 11.0 percent.  These housing units had an average of 4.8 occupants per occupied housing unit.  On the other hand, housing units with a floor area of 70 to 89 sq. m. (749 to 963 sq. ft.) comprised 5.5 percent while those with floor area of 90 sq. m. (964 sq. ft.) or larger, 10.0 percent.  Housing units with a floor area of 70 sq. m (749 sq. ft.) or larger had an average of about 5.0 occupants per occupied housing unit.
Across the country, in all regions, except in Region IVA, the highest proportion of housing units is among those with floor area of less than 20 sq. m. (210 sq. ft.).  These proportions range from 23.5 percent to 61.2 percent.
Less than half of the households lived in lots that they owned or amortized
In 2010, 61.7 percent of the total 20,171,899 households in the country owned or amortized the lots that they occupied.  The corresponding figure in 2000 was 52.6 percent of the total 15,278,808 households. 
Moreover, 22.2 percent of the households occupied lots for free but with consent of the owner. By comparison, 10 regions had proportions higher than the national value of 22.2 percent. These are Region VI (39.5 percent), Region VIII (35.1 percent), Region V (34.1 percent), Region IX (30.9 percent), Caraga (29.1 percent), Region X (28.5 percent), Region IVB (26.3 percent), Region XII (25.4 percent), Region XI (25.1 percent), and Region VII (23.8 percent). 
On the other hand, about 12.1 percent rented the lots that they occupied. Only two regions had proportions higher than the recorded national figure.  These are NCR (33.4 percent) and Region IVA (15.0 percent).
Meanwhile, 2.4 percent occupied lots for free without consent of the owner. Five regions had proportions higher than the proportion recorded for the country.  These are the NCR (5.1 percent), Region VI (2.7 percent), Region XI (2.6 percent), Region XII (2.5 percent), and Caraga (2.5 percent).