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Ilocos Sur: City Of Candon Was The Largest In Terms Of Population Size (Results From The 2007 Census Of Population)

Release Date:
Reference Number: 2010-116
p align="JUSTIFY"bTotal population increased by 38,932 persons /b/p p align="JUSTIFY"The province of Ilocos Sur had a total population of 633,138 persons as of August 1, 2007, an increase of 38,932 persons from 594,206 persons reported in 2000. This increase translated to an annual population growth rate (PGR) of 0.88 percent during the period 2000 to 2007, or a decline of 0.97 percentage point from the PGR of 1.85 percent reported during the period 1995 to 2000./p p align="JUSTIFY"The household population of the province increased to 631,849 persons in 2007 from 593,608 persons in 2000. The number of households increased to 134,012 in 2007 from 119,212 in 2000. These increases in household population and number of households in 2007 translated to an average household size of 4.7 persons, lower than the average household size of 5.0 persons in 2000./p p align="JUSTIFY"bCity of Candon remained on top in terms of population size/b/p p align="JUSTIFY"Among the 2 cities and 32 municipalities of Ilocos Sur, the City of Candon registered the highest population with 56,270 persons or 8.9 percent of the total population of the province. It was followed by the City of Vigan (7.5 percent), the provincial capital, and the municipality of Narvacan (6.6 percent). These were the same top three areas in the province in terms of population size in 2000. The municipality of Sigay remained the least populated with only 2,375 persons in 2000 and 2,453 persons in 2007./p p align="center" /p p align="JUSTIFY"bMales outnumbered females/b/p p align="JUSTIFY"In 2007, the proportion of male household population (50.5 percent) was slightly higher than its female counterpart (49.5 percent), a reversal of proportion recorded in 2000. A sex ratio of 102 males per 100 females was computed in 2007. The sex ratio in 2000 was 100 males for every 100 females, meaning the number of males equals that of females./p p align="JUSTIFY"Males outnumbered females in age brackets 0 to 49 years while females outnumbered males in age brackets 50 years and over./p p align="JUSTIFY"bMedian age increased to 25 years/b/p p align="JUSTIFY"The median age of the household population of the province increased from 23 years in 2000 to 25 years in 2007. The median age of 25 in 2007 means that half of the household population for that year was below 25 years old./p p align="center" /p p align="JUSTIFY"Age groups 0 to 4 years (10.4 percent), 5 to 9 years (10.5 percent), and 10 to 14 years (10.5 percent) comprised almost one-third of the total household population./p p align="JUSTIFY"bAbout 63 percent were of voting age/b/p p align="JUSTIFY"The voting-age population (18 years old and over) in 2007 was reported at 62.6 percent of the household population, or an increase of 1.1 percentage point compared with the 61.5 percent voting-age population in 2000. Females of voting age outnumbered males in both census rounds./p p align="JUSTIFY"bDependents down to 63 persons per 100 persons in the working-age population/b/p p align="JUSTIFY"Of the household population, 61.4 percent belonged to the working-age population (15 to 64 years), 31.4 percent were young dependents (under 15 years) while 7.1 percent were old dependents (65 years and over)./p p align="JUSTIFY"The overall dependency ratio in 2007 was 63 dependents (51 young and 12 old dependents) per 100 persons in the working-age population. This is slightly lower than the ratio recorded in 2000, at 64 dependents per 100 persons in the working-age population./p p align="JUSTIFY"bMarried persons comprised nearly half of household population 10 years old and over/b/p p align="JUSTIFY"Eight in every 10 (79.1 percent) of the household population were 10 years old and over. Of this age group, 49.0 percent were married while 41.8 percent were never married. Those who were widowed, or divorced/separated, or who had common-law/live-in marital arrangement, or had unknown marital status made up less than 10.0 percent./p p align="JUSTIFY"Among the never married persons in 2007, there were more males (54.9 percent) than females (45.1 percent). Females outnumbered males in the rest of the categories for marital status./p p align="JUSTIFY"bMore females than males reached higher levels of education/b/p p align="JUSTIFY"More than one-third of the household population 5 years old and over had attended or completed elementary (35.2 percent) or secondary education (35.1 percent), 7.9 percent were college undergraduates, and 9.9 percent had academic degrees./p p align="JUSTIFY"More females than males had attended higher levels of education, as 59.2 percent of those with academic degrees and 63.8 percent of those who took post baccalaureate courses were females./p p align="JUSTIFY"bAbout two-thirds of household population 5 to 24 years old had attended school/b/p p align="JUSTIFY"Of the household population 5 to 24 years old, 66.0 percent had attended school during School Year 2007 to 2008. School attendance among females (67.3 percent of all females aged 5 to 24 years) was higher compared to that of their male counterparts (64.8 percent of all males aged 5 to 24 years)./p p align="JUSTIFY"bOccupied housing units increased by 13.5 percent/b/p p align="JUSTIFY"In 2007, there were 131,204 occupied housing units in Ilocos Sur. This number is 13.5 percent higher than the occupied housing units of 115,586 recorded in 2000. This translated to a ratio of 102 households per 100 occupied housing units in 2007, lower than the ratio of 103 households per 100 occupied housing units in 2000. A ratio of 4.8 persons per occupied housing unit was recorded in 2007, down from a ratio of 5.1 persons per occupied housing unit in 2000./p p align="JUSTIFY"bMajority of occupied housing units had strong materials for roofs and walls/b/p p align="JUSTIFY"In 2007, majority (58.6 percent) of the occupied housing units in Ilocos Sur had outer walls made of concrete/brick/stone while 92.8 percent had roofs made of galvanized iron/aluminum. These construction materials were also the primary materials used for outer walls and roofs in the province in 2000./p p align="JUSTIFY" /p table border="0" width="100%" tbody tr td colspan="80%" /td td align="CENTER" nowrap="nowrap"font face="Arial" size="-1"(Sgd.) bCARMELITA N. ERICTA/bbr / Administrator/font/td /tr /tbody /table p /p hr width="100%" / p align="center" /p p  ifont size="-1"Source:/font/ifont size="-1"font size="-1"b  font color="blue" size="-1"Household Statistics Departmentbr /                National Statistics Officebr /                Manila, Philippines/font/b/font/font/p pfont size="-1"font size="-1"font color="blue" size="-1" /font/font/font/p